Tag: free-pdf-book

  • Retirement Planning vs Estate Planning

    Retirement Planning vs Estate Planning

    As we acquire more assets, we need to be more intentional with our actions. The two goals of obtaining assets are to free us from being wage slaves and prevent our children from the same bondage. Yes, using the word slave is harsh, but it’s appropriate. Travel back in time with me. When you left…

  • The Passive Income Hero 2

    The Passive Income Hero 2

    Your family needs you to be great! Someone has to save them from the evil villains of the world. The villains of today look much different than those in the movies.  The villains today steal your time and your money. They make you indentured slaves where you spend your life working at mindless jobs for…

  • Your Retirement Planning Guide 2

    Your Retirement Planning Guide 2

    It’s your retirement; make it how you want. With that, how do you envision yourself in retirement? Are you with a loved one or family? Where are you located? And, how much money do you have or need? These are all questions you should be asking yourself every day. I have a few housekeeping notes…

  • Use an Automated Business as Your Wealth Generator

    Use an Automated Business as Your Wealth Generator

    It’s time to become rich! First, to make ourselves wealthy, we must believe that it is possible. I have a few articles that you should read if you aren’t confident in your abilities yet. Now that we have the proper mindset let’s focus on the details. To become rich, we need a wealth generator. A…

  • What if Your House Paid Dividends?

    What if Your House Paid Dividends?

    Let’s do a thought experiment. What if your primary residence paid you dividends at the end of every year? You would get half of the value increase in the market value. For example, if you start this year at a home value of $200,000 and end the year at $220,000, you would get $10,000 in…

  • The Metaverse 106: Relationships in the Metaverse

    The Metaverse 106: Relationships in the Metaverse

    We have come so far in The Metaverse 101 series (101, 102, 103, 104, 105), but we still have much more to cover. Today, I want to explore the possibilities of relationships and dating in the metaverse. I will discuss this topic into two categories: couples and singles. I belong to the couples category because…

  • The Magic of Passive Index Fund Investing

    The Magic of Passive Index Fund Investing

    If you are reading this, then chances are that you haven’t started your journey into stock market investing yet, correct? I say that because index funds are some of the very first ways to head down the path towards building wealth. Passive Index Fund investing is the third pillar of my overall investing strategy. The…

  • The Magic of Dollar-Cost Averaging

    The Magic of Dollar-Cost Averaging

    How do I get started with investing? Why do I need to invest? How much money do I need to invest? What do I need to invest in with my money? These are some of the questions that are keeping you from investing. And since you know that you need to invest, these questions are…

  • My 4 Favorite Index Funds

    My 4 Favorite Index Funds

    Index funds are boring and don’t take much knowledge to start investing. Nobody is going to care if you made a killing with index investing. All that being said, index funds are absolutely vital to the health of your portfolio. It is hard to go wrong with index funds, and they can help cover some…

  • Living Overseas Passively 109: Cash & Emergency Fund

    Living Overseas Passively 109: Cash & Emergency Fund

    Now, we have been all over the world on passive income. Previously, we covered financial mindset, retirement income, dividends, rents, royalties, cryptocurrencies, and automated business. There is only one more type of income to discuss—cash. Yep, that’s right. Cash is a form of income, and it is vital to our success while living overseas. You…

  • The In-Debt-ured Servant

    The In-Debt-ured Servant

    I started working when I was 15 years old, back in 1996. I was a janitor for an office between freshman and sophomore year for that summer. I then worked for McDonald’s until I left for Marine Corps boot camp in 1999. Thus, I have been in the workforce for 25 years, with the Marines…

  • Why Real Estate is IDEAL: Income

    Why Real Estate is IDEAL: Income

    Real Estate has probably made more millionaires than any other business or job. Once you understand the tax advantages and use of leverage, you can grow your empire rather quickly. My favorite author, Robert Kiyosaki (“Rich Dad Poor Dad”), says that the government incentives real estate developers to ensure high interest from entrepreneurs.  I tend…

  • The Metaverse 105: Employment in the Metaverse

    The Metaverse 105: Employment in the Metaverse

    I’m sure we were all ecstatic when our bosses told us to return to work after working remotely for over a year. NOT! Every time I leave to go to work, I have a deep sinking feeling because my physical body doesn’t need to be there every day. Disclaimer. I am sick as a dog…

  • 4 Years of College vs. 4 Years of Content Creation

    4 Years of College vs. 4 Years of Content Creation

    I’ll admit that this article could be emotional for some people. Having a college degree is their greatest achievement for many people, and they couldn’t imagine life not having one. They will proudly send their kids off to college all day, every day.  I always had a different mindset. I graduated high school with a…

  • Dividends vs. Military Retirement

    Dividends vs. Military Retirement

    I am not going to lie—this will be a pretty lop-sided competition. However, I will have additional articles on how the losing party can catch up or beat the victor. Welcome to part one of Dividends vs. Military Retirement. Off the top of your head, which of the two sides do you think will win?…

  • Passive Income from Creativity 106: Writing

    Passive Income from Creativity 106: Writing

    I am saving the best for last, or at least my favorite. Writing has changed my life, and I am proud to present this piece as a writer. Over the past year, I have written over 650,000 words, equivalent to 21 (30,000 words) full-length books.  I believe writing is the best form of Passive Income…

  • Passive Income from Creativity 105: Audio and Speech

    Passive Income from Creativity 105: Audio and Speech

    Audio and speech are probably the most difficult of all the creativity income streams. I wouldn’t advise starting with audio because it will require an audience. You see what I am talking about soon. Welcome back to the Passive Income from Creativity series (101, 102, 103, 104), where our passion pays the bills. Today, we…

  • Passive Income from Creativity 104: Video

    Passive Income from Creativity 104: Video

    It’s hard to imagine that video didn’t arrive as the internet first hit the scene. YouTube is something that we take for granted. There is more educational value within YouTube than in our national school system. I don’t mean that to be a diss but as a matter of comparison. If you want to drill…

  • Passive Income from Creativity 103: Art & Design

    Passive Income from Creativity 103: Art & Design

    Everyone loves a good artist. What if your child had an affinity for drawing and creating art— would you push him to pursue this career path? Most likely, we would guide him to a career that would pay him well, not to become a creative. The reason is we don’t see successful career artists too…

  • Passive Income from Creativity 102: Photography

    Passive Income from Creativity 102: Photography

    With the rise of smartphones with mega cameras, everyone thinks they are professional photographers. I will admit that I also got caught up in the act of taking far too many pictures. Hey, it was fun back in 2012. But now, less is more, and I take pictures that truly move me. However, I am…