Tag: free-pdf-book
Investing for Interest 118: The Magic of Money Market Funds
As we transition from savers to investors, so should our mindset about the types of accounts we hold. High-yield savings accounts and certificates of deposits are great for building emergency funds and saving for house down payments. However, these accounts are a few steps removed from the stock market. If we want to become major…
Preferred Shares vs. Mortgage REITs: Take Your Income To Next Heights
All is fair in love and war; however, income investing has different rules. Your income investing portfolio is just that—yours. How you build your income investing portfolio is near and dear to your heart and your circumstances. But it is essential to look at the options at your disposal. Today, I want to talk about…
Why Do Men Date Outside of Their League? From a Financial Perspective
Who you decide to marry is the most significant financial decision in your life. If you get it right, you’ll both retire early and live happily ever after. If you get it wrong, it’ll be quite the opposite. I am gearing this article to men between 25 and 30, instead of dreaming of the perfect…
Let’s Get Started with Index Funds: From Saving to Investing
We should all love to save our money; however, many of us have a tough time when it comes to investing. Putting our money into the stock market can be intimidating if we don’t understand the reason why. The last couple of years have been nice for our high-yield savings accounts and other savings vehicles…
Retirement vs. Financial Freedom: One is Financial; The Other is Spiritual
No one wants to work forever. As much as we love our careers initially, doing something for 30 to 40 years can tax our nervous systems. The idea of having multiple years in retirement is a relatively new concept. Before, people would work until they died. Once we moved into the city and began having…
The 100-Year Mortgage is Coming: How to Position Your Family to Avoid It
There are no more beautiful words than “generational wealth.” We should all strive to leave our families in better positions than when we first built them. One of the main ways to create and maintain generational wealth is through owning your primary residence. Your kids and grandkids can significantly benefit from the compounding effect of…
America Will Never Let You Rest: We Must Achieve a 50% Savings Rate
Do you have the feeling that you are constantly running in place? That every time you make some progress, you have another financial setback? Welcome to America. Welcome to capitalism. The only way to get ahead in America is to become uber-rich. Yes, we can get ahead of bills by living below our means and…
Santa’s Bringing Closed-End Funds for Christmas
It’s a jolly good time of the year to have a bank account full of income. How could you use an extra $500, $1,000, or $1,500 per month in revenue? Would receiving an extra $500 monthly in guilt-free dividends change your life? I know that it has changed mine in spectacular ways. Often, we ask…
Should Multiple Families Live Together? Only If They Want To Become Wealthy
America will become a renter nation. We will own nothing and be privileged to be in that position. We will have no other options. I read a quote by Grant Cardone stating that we should expect 100-year home mortgages before the next century. And he is absolutely correct. In the meantime, 40-year mortgages will become…
7 Reasons to Become an Income Investor
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck or being broke? Do you crave to take your family out to nice restaurants and sports events on the weekends? There are three ways to climb out of the rat race: getting promoted, living on a budget, OR taking control of your passive income. The first two…
How to Raise Financially Intelligent Kids: Staying Debt-Free or Becoming Capitalists?
We all want to raise children who understand how to give, save, and invest; however, this is more challenging than it sounds. The world wants our children to become horrible money managers; many entities (banks, companies, lenders) can take advantage of adults with no financial intelligence. As we raise our kids, there are two predominant…
Spicy Dividends for a Bland Life: Make More Money for Doing Less Work
I remember my life as an employee. The military paid me twice a month for over 24 years. They used to call it “three hots and a cot.” For the first 20 years, my only income derived from those two monthly paychecks. They increased yearly, but my expenses increased more than my pay raises. Soon, the…
The Pros & Cons of Homeownership #3: Inflation Protection
My generation (40s) didn’t honestly know about inflation a few years ago because we had never felt it. However, 2022 changed that for all of us. Suddenly, food, gas, and housing costs rose faster than our wages. Those who had locked in 2-3% mortgages on lower-priced homes were sitting pretty. Those in the market who…
Why Series “I”? The Benefits of Investing in Savings Bonds
With the Federal Funds rate hovering around 5%, there are many places to park your cash and receive a good deal of interest. Some of these investments include high-yield savings, certificates of deposit, treasury bills, and treasury notes. With so many choices, how is a saver to choose? How to invest is a deeply personal…
Dividends vs. Royalties part IV: How to Earn $200 a Month in Passive Income
Living on passive income seems like a dream life, but in reality, getting started is anything but passive. Building an income stream takes a lot of active time, effort, and work. This is part four of my Dividends vs. Royalties series (Part #1, Part #2, Part #3), where I compare passive income from dividend investing…