Homeschooling + Online Business: The Stay-At-Home Parent’s Ultimate Dream

Do you dream of being a stay-at-home parent? Are you disappointed with the public (and private) school system?

My dream is to homeschool my grandkids. I failed my two boys (ages 16 and 12) by putting them through the public school system—I believed I would get good results.

However, the school system is much different than when I graduated in 1999. I can do a better job of teaching my grandkids than the public.

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The ultimate test of planning. You cannot just wake up one day and start homeschooling someone. It takes planning, coordination, and education. 

I am ten years away from the birth of my first grandchild and another five from the start of school. That gives me 15 years to prepare for my adventure in homeschooling.

I have already finished the book “The Independent Homeschool” and learned much about creating an independent learner.

Because I am an independent learner, I wholeheartedly believe I can produce more learners like me. Independent learners seek answers but, more importantly, create questions they seek to solve.

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If you can create kids that challenge themselves and hold each other accountable, this will free your time as a stay-at-home entrepreneur

The stay-at-home public school myth. Many parents believe that sending their children to school will free up their time as stay-at-home parents. 

However, there are many obstacles the school system throws your way to disrupt your schedule. Here are a few things we have encountered:

  1. The bus may not come to your neighborhood.
  2. The bus schedule is fluid, meaning you’ll have to drive your kid to school often.
  3. The bus stop isn’t protected from the weather, meaning you’ll have to drive your kid to school.
  4. The school sends your kid home for 48 hours because of a fever.
  5. Random, last-minute parent-teacher conferences.
  6. Parents must attend sporting events with their kids (even if kids are spectating).
  7. Dental and doctor appointments are a nightmare.
  8. Waiting in line to drop your kid off/pick up your kid.
  9. The costs of lunch, events, sports, and fundraisers.
  10. School expects parents to do homework with kids.
  11. School expects parents to organize kids’ book bags.
  12. So many random loose-leaf pdfs inside kids’ backpacks (my pet peeve).

The list goes on and on. You will have less free time as a stay-at-home parent than you think. The school will control your life, and it’s worse with multiple kids in multiple schools.

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You can homeschool your kid if you have any kind of organization and motivation. It’s not about instructing them as much as creating good habits, leading by example, and teaching them how to learn independently.

The financial burden of a stay-at-home parent. However, having the ability to stay home is for the top 10% of society. As “The Two-Income Trap” states, the migration to the suburbs made it necessary for both parents to work.

We can counteract these costs by living below our means; however, this has limits. We will need multiple income streams to prevent disaster and prepare for the future

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What you need is an online business that caters to your homeschool schedule. But can you create a custom home business that perfectly fits your time and income needs? Yes, you can because I did it.

Picking the right online business. There are tons of online business models to choose from, so you have to filter these by your time and income criteria. 

You’ll probably teach from 7 am to 2 pm every weekday, give or take. After school, you may want to take your children out for social interaction and stimulation. 

You’ll need to spend time with your spouse before and after school and work. The book “His Needs, Her Needs” clarifies how vital it is to plan your time together.

Blogging to Financial Independence

You will need to start an asynchronous business using these hours as a guide. This business model means you can create or build without a specific time or place in mind. 

Writing for the win. The best asynchronous business model is writingblogging or writing books. Writing, however, is a tough business to get off the ground.

You will need 3-5 years to make decent money from writing. Hopefully, your spouse’s job can cover all the expenses, and you will work toward spending money. 

Luckily, you can blog about your homeschool. Blogging gives you the ability to work at the table alongside your students. Once your children comprehend their role in the homeschool, they can function largely without your constant interaction. 

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Adding more media options. Blogging is just the start of your business model. Starting a blog is the best way to slowly gain traction via online search engines—bringing in traffic.

You can then add videos of your homeschool setup, daily routines, and valuable programs. Of course, you can attach affiliate links to any product you recommend, creating additional affiliate revenue for your business.

The weekends allow you to spend 2-5 hours expanding your business—start a weekly podcast or add printable worksheets. 

You can even add consulting calls over the weekend for would-be homeschool parents seeking additional guidance.

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Your business starts with your blog but can branch into multiple income streams. Within a few years, you can have income streams from Google AdSense (blog, YouTube), sponsorships (blog, YouTube, podcasts), printables (blog, Esty), merchandise (blog, RedBubble), consulting, coaching, tutoring, and online courses.

Conclusion. Remember, your time is the most valuable part of your online business. It may take longer to grow your business around your schedule, but it will be worth it.

More Content, More Cash Flow

It is much easier to grow your business by meeting someone else’s schedule. But take the long way to ensure you can sustain your homeschool and business for the long run.

Longevity is the key to any business model. I am writing for the long run. I can make more money by doing daily YouTube videos, but I would burn out quickly.

I started writing because my wife and I want to retire to a small apartment on the Mediterranean Sea in Turkey. Therefore, I created a business model that only requires a laptop and an internet connection. 

Nobody decides when I write or have to be on my computer. I am writing this article at 3:33 am because that’s the schedule I love. 

Your homeschool and online business can also work in unison with your schedules. You can have it all; however, the planning phase starts now. 

If your kids are already older, what are you doing to ensure they have better options for their kids? Let’s pay it forward with information and assets. Good Luck!

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  11. I bought a Kindle Oasis: Check it out on Amazon
  12. Read My Books for Free: Free Kindle Books Schedule
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  14. Kindle Unlimited: Why I Finally Subscribed Kindle Unlimited (learn more)
  15. Book Reviews: 505 Takeaways from 101 Books (pdf)
  16. Writing: The Publishing Chronicles (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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