Start a Coaching Business Towards Passive Income

Do you wake up every morning excited for what the day brings? Do you naturally have an inviting and welcoming personality? If so, you could become a coach.

Most high-level individuals utilize a coach in some form or fashion. They have personal trainers, spiritual/emotional/energy coaches, or career coaches.

Coaching is a high-end service for people that take life seriously. Your clients expect you to bring a large quantity of motivation to their days. 

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But is coaching right for you? And, can you turn a coaching career into a passive income stream? Let’s answer these questions.

Why become a coach? I recently finished the book “Who the F*** Am I to be a Coach?” by Megan Jo Wilson. She discusses in detail the emotional and spiritual art of being a coach.

Some people are naturally motivated, energetic, and curious. These people seek to help others by enriching their lives through fellowship and conversation. You may make a great coach if you fit into this special category.

Coaching isn’t about having your life 100% perfect, but about giving your entire life force in support of another for some time. In the book, the author asks, “How many times has someone given you their full undivided attention?”

It’s a great question, especially in light of women going their own way (“Otherhood”), as well as men (“The Free Agent Lifestyle”). Many people don’t have a close confidant that marriage brings

A coach’s role. As a coach, you are a source of inspiration to your clients. You want to bring out the best in them—to help them see things in a different light. 

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You can help them with career moves, healing, relationships, etc.; you are a trusted advisor with anything they request. However, it does come with a cost.

You need to have enough energy for two people because you will be transferring some of your energy to them. You have to be full of life with ample discipline, motivation, and vigor. Most people can hardly muster enough energy for themselves.

Becoming a coach is nothing to take lightly. You’ll probably have to have your own coach to help keep you level-headed. It is possible to have imposter syndrome as a coach.

Your job is to ensure your clients believe that your life is well-put-together. They aren’t paying you to listen to your issues and problems. If your personal life is in chaos, you’ll have to tuck that away for later. 

The pay as a coach. Sometimes it’s hard to put a value on what your time is worth. How much would someone pay to change their life? That’s the question you’ll have to ask yourself as a coach.

If you undercharge, you’ll get lesser-quality, less motivated clients. You’ll drain more energy trying to get them to level zero than a high-energy client from level 5 to 10.

Time is the most valuable asset on Earth and something you can’t replenish. Value your time, and charge your clients as such. However, be extremely good at your job as a coach—earn your high wages.

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Passive income in coaching. Now, since this is a passive income website, let’s make some residual earnings. 

Coaching may not entirely be passive because coaches love the energy of being with clients. That is how they want to spend their lifeforce. But, that doesn’t mean we can’t have products and services earning us money while we deal with clients. 

Like consulting, you will likely create your standard operating procedures over time. You will develop specific questionnaires, referrals, workouts, and after actions. You can sell these templates to the public via your website or places like Etsy.

Many people are creating planners that are specific to workouts or routines. You can create a daily meditation and inspiration planner that you can sell on Amazon. 

There will be many people who can’t afford your service, or you may not have time to service. You can create an online course running them through the basics of meditation, workouts, stress relief, and time management. 

The course may not be as ideal as having a coach in person, but it’ll be much cheaper. It can also serve as a sales funnel to your coaching service. 

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What products do you use as a coach? What products do you recommend to your clients? As an affiliate, you can recommend them to your clients, viewers, and subscribers. 

Even better, you can start your own automated e*commerce business and place your branding on genetic items like yoga mats, water bottles, and foam rollers. 

Coaching coaches. That’s just for clients and viewers. You’ll make even more money training people to become coaches. Remember, you’ll want to have a successful business model well before teaching others. 

Now you can create online courses, webinars, seminars, and conventions for potential coaches to learn and study. Once you have a successful business model, you can leverage that to new heights and wealth. 

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Staying grounded. Coaching isn’t for everyone. You’ll have to check your ego at the door. You are there for the client, not vice versa.

One thing that struck me from the book was when she said, “Don’t coach someone you don’t believe in.” You’ll be lying to them and yourself. Thus coaching can’t be all about money; you’ll have a hard time.

It is the transfer of time and energy to someone else to create a better outcome for you and them. It is a life partnership and very important to both parties. Most essential people (like CEOs) have coaches.

To operate at a high frequency for long periods can be taxing on the mind, body, and soul. Coaches help replenish their resources at the cost of theirs. This work is vital and high regarded in wealthy circles. 

Conclusion. Is being a coach right for you? How well do you coach yourself? Do you need assistance with waking up, getting out of bed, grinding, working, and maneuvering through life in general? 

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Or do you wake up and accomplish more by 5 am than most people achieve in a day? I would make a great coach; however, I am very direct (and sometimes short).

I like to speak very clearly, and it may offend people. So I would have to work on my tact if I wanted to be a coach. “Know yourself and seek self-improvement” is one of the Marine Corps’ 11 leadership principles

Coaching can be very lucrative, especially if you leverage passive income streams. But it is much more than a job or career. Remember “it’s all about the client” as you consider this life-changing profession. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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