The Metaverse 105: Employment in the Metaverse

I’m sure we were all ecstatic when our bosses told us to return to work after working remotely for over a year. NOT! Every time I leave to go to work, I have a deep sinking feeling because my physical body doesn’t need to be there every day.

Disclaimer. I am sick as a dog with the flu as I write this. I am alone in my barracks room (in Japan), with no NyQuil in sight. I miss my wife so much…

Welcome back to the Metaverse 101 series (101, 102, 103, 104), where I attempt to predict the future. My goal is to help bring in the metaverse at a profit. 

Mothers as Entrepreneurs

I grew up in the Marine Corps as an Air Traffic Control Technician, working on fancy radars, navigational aids, radios, and weather equipment. Doing that line of work would require me to be physically present. That makes sense, right?

However, over the years, I transitioned to a more paperwork and meetings role. I can accomplish 90% of the daily functions from home. That’s where, hopefully, the Metaverse comes to the rescue.

Two types of work. I believe there will be two types of labor in the metaverse; physical jobs conducted inside the metaverse and metaverse only jobs. Each will bring lucrative opportunities for the savvy entrepreneur. 

Physical jobs. Let’s start with physical jobs we can perform while in the metaverse. At first, we will begin our metaverse work in earnest.

The daily routine will be like current remote work setups—Zoom calls, Microsoft TEAMs meetings, Google Docs collaboration, etc. However, instead of stopping what we are doing to attend a meeting, we can all work together in real-time.

Have you ever noticed how much time meetings waste? That will be one of the employment goals in the metaverse, group multi-tasking.

What is a Sales Funnel?

The metaverse will allow companies to build entire worlds dedicated to productivity. We shouldn’t have to wear our virtual reality headgear all day. Hopefully, we can allocate two hours of hyper-productive time to log into the metaverse and make team harmony. 

Current issues. As an entrepreneur, this is where we solve problems for profit. The main point today is that employers don’t trust employees to perform at their highest levels without management leading them.

Mass productivity is a huge problem that corporations need to solve as soon as possible. Each employee needs to form a little entrepreneurial awareness. They need to ask, “What can I do today that will give me the most productivity gains?”

If you are a content creator, this will be the elephant in the room. I would start reading books and putting together content with ideas such as remote teamwork, being productive as a single person, and earning trust from remote employers.

Choose Your Wealth Generator

With the virus hovering around for a long time and the rise of the metaverse, employers will need to shift their focus to remote teams. Entrepreneurs will step up to the plate. 

Metaverse-only jobs. Now let’s look at jobs that will only exist in the metaverse. Entrepreneurs, business owners, and content creators will have a huge leg up on the competition—at least at first. 

The reason is that 1) they create their own jobs 2) or they already have a reputation for solid work in the metaverse.

It’s almost like hiring a freelancer from today. If I hire someone to create me a book cover in five days, I expect them to accomplish this task promptly. I’m not going to micro-management this person for five days.

Similarly, in the metaverse, freelancers, content creators, and entrepreneurs will be around to fill the specific needs of their clients. If this sounds interesting, start learning everything you can about the metaverse. 

Basics of Design 104

Example of metaverse workflow. In The Metaverse 102, I discussed buying virtual real estate. To purchase virtual land from someone else, you may need a virtual real estate agent and someone to write your deed to the blockchain. 

Now, you have an empty plot of digital land; you need to design either a home (with entertainment value) or a business. If you are not a coder, you will need to hire someone to create your vision.

Finally, you will need to set up payments, audit trails, bookkeeping, inventory, etc. It will be just like a business in real life. You will need digital freelancers to assist you. Those struggling with our blog sites and YouTube today will have more advanced knowledge than the layperson. 

The best way to earn money in the metaverse. If you have no intention of building a large business in the metaverse, learn the business flow for each business category.

For example, we know that rich people will eventually want to move into the metaverse space, at least digitally. Do they need a tour guide, explanations of land prices and values, or assistance hanging their NFTs?

I bought a Kindle Oasis

If your brain currently doesn’t function as an entrepreneur, no worries—you can learn. For the majority of people, entrepreneurship is something we learn. Read these ten books before you begin your journey into the metaverse.

The importance of NFTs. I think NFTs will be huge in the digital workplace. If we all have our avatars wearing regular clothes, the person with the fancy outfit wins. 

I believe people will spend more money on their digital NFT outfits than they spend on clothes in real life. That is just my prediction. How else will people stand out from one another? If you are an art & design content creator, start looking into this now. 

The 8-Hour Mindset Destroys Wealth

Conclusion. If you are a standard worker, you can sit back and wait for the shift into metaverse employment. If you want to get ahead and add value to your company (or Company of One), then jump into the metaverse today. 

Remember, the huge question companies are asking is, “How can I ensure my employees are productive when remote working?”

Start your search from that point, and you will see the fruits of your labor very quickly. Being able to write on a resume something like “Metaverse certification, or own a business in the metaverse” will pay huge dividends to your market value.

Thanks for reading the Metaverse 101 series. Hopefully, you have some fresh ideas floating around your brain. When I read, all I want to capture is one new concept—and that’s what I aim to provide you. 

  1. PDF of the Month: Become CEO of Yourself 2 (Free 196-Page PDF)
  2. Free PDF Downloads: Download FREE PDF books here
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  8. Business: Retire Rich, Retire Comfortable with a Business 2 (Free 185-Page PDF)
  9. Everything!: The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever! (book)(Web Edition)(Art Edition)
  10. I bought a Kindle Oasis: Check it out Amazon
  11. Read My Books for Free: Free Kindle Books Schedule
  12. Crypto Exchange: My Favorite Crypto Exchange VOYAGER (Join Voyager)
  13. Kindle Unlimited: I Why Finally Subscribed Kindle Unlimited (learn more)
  14. Book Reviews: 54 Takeaways from 54 Books (book)
  15. Want to Build Passive Income from Books and Affiliate Marketing? (Learn here)
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New Year’s Passive Income Resolution 2022: Blank-Lined Notebook (Amazon)

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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