Losing Friends? You’re Doing Something Right part 2

The path to wealth is a lonely journey. No one will understand your obsession to become rich and live on passive income

Only three percent of the population will become wealthy, so your ascent to becoming elite is rare. You cannot expect 97% of people to follow you on your quest.

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Continuing education is the only way to become rich (and stay rich). You’ll have to keep up with the markets, your investments, new trends, technology, and politics. Check out Losing Friends Part 1.

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Time is of the essence. You will spend most of your downtime reading, writing, and doing math. These are the 3 R’s (reading, writing, arithmetic) that “The Independent Homeschool” describes as vital to your education. 

However, your friends will spend their downtime doing drugs, eating at restaurants, spending money wastefully, or overstimulating their kids. 

When you decide to focus on your finances, future, retirement, and generational wealth, you will become a pariah. A pariah is an outcast; in this context, someone not a social circle. 

40 is the new high school. I am 41 years old, and I see something crazy on Facebook every day. Most of my peers are living the latest version of high school.

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Social media allows everyone to show off their new motorcycles, vacations, and children’s accomplishments.

People in their 40s should be starting businesses, working towards early retirement, writing books, and buying multiple properties.

Instead, people are dressing up for Halloween, playing on Jet Skis, having children (in their 40s), getting divorced and remarried, and quitting their jobs

They are doing the exact opposite things they need to build wealth. You accumulate wealth by doing productive things every day.

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These things include daily habits like waking up early, making your bed, reading for 30 minutes a day, writing, budgeting, and producing content.

Why do people revert to their high school days? This is a tricky question to answer because I decided to grow up. I take life very seriously and don’t want to waste a minute on this Earth.

It’s much easier for people to remain average than strive for excellence. You hear things like “you need to balance” and “money isn’t important.” These words are mechanisms people put in place to disguise limiting beliefs

Limiting beliefs stop people from pursuing the goals they want to go after. Writing and releasing a book or running for political office requires facing your fears.

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I was super nervous when I started writing books and publishing them on Amazon. What if people thought my writing or cover design sucked?

However, you’ll realize no one cares about your books initially. People are more concerned over Will Smith slapping someone than your crappy book.

That changes as you achieve your goals, become successful and differentiate your life from the common folk. This is the time you start to lose friends. 

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The man in the mirror. Once you start to achieve success in the following ways, you’ll begin to stand out from others:

  1. Getting a promotion to a management position
  2. Staying married over ten years
  3. Staying in love with your spouse
  4. Staying in shape past age 30
  5. Creating content (books, videos, podcasts)
  6. Making sound financial decisions
  7. Owning multiple properties
  8. Having well-behaved kids

As you achieve these milestones, you’ll be the “man in the mirror” to others. People know they should avoid credit card debt, but everyone has it.

They feel jealous when they see you living below your means, driving a $20,000 car, and going to a national park (not an amusement park).

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They are jealous that you can go against the grain. You don’t have to fall into social norms like eating fast food, working for $25/hour or less, and spending hundreds of dollars at Disneyland every weekend.

Stay on your path. You’ll lose friends as your social media becomes a place of hope, determination, and mentorship. Why would people tune into your positive vibes?

Do a quick sanity check on your social media. Which of your friends’ posts get more likes and comments: someone buying a motorcycle or getting promoted to the school principal?

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How about someone getting a sleeve tattoo versus someone else running a marathon? What if someone buys a boat and someone else pays off their car?

In short, people want to avoid the truth about becoming wealthy. The simple fact is wealth is a product of discipline and education. 

The people that become wealthy and keep their riches know how to control their spending. They follow interest rates, mortgages, and multiple investment categories.

Do you have to become boring to become rich? Yes, you will become boring to others. You will eat salad and exercise daily.

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You will read books and articles and avoid celebrity gossip. You will rarely go downtown after hours to hang out and drink. 

Everything you do in life will have a time/productivity balance ratio. Is what you are doing worth the time investment?

I can write my book for two hours or watch a football game. I can go to my friend’s house and drink or spend quality time with my spouse.

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Rich people know that time is the most valuable resource on Earth. They do everything in their power to repurchase their time.

Conclusion. Your friends will waste their time. They will spend hours watching football, slow-cooking ribs, and drinking alcohol.

All of these things are great as long as you are wealthy. If you have $10,000/month of passive income in your portfolio, please slow-cook all the ribs you want.

However, if you are in credit card debt and working a $20/hour job, you’ll need to find your way out of that hole. These are the people who will resent your success the most.

Not to worry, you will find more friends. And you can keep your old friends, but limit your exposure over time.

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It’s hard for me to talk about football when my passion lies with dividend investing. I don’t want to talk about Disneyland because I need to focus on my own business.

If you don’t understand this article, chances are you aren’t pushing yourself in life. The minute you decide to do something different, you’ll notice an immediate change in the people around you.

You are striving to be average if you have ten or twenty friends. If you have one or two friends, you are probably working towards becoming above average. Do not let anyone slow you down—life is better on the other side! Good Luck. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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