The Magic of Remote Work

Commuting to work every day sucks. I should know; I have done it every day in the military for the last 23 years. However, there are some good things about going into the office.

You get to make friends and see people’s faces. You also can gather energy and motivation as a team to complete lengthy projects. Mentorship is also much more manageable when face-to-face. 

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The cons of going into the office. Over the years, the office has created a lot of dead time. We used to pride ourselves in keeping meetings short, but those days are long gone.

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Now, you are no longer in control of your own time. Going to work with a plan no longer applies as they will pull into meetings all day.

We no longer give our employees deep training programs; we watch as they struggle for months and years.

Employees are entitled and have no desire to build themselves or their knowledge. If you don’t give them specific tasks, don’t expect them to accomplish much.

The value of remote work. For motivated workers, remote work is a dream come true. You can focus on your mission set, create tasks, and, more importantly, accomplish them.

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However, only 10-15% of employees will thrive in a remote work situation. Most people need a boss looking over their shoulder to achieve minimal results. 

Will you make a good remote worker? The qualities that make you a great remote worker will ensure your success as a content creator, investor, real estate tycoon, and entrepreneur

I call these traits my core values of passive income: self-discipline, self-education, and self-motivation. If you have these traits, welcome to the new world order.

Remote work will evolve. For the few successful remote workers, the employment environment will change.

I believe most highly-skilled workers will shift to a consulting-style, freelancing persona. Carrying employees full-time is becoming too expensive for companies. 

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Therefore, you’ll need to get into a company and build experience and contacts quickly. Prove to the world that you can work independently and ensure you keep an updated body of work

As I said, very few people will have the core values to succeed from home. Companies will slowly replace the less-than-stellar workers with artificial intelligence

I just finished watching “The Matrix (1999),” and I understand most people will need a job for the matrix to endure. What will happen to workers after AI takes over is unknown.

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Remote work is just the start. If you can build yourself as a remote worker, you can parlay that into a much more lavish lifestyle. 

First, you can build a pleasant work environment right in your home. Once you have somewhere to accomplish your mission, you can build upon it.

What’s stopping you from using this space to become a content creator, dividend investor, real estate investor, or starting a home business?

Discipline is discipline. You see, most people lack the discipline to succeed on their own. This is why they have trouble investing or paying down debt

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Remote work is the first step into a world where you can take charge of yourself. That’s why so many people found out their capabilities during the pandemic.

If you are reading this, chances are you have the discipline to create multiple streams of passive income. Even better, you can keep your remote work job.

The dangers of remote work. Working from home exclusively isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Loneliness is the top degrader of long-term performance. 

I have met a few people who became alcoholics and drug addicts while working from home. So you will need to find ways to get out of the house and mingle with humans.

We all believe that being independent is the answer to happiness, but relationships keep us grounded in this reality. 

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Luckily, many ways exist to create friendships and build them into long-term support structures. Perhaps, you may even find people that want to have deeper relationships than your local friends. 

Remote work vs. a job. Not all remote work offers the same level of advancement. Be careful not to get a mundane data entry job. Yes, it will be easy to achieve your daily assignments, but you won’t build a body of work.

You’ll want to foster a remote work situation where you can finish projects, give presentations, and supervise other remote workers. In a nutshell, you will want to be a manager or supervisor. 

Of course, you won’t start at the top, but keep it in mind as you work. I believe many remote workers will get stuck in an endless work loop.

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Nobody will push them to achieve higher promotions or work performance. It’s like staying a Sergeant (E-5) in the Marine Corps for 30 years.

The writing’s on the wall. If you enter any corporate environment, you will see people wasting time. 

My wife and I went to sushi yesterday, and the waitress played on her phone in between serving us. The “powers that be” created the tools of our destruction: cell phones, Tik Tok, social media, and Netflix.

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Very few people can escape the feedback loop of having a cellphone in their pocket. Imagine if they worked from home if they cannot work consistently in a physical location.

Companies will slowly get rid of these time-wasting employees. They may send them home with specific goals to achieve. They will fail, and the company will fire them. 

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Somehow, companies will find ways to rid themselves of unproductive assets (employees). Therefore, now is the time to separate yourself in a physical and virtual environment.

Conclusion. Remote work is the stepping stone to much bigger self-employment opportunities. First, you must build a resumé of notable work you achieved with various companies.

Once you build a routine of working on your own, completing high-value missions, and reporting to superiors, you will be in high demand.

Trust me; it doesn’t take much to stand out in today’s world. You need only try to improve daily, and you will be in the top 10% of workers. 

However, don’t take remote work for granted. It can be dangerous to be alone for long periods. Keep yourself in shape, motivated, and seek relationships with others.

Now is the time to separate yourself from the lazy workers. Prove yourself to be a valuable asset, and you will receive the reward of working from home. Good Luck!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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  1. […] work for everyone. In 2020, the dream of working remotely became a reality. With a high-speed internet connection, people could work from anywhere in the […]

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