Pumpkin Spice & Royalties 2

We live in an amazing time where anyone can make supplemental income from royalties. We can use these royalties for anything we want in life, plus leave them to our children for 70 more years.

The fall season is when we need additional royalties because it’s the time we spend the most money. Black Friday reminds us that our paychecks are inadequate to live our desired lives. 

This holiday season, take it upon yourself to build your portfolio on royalty-producing assets. It may take a couple of seasons to see the results, but they last a lifetime. 

Pumpkin Spice & Royalties

Getting started with royalties. Royalties are paychecks derived from creative works. Building royalty income requires work and must add enough value for someone to purchase it.

The first step is deciding how you want to earn royalties. I count six methods (music, photography, art & design, video, audio, and writing), plus software and trademark royalties. 

Each method has multiple ways to monetize your income further. For example, you can create music for your piano and create “how-to guides” on playing the piano.

The royalty grind. No one will care when you release your creative works into the world. Nor should they because nobody owes you anything

My 60-Day Pre-Retirement

Your mission is to keep grinding until you no longer care if anyone notices you. You must travel this journey alone, as most people will not believe in you.

After releasing tons of music, podcasts, tattoo art, and blog posts, you’ll notice a slow upward trend of eyeballs. At this point, you just keep grinding. Never stop the grind, and you’ll get to where you desire.

However, are you prepared to grind for 3-5 years before earning serious money? Do you love your craft so much that you would do it for free?

Income on income. Once you feel you have a strong product, it’s time to bring more people to the top of your sales funnel.

Why You Need a Job

Let’s say I created ten piano albums of ten songs each for 100 pieces. I can sell these albums on my website and perhaps an indie website. How do I get more strangers to see my wares?

I could either advertise or create more content. Advertising costs money, and you will always be chasing your tail. Or you can create a content marketing strategy to build more content around your albums.

For piano music, I would release all 100 songs on YouTube for free. Then, I would explain how I created each piece, the notes, and why the song is unique.

Further, I would release a blog post about each song and more about how to play piano videos and posts. In the meantime, I would keep grinding a new song every two weeks. 

How to FALL into Investing

I am not a fan of TikTok, but you can create a nice one-minute loop of your songs, to get additional exposure. Find ways to help people get started with a piano, especially people without the required resources. 

Overtake the world with content. As you create different paths, they all lead back to your albums. Most people are consumers and will not appreciate all the hard work you put into your piano business.

However, some people are producers (10%) and understand your time’s value. They also greatly appreciate you sharing your gift with the world. These customers are your “Superfans,” and they will allow you to do what you love. 

Debt-Free? So, What’s Next? 

In essence, you are releasing things for free to find your Superfans. Do not let the consumers dissuade you from traveling your path and reaching your destiny.

Anyone who produced something would never stop another person from taking action. Producers support producers and understand how vital positive comments are to assisting young creators.

Therefore, anyone who says “you suck” or “you’re not good enough” is not a producer. Keep that in mind as you move forward. You will have haters because playing the piano for an unknown audience takes guts.

It all comes together. If you can keep up the pace of releasing content and content marketing out into the world, people will take notice. 

The Magic of House Hacking

Even if only for the sheer force it takes to release so much content. However, for every person who releases a piano album, there are 100 more thinking of doing the same. 

You added value to another human being when you receive a royalty payment. Nothing is better than knowing that something from your mind helped someone along their journey. 

Royalties for life. Royalties are unique in that they continue to grow over time. Once you have a massive body of work, you can attract more Superfans by doing podcasts, speaking engagements, and interviews.

Do the work, then promote the work. However, always keep grinding in the background. The best way to advertise your back catalog is with a new project.

Very few people can create a massive body of work and exploit it throughout their lifetimes. That should be your aim.

Losing Friends? You’re Doing Something Right

Don’t let success slow you down; stay on mission. Your goal is to remain top of mind by releasing new content. Plus, you love what you do anyways.

Did you see how well “Top Gun Maverick” performed at the box office? How many people went back and watched “Top Gun” after watching the sequel? That’s the power of releasing an overwhelming amount of content.

Their scarcity is your abundance. It may seem far off for you to create content. I have been in that boat as well. You believe that you are not an expert or that everyone is better than you. 

This is how people want you to feel. They live a life of scarcity and would never have the courage to release their works into the world. 

The question is how badly you want to create royalties while helping others. If you want it bad enough, you won’t let limiting beliefs prevent you from becoming great.

What Type of Home Business Should You Start?

Conclusion. Yes, your work at first will suck. It takes 10,000 hours to become great at something. But, you have to start with that first hour. 

I started a blog without any knowledge about blogging or writing. I released a book without any information on being an author. All these things sucked at first. 

However, I am 3,000 hours into my 10,000. I am receiving a small number of royalties, which means I am helping others along their journey.

Tis’ the season of royalties. How do you want to spend the next 40 Christmas seasons? Do you want to work at a dead-end corporate job or create lovely Holiday piano music? Good luck!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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