Tag: free-pdf-book

  • Income Portfolio vs. USDC:  The Battle for 9%

    Income Portfolio vs. USDC: The Battle for 9%

    Investing is about getting a return on your investment, therefore ensuring the velocity of money, compounding, time, and intellect all work in your favor. The more you learn, study, and grow, the better your chances are to get “lucky.” When we think about investing, sometimes we come to decision points that lead to vastly different…

  • Become Insanely Productive During the Magic Hours 2

    Become Insanely Productive During the Magic Hours 2

    Do you want another income stream to help combat the effects of inflation? Don’t we all? However, everything in life comes with a value proposition.  You can work on your income stream during your family time—meaning it could cause some conflict within the home environment. Or you could build an income stream on the precious…

  • RV Life vs Homesteading: Which Lifestyle Suits You Best?

    RV Life vs Homesteading: Which Lifestyle Suits You Best?

    I have focused a lot of the past few months on building e*Commerce sites, automated businesses, the metaverse, and working from home. Sometimes I forget what all these things are genuinely about—freedom of location. Indeed, if you can create enough passive income for yourself and your family to live comfortably, you can live anywhere. I…

  • Don’t Gamble with Retirement 6

    Don’t Gamble with Retirement 6

    Are you gambling with your retirement? Do you know the difference between saving versus investing? What are you doing today to combat long-term high inflation? We discussed so many things over the last four months, so now it’s time to bring everything together under one roof. Welcome back to the Don’t Gamble with Retirement series …

  • Sleep Easy: Make Money 24 Hours a Day

    Sleep Easy: Make Money 24 Hours a Day

    There is genuinely only one way to get rich—making money while you sleep. Let’s be honest, the true reason we want to become wealthy is to sleep easy at night. I don’t like the feeling of owing people money. Maybe you love having credit cards, student loans, and car payments, but I loathe these things.…

  • What Type of Home Business Should You Start 5: Consulting

    What Type of Home Business Should You Start 5: Consulting

    Wow, the What Type of Home Business Should You Start series (Introduction, Outside, Online, Content) has taken me on a wild ride. It’s always an honor and privilege to complete one of these articles and books. I say this because I had to read multiple books and write numerous articles before writing the compilation article…

  • Start a Fitness Business Towards Passive Income

    Start a Fitness Business Towards Passive Income

    Do you love to work out? Do you love to inspire others? If you have this combination of traits, you may make a great fitness coach or personal trainer. Fitness trainers will always be in demand, even in the Metaverse. However, today I want to talk about passive income in fitness. Being a coach first.…

  • Start a Coaching Business Towards Passive Income

    Start a Coaching Business Towards Passive Income

    Do you wake up every morning excited for what the day brings? Do you naturally have an inviting and welcoming personality? If so, you could become a coach. Most high-level individuals utilize a coach in some form or fashion. They have personal trainers, spiritual/emotional/energy coaches, or career coaches. Coaching is a high-end service for people…

  • Investing for Interest 105: The Hunt for Baby Bonds

    Investing for Interest 105: The Hunt for Baby Bonds

    Investing in bonds can be difficult because companies usually sell them in $1,000 or more increments. Thus, we typically turn to US Treasuries or Bond funds to allocate bonds. However, some bonds trade in denominations of $25, $50, and $100—making them accessible to the average investor.  Welcome back to the Investing for Interest series (101,…

  • Investing for Interest 104: Bountiful Bond Funds

    Investing for Interest 104: Bountiful Bond Funds

    Bonds are a great way to hedge yourself against the stock market’s volatility. However, bonds themselves can be volatile. There are various ways to invest in bonds allowing us to diversify our portfolio.  Welcome back to the Investing for Interest 101 series (101, 102, 103), where we discuss building a portfolio of interest-bearing assets. Today,…

  • Become a Bonafide Investor VI: Debt vs. Equity

    Become a Bonafide Investor VI: Debt vs. Equity

    One of the most important aspects of becoming a bonafide investor is understanding the difference between debt and equity. Each has its use-cases across multiple investments, including the stock market, real estate, content creation, and business. I’ll try to keep this article from getting out of hand because there is much to discuss. First, welcome…

  • Grace and Passive Income

    Grace and Passive Income

    We should be thankful for everything we have in life. We tend to take things for granted more often than not. With the rise of social media, we also covet what others have, sometimes forgetting how good we have it. However, that stops today. We need to have and show GRACE for all we have.…

  • Start a Consulting Business Towards Passive Income

    Start a Consulting Business Towards Passive Income

    One good thing about working a job is the chance to grow into a subject matter expert. It is tough to prove yourself as an expert without some kind of social proof. For example, I have been an Air Traffic Control Electronics Technician in the Marine Corps for 23 years. I deployed to multiple countries…

  • USDC vs. Saving Bonds vs. Treasuries

    USDC vs. Saving Bonds vs. Treasuries

    There are more ways to save and invest than ever, yet most Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. Dave Ramsey (“Baby Step Millionaires”) suggests saving a $1,000 emergency fund before paying down debt. I have been talking about saving and investing recently, and even savings vs. investing. But, just because you are not comfortable…

  • Real Estate Investing in Your 40s

    Real Estate Investing in Your 40s

    Our 40s will determine how successful our retirement plan carries us through life. If you are a male, your prime earning years are 40-50. If you are a female, you may be bouncing back from having children and ready to start earning. Whatever the case, success in our 40s will require us to double down…

  • Investing for Interest 103: Treasure in Treasuries

    Investing for Interest 103: Treasure in Treasuries

    Learning to invest can be intimidating, especially if you don’t have much guidance. That’s why I started the Investing for Interest 101 series (101, 102). Investing for interest (debt) can be safer than entering the stock market; however, you may achieve a lower return.  Previously we discussed the Super Safe Savers of high yield savings…

  • Pay Down Debt or Start Investing 2

    Pay Down Debt or Start Investing 2

    “Should I pay off my debt entirely before I start investing?” This topic keeps me up at night (not really). I do feel very passionately about the guidance people receive on this matter. Paying off our debt and becoming debt-free is one of the single most incredible moments of our 16-year marriage. We used many…

  • The Magic of Living Below Your Means

    The Magic of Living Below Your Means

    The American mindset is to work harder and longer to have nicer things. It sounds good in theory, but in actuality, it never pans out this way. The first step to becoming rich is learning to live poor. By “poor,” I mean to be happy with having less. You’ll be surprised by how much stuff…

  • Counting on Crypto 2

    Counting on Crypto 2

    Cryptocurrencies will play a huge role in our lives over the next many years. They may even overtake paper currencies as the primary money system by central banks. However you feel about cryptocurrencies today, you should prepare for tomorrow by educating yourself. This is the same logic I used to start my journey into cryptocurrencies,…