The Metaverse 109: Content Creation in the Metaverse

As we delve deeper into the metaverse, there will be an evolution of the content we will consume. When I first started playing around on the internet at home in 1996, I could have never imagined the rich content of YouTube and Facebook.

We are at a similar point in time in the metaverse—no one knows what the future holds. However, that doesn’t mean we just standstill. We need to create today if we want to succeed tomorrow. 

Welcome back the Metaverse 101 series (101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108). Today, we will discuss content creation in this new digital revolution. 

Living Overseas with an Automated Business

Three types of content. I will divide content into three different types and briefly discuss each one. Structural content pertains to world-building, How-To content assists people in getting into the metaverse, and finally, Niche content will be its version of YouTube-style information.

1) Structural content. Structural content will be vital to world-building around the metaverse. The average person isn’t buying land in the metaverse and building digital homes. 

Similar to real estate in the real world, there will be a market for digital homes and businesses. If you want a unique-NFT style home, you will pay much more than standard off-the-shelf homes.

Think of this dynamic in today’s terms. As a blogger, I can quickly go into WordPress and buy a standard website theme for cheap. However, if I want a custom webpage, I will pay much more money. 

Structural designers will be coders, web designers, and engineers. The market will be huge for homes, businesses, furniture, cars, etc. Think of the game “The Sims 4,” where there was a never-ending stream of new clothes and homes. 

There will also be structural content for the world’s proper. Games like Fortnite, Minecraft, and Roblox, allow users to create world content using in-game tools. 

How to Thrive in the Gig Economy

If you want to become a designer, hop into these games today. It takes 10,000 hours to become great at something, so start today. The worlds may be different moving forward, but your vision and skills can adapt quickly to changes. 

2) How-To Content. How long did it take for older people to transition to smartphones? I would wager that most people don’t use their phones to their full potential. 

The transition to the metaverse will leave many folks behind. The will be a considerable market for how-to guides, books, and tutorials. Each new shift in technology brings its own barriers, causing separation between the ages.

I know that cryptocurrencies intimidated me so much that I decided to learn and write about them. I wanted to take power into my own hands. Most people will wait until the last minute before converting to the new world order.

Don’t miss the boat on the metaverse. This will be where we will meet, eat, and work for the next 20-30 years. Learn everything about the metaverse and teach others in a simple format. 

The Magic of Being a Content Creator

Inside the metaverse, we will need tour guides, real estate agents, payment coordinators, etc. The metaverse will mimic the real world, but everything will be slightly different. Terms will change, and money will flow uniquely.

The more you learn about the metaverse, the easier you can teach others. There may also be a physical component to this, for example, helping folks set up their accounts, hardware, and software. 

3) Niche content. We consume Niche content today with music, podcasts, blogs, and videos. There will always be a place for niche content; however, we don’t know how we will consume content. 

When J.R.R. Token wrote the Lord of the Rings in the 1930s and 1940s, he couldn’t imagine the future for this franchise. He created great books and let the rest happen over time.

So today, we need to continue to create great content. The metaverse will slowly shift the way we consume content. If fewer people commute to work because of telework via the metaverse, what does that mean for podcasts?

My Experience Running Facebook Ads

Do we think that podcasts will go away? Of course not; we will change how we listen to them. Maybe we can sit at the virtual table with our podcast host. The future looks bright for all forms of media. 

Evolution of content. As technology evolves, individual content producers gain more direct access to their fans and audiences. 

There was a time when gatekeepers held the keys to the music industry, movies, and books. Today, content creators can release these forms of media directly to their audience via podcasts, YouTube, and Kindle publishing

Content creators have also become their own advertising platforms. Once they build a strong audience, they can venture into sponsorships, brand deals, and affiliate marketing

I expect this to continue into the metaverse. I envision rudimentary tools for people to create their own metaverse worlds. So I can create MFI World (Military Family Investing), where I display all of my books and cover art. I can sell unique NFT books and do virtual book signings. This is the next frontier in content creation. 

Sell Your Creativity for Passive Income

Over the years, these world-building tools will become so good that end-users can’t tell the difference between companies and individuals. Once you have a successful, widespread metaverse, large brands will pay you to set up billboards and other ads. 

Conclusion. The main takeaways should be to start creating content daily now. We don’t know what the metaverse holds, but we know a few things.

We know someone has to build the world and assist others with adding individual features. There will be a vast group of people who the transition will leave behind unless they receive help.

Finally, each new shift in content creation gives the creators more freedom to reach their audience directly. The metaverse will provide us with our own planets, but it’s our job to fill these planets with content. 

Start creating today, and you will be ready for what tomorrow brings. Stay tuned for more on the metaverse over the following days, months, and years. I am here for the long run. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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