Category: CryptoCurrency

  • Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin ETFs: The Best Way to Gain Exposure to Alternative Assets

    Bitcoin vs. Bitcoin ETFs: The Best Way to Gain Exposure to Alternative Assets

    The Bitcoin hype is back and bigger than ever. If you have ever considered joining the craze, now is about as good a time as ever. However, new Bitcoin derivatives have hit the market in the form of Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). We must evaluate these new products and see how they align with…

  • The Metaverse 117: Return to the Metaverse

    The Metaverse 117: Return to the Metaverse

    With one announcement, Apple restored all the hopes and dreams of a Metaverse-rich future. Their $3,500 headset will increase the general public’s awareness of spatial computing—and the metaverse. It’s been over a year since I wrote about the metaverse. Much of the hype irradiating from the metaverse came from the gold rush into cryptocurrencies. The…

  • Counting on Crypto 3

    Counting on Crypto 3

    The early parts of 2022 saw the attempted demise of cryptocurrencies. Central banks, governments, and institutions sought to destroy the fledgling crypto community. Don’t forget to check out the mega-book “Counting on Crypto 2 (free pdf).” But we survived, and we are currently on a slight upswing. What does the future hold for cryptocurrencies, decentralized…

  • Passive Income Road Trip #4: Cryptocurrencies

    Passive Income Road Trip #4: Cryptocurrencies

    I arrived today in the dusty city of Las Cruces, New Mexico. I have fond memories of this place from when my wife and I made this road trip in 2012. I remember a lush, green desert landscape; that memory is not what I saw today. The city looks like it did not survive the…

  • Should You Trade on Margin?

    Should You Trade on Margin?

    No. Why put yourself, your family, and your portfolio at risk? Margin can amplify gains, but it tends to magnify losses. Today, let’s discuss the disadvantages of margin, safer ways to trade, and ways to invest by taking loans against your assets. What is margin trading? Margin is a loan against your assets. Depending on…

  • The Metaverse 116: Advertising in the Metaverse

    The Metaverse 116: Advertising in the Metaverse

    The advertising economy has shifted from billboards to content marketing. No longer can you run an ad and have someone purchase your product instantly. Ads are suitable for maintaining brand awareness across multiple generations of people (think Coca-Cola), but you’ll need to do more. The move from radio, magazines, and newspapers to the world of…

  • The Metaverse 115: Coaching in the Metaverse

    The Metaverse 115: Coaching in the Metaverse

    Being a coach is a demanding career because you have to bring more energy than your client. They expect you (and pay you) to be on point, knowledgeable, and a leader. I talked about coaching in “Start a Coaching Business towards Passive Income.” Today, we will take it a step further and see how we…

  • Crypto Investing 107: Voyager Comes to a Halt

    Crypto Investing 107: Voyager Comes to a Halt

    It’s a sad day indeed, but one we should always anticipate. The crypto markets are in turmoil, and it looks like the crypto-verse is collapsing.  Voyager (affiliate link), my favorite centralized exchange in crypto, is no longer accepting withdrawals, deposits, or trades. They are essentially waiting for markets to start rebounding. You can read the…

  • Stocks vs. Cryptos 2: Battle of the Beaten Down Assets

    Stocks vs. Cryptos 2: Battle of the Beaten Down Assets

    The world has changed dramatically since the time I wrote “Stocks vs. Cryptos.” That was over a year ago, and the stock market and crypto markets were much higher. Since the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates to curb inflation, it may also drive the economy into a recession. There seems to be a lot…

  • The Metaverse 114: Consulting in the Metaverse

    The Metaverse 114: Consulting in the Metaverse

    Talk about the metaverse is cooling off as we enter the great recession of 2022. But don’t be fooled by the lack of interest—the metaverse will be back soon and bigger than ever. Led by Meta (formerly Facebook), companies are still investing massive amounts of cash into the metaverse; therefore, we need to take its’…

  • Crypto Investing 106: What’s Your Budget for Speculation?

    Crypto Investing 106: What’s Your Budget for Speculation?

    Hopefully, the Crypto Investing 101 Series (101, 102, 103, 104, 105) has made you more comfortable with the idea of adding crypto to your investment portfolio. However, crypto is not at the point where it needs to be your largest holding or primary source of income. Today, I want to discuss how crypto can play…

  • Crypto Investing 105: Get Smart with Smart Chains

    Crypto Investing 105: Get Smart with Smart Chains

    The world of crypto is massive, and it gets bigger every day. So, where should we begin our crypto voyage? We just learned about stablecoins as a good entry point.  Welcome back to the Crypto Investing 101 series (101, 102, 103, 104), where we go from zero to hero in the crypto universe. Consider stable…

  • Crypto Investing 104: Start with Stablecoins

    Crypto Investing 104: Start with Stablecoins

    Today will be a fantastic day because I get to talk about my favorite investment strategy, USDC. USDC is a stablecoin that trades on centralized and decentralized exchanges.  What makes the United States Dollar Coin great is that it bridges the gap between traditional finance (TradFi) and Decentralized Finance (DeFi). Today, I will explore why…

  • A Recession vs USDC

    A Recession vs USDC

    During a recession, we must be on our best financial behavior. We will not have the resources to waste money all over town on things we “want.” Even better, we must have our money working for us and avoid working for money as our only source of income.  Many of us have children, families, or…

  • USDC vs Series I Bonds

    USDC vs Series I Bonds

    United States Dollar Coin (USDC) has proven to be one of my favorite high-yield investments over the past year. Using Voyager (affiliate link), it is easy to get your money in and out of USDC while earning 9% interest.  However, since the rise of inflation, Series “I” Bonds from the US Government have yielded over…

  • The Metaverse 113: The Metaverse vs. Your Job

    The Metaverse 113: The Metaverse vs. Your Job

    The metaverse is coming to take your job. If you are not a top performer at your job and consistently producing new ideas and concepts, be ready for a change in employment over the next 15-20 years. This may sound harsh, but the reality is your company probably doesn’t need you already. The goal of…

  • Crypto Investing 103: Avoiding FOMO At All Costs

    Crypto Investing 103: Avoiding FOMO At All Costs

    Social investing is all the rage nowadays. People post their thoughts, strategies, and wins all over social media—gaining considerable followings in the process. As a new investor, you begin to know, like, and trust these influencers.  However, you must avoid the temptation to invest in something only because of someone else’s recommendation. This is a…

  • Fundrise vs. USDC: Which Alternative Investment is Worth Your Money?

    Fundrise vs. USDC: Which Alternative Investment is Worth Your Money?

    I am a massive fan of stock market investing for the average person. Investing in the stock market for capital gains, dividends, and income are great ways to build and maintain wealth. However, we shouldn’t tie up all our money in the stock market. When there is a downturn in the stock market, we need…

  • Crypto Investing 102: Overcoming Your Fear of Cryptocurrencies

    Crypto Investing 102: Overcoming Your Fear of Cryptocurrencies

    Cryptocurrencies are the future of digital finance. They will form the basis of all social transactions in the metaverse and real life. However, most people become frozen in space & time when they think of crypto investing. This article stems from a conversation with a senior officer the other day. We talked about the housing…

  • Crypto Investing 101:  What Type of Investor Are You?

    Crypto Investing 101: What Type of Investor Are You?

    Investing is a very personal endeavor driven by your personality, goals, and ability to handle pressure. There are many types of investing techniques that can suit your persona. Some types of investing are real estate, dividends, capital gains, content creation, automated business, physical business, e*commerce, bonds/interest, collectibles, and cryptocurrencies.  Of these strategies, cryptocurrencies may be…