Return to the Metaverse

The Metaverse 117: Return to the Metaverse

With one announcement, Apple restored all the hopes and dreams of a Metaverse-rich future. Their $3,500 headset will increase the general public’s awareness of spatial computing—and the metaverse.

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It’s been over a year since I wrote about the metaverse. Much of the hype irradiating from the metaverse came from the gold rush into cryptocurrencies.

  1. The Metaverse 101: Enter the Metaverse
  2. The Metaverse 102: Investing in Virtual Real Estate
  3. The Metaverse 103: Business in the Metaverse
  4. The Metaverse 104: Education in the Metaverse
  5. The Metaverse 105: Employment in the Metaverse
  6. The Metaverse 106: Relationships in the Metaverse
  7. The Metaverse 107: Friendships in the Metaverse
  8. The Metaverse 108: Fitness in the Metaverse
  9. The Metaverse 109: Content Creation in the Metaverse
  10. The Metaverse 110: Life in the Metaverse
  11. The Metaverse 111: Transfer of Wealth in the Metaverse
  12. The Metaverse 112: Artificial Love in the Metaverse
  13. The Metaverse 113: The Metaverse vs. Your Job
  14. The Metaverse 114: Consulting in the Metaverse
  15. The Metaverse 115: Coaching in the Metaverse
  16. The Metaverse 116: Advertising in the Metaverse

The promise of a new world. The metaverse and cryptocurrencies promised a world without borders and lines.

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Investors and consumers could purchase stablecoins like USDC from across the world. This could allow anyone with access to play on a level playing field.

They could then jump into the metaverse to spend their digital currency on lands, trinkets, assets, and NFTs. It was all supposed to be one big happy party.

I still believe in the metaverse-rich future. But we have a ways to go before we all wear headsets or glasses all day.

The corporate world. It’s essential that we understand how the metaverse will grow and expand. More importantly, we must know WHO will build and develop it.

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Giant corporations like Apple, Meta, and Google are jockeying for positions to build out this new world in their image. Why do they care about the metaverse?

In a word, “Advertising.” The person with the most eyeballs will win. Have you seen the movie Blade Runner (1982)?

In the movie, advertising billboards were laid across every building and even in the sky. The metaverse will offer a similar intrusion into your eyeballs.

However, I understand and appreciate these corporations. They are spending billions of dollars on the front end to sell us ads on the back end. It’s all part of the capitalist world we inhabit.

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The metaverse through a new lens. There are four ways to look at the metaverse: as an entrepreneur, investor, content creator, and consumer.

The people who can look through all four lenses will make the most money. We are all going to seek the killer app that brings everyone on board into the digital world (Web 3.0).

  1. Business. A business will need to learn how to advertise in the metaverse effectively. Having static billboards won’t cut it.
  2. Investors. Each metaverse may have its own cryptocurrencies that investors can buy alongside consumers (like Landbox LAND). Investors can also invest in metaverse companies on the stock market. However, finding and investing in the right app makers will bring the most income during the gold rush phase (similar to Apple App Store in 2008)
  3. Content creators. There will be a major shift in content consumption once Web 3.0 becomes popular. Videos and books will need to become interactive somehow. Also, consumers will want to tell their stories through the metaverse. Only the strongest stories will survive.
  4. Consumers. The general population will follow whatever is hot at the moment. As soon as celebrities say the metaverse is cool and equipment prices come down, consumers will adopt Web 3.0.

How to position yourself for the metaverse future. We all need to go back to when we were children. Remember when we believed in everything and had pure excitement and joy?

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It’s easy to be cynical and pessimistic about the metaverse, but that won’t make you any money. We must be optimistic about the massive changes we will see in the next ten years.

If you are a business, start thinking about new ways to advertise. Investors must search for the latest companies that can play even a small role in the metaverse.

Content creators should continue to tell great stories. Don’t fall for the ChatGPT trap; be original and make your stories personal and unique.

Finally, consumers will need to spend some money upfront for the hardware (perhaps even $3,500). If you want any chance of getting out of the middle class, you’ll need to invest in new technology. 

It is similar to the parents who bought computers for their kids in the 1980s. Those kids had a massive head start on those of us who had to wait until our public schools had a computer room (remember those days?).

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My thoughts on the killer application. Here is my take on the killer application inside the metaverse.

The first years will see corporations build out their version of the metaverse. However, eventually, they will turn the tools and APIs (toolsets) over to consumers.

This is similar to games like Roblox, Fortnite, and Minecraft. Users can go in and make their own creations in those worlds.

However, in the metaverse, the tools will be on an entirely different level. I envision corporations building out massive worlds for their intellectual properties.

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Let’s take the example of Star Wars. Disney can build a metaverse world around the bustling planet of Coruscant.

Inside this world, users can create rich content around the tools, people, and scenery of Coruscant. 

For example, let’s take a gritty crime Noir set inside the old-school diners and back alleys of Coruscant. 

We can follow the hard-boiled Jack Toast around his grimy daily life on the force. He may have to track down a rogue Jedi one day and a shape-shifter the next.

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How will we consume the content? We can watch these user-generated episodes on standard YouTube or inside the metaverse, looking through Jack Toast’s eyes.

Eventually, we can play different roles in the narrative (the Jedi, Jack Toast, or the shape-shifter), and the story will unfold based on our actions and decisions.

As you can see, it will be a mix of video games, television, YouTube, and advertising. Can you imagine the free publicity Disney will get once Jack Toast becomes a household name?

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Conclusion. The metaverse’s future is bright; if you want a piece of it, you’ll have to believe.

Right now, it’s not about jumping in and blowing a lot of money. It is about following the breadcrumbs, creating content, and developing your own vision of the future.

We know corporations want our eyeballs and wallets, but they are taking enormous risks to build out this future.

If we want any chance to have it our way, we must create the next killer application. Eventually, there will be an open-source metaverse, but that is far into the future.

I plan on getting the Apple Vision Pro to ascertain this new world. I don’t want the gold rush to leave me behind. Good Luck!

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