Author: kingmarine
Do Series “I” Bonds Help Conquer Inflation?
Inflation comes for all of us; how we deal with it determines our financial success in life. I like to say that inflation is the cost of being alive. There are many ways to outpace inflation (dividend investing, real estate, cryptocurrencies, business), but you must balance each against your goals, dreams, and risk profile. I…
5 Takeaways from “How to Day Trade for a Living”
“How to Day Trade for a Living” by Andrew Aziz is a powerful look into the world of day trading. Although I do not aim to become a day trader, I can transfer many essential skills to my love of options trading. Day trading is a brutal profession that can destroy most people who try…
Don’t Gamble with Retirement 12
What does retirement mean to you? After being retired for six months, I can tell you what it means to me. It means I don’t get anxious when I go to bed on Sunday night. It means that my most important meetings of the day are with my wife and kids. It means I prioritize…
Dividend Stocks vs. Income Stocks: What is the Money Difference?
We all go to the stock market to achieve various results. Some of the reasons are to generate income, build wealth, and provide tax shelter through capital gains. No matter the reason that attracts you to the world’s biggest stage, you’ll need to be intentional with your money and investing goals. Not all stocks and…
Happy Cash Flow Retirement 11
It’s time for another journal about life, love, and the pursuit of happiness. Welcome to your Happy Cash Flow Retirement; I am glad you are here. But how did we get here? What does it mean to have a Happy Cash Flow Retirement? What steps can you implement today that can guarantee your success tomorrow?…
Royalties to the Rescue: Make Your Writing a Long-Term Income Stream
We will all need multiple income streams throughout our Happy Cash Flow Retirement. The days off depending solely on social security or a pension are long gone. Luckily, the internet allows us to create income from thin air, but it won’t be easy. Everyone and everything is competing for the same eyeballs. Therefore, to create…
Use the GI Bill as an Income Stream: Use Your Benefits to Build Wealth
The military retirement system allows people to jump from the lower and middle classes to the upper class. A person with a pension at an early age has the ability to “double dip” as they work a second job. However, a strong argument exists for using your retirement, pension, and benefits to build an empire.…
I Love Being Bored; It Means I’m Becoming Wealthier
When did we become a nation of people seeking to dine out daily, entertain our children with expensive trips, and redecorate our homes monthly? It seems that every time I turn on Facebook, someone is on a fancy trip, buying something new, or eating somewhere with five stars. This is not the America I remember…
High Yield Savings vs. Certificates of Deposit vs. Treasury Bills vs. Money Market Funds
Every dollar that flows into your household should serve a purpose, even if its primary goal is sometimes to sit in an account until you need it. As we become more financially sophisticated, we find ourselves using multiple types of accounts to ensure we are good stewards of our resources. Each account type serves a…
Investing for Interest 118: The Magic of Money Market Funds
As we transition from savers to investors, so should our mindset about the types of accounts we hold. High-yield savings accounts and certificates of deposits are great for building emergency funds and saving for house down payments. However, these accounts are a few steps removed from the stock market. If we want to become major…
Keep Rent in the Family: It’s The Best Way to Build Generational Wealth
Sometimes, we must step back and determine how we arrived at the unrealistic expectations we placed upon our kids and ourselves. Is it fair to expect someone to build an empire within 60 or 70 years? However, when we kick kids out at age 18, we expect them to do that exactly. From age 18,…
Preferred Shares vs. Mortgage REITs: Take Your Income To Next Heights
All is fair in love and war; however, income investing has different rules. Your income investing portfolio is just that—yours. How you build your income investing portfolio is near and dear to your heart and your circumstances. But it is essential to look at the options at your disposal. Today, I want to talk about…
Hustle Culture Represents the Erosion of the Family Unit: Build Passive Income as a Family
I’ve been watching lots of TikTok videos of people working multiple jobs due to inflation and high cost-of-living requirements. Sadly, working 40 hours at one job doesn’t provide enough income to support a person or family. However, there is still hope for the American Dream; it will just look different than you envision. Letting go…
5 Takeaways from “My Money My Way”
“My Money My Way” by Kumiko Love is a step-by-step guide on how to turn your financial (and emotional) life around. This book does a beautiful job of talking about the psychology of money. Changing money habits without understanding why we developed them is almost impossible. Money is only a tool we use to achieve…
Why Do Men Date Outside of Their League? From a Financial Perspective
Who you decide to marry is the most significant financial decision in your life. If you get it right, you’ll both retire early and live happily ever after. If you get it wrong, it’ll be quite the opposite. I am gearing this article to men between 25 and 30, instead of dreaming of the perfect…
The Importance of Treasuries 2: The Value of High-Yield Bond Reinvestment
Reinvesting a portion of your returns is critical to compounding your investment portfolio. As we invest in Treasuries, we should reinvest some coupon payments into similar-yielding products. But what if we reinvested into much higher-yielding income-focused products like closed-end funds, mortgage REITs, and preferred shares? Welcome back to The Importance of Treasuries series (Part 1),…
Let’s Get Started with Index Funds: From Saving to Investing
We should all love to save our money; however, many of us have a tough time when it comes to investing. Putting our money into the stock market can be intimidating if we don’t understand the reason why. The last couple of years have been nice for our high-yield savings accounts and other savings vehicles…