Tag: free-pdf-book
Staying Debt-Free in Your 60s
I’ll be honest with you; our 60s should be a time to relax and reflect—we should be on the easy street with our finances. If we haven’t figured it out by now, we may never unlock our potential. That’s not to say that there won’t be dangers associated with this timeframe. We worked so hard…
Staying Debt-Free in Your 50s
Our 50s is the time we’ve all been waiting for—time to celebrate. We were brilliant in our 20s, chose a good partner in our 30s, and avoided debt in our 40s—now it’s time to party. Am I right? Not really. Welcome back to the Staying Debt-Free in At Any Age series (20s, 30s, 40s), where…
Staying Debt-Free in Your 40s
If the greatest threat to your wealth in your 20s was yourself, and in your 30s was your partner, what do you believe it will be in your 40s? That’s right, your kids. Welcome back to the Staying Debt-Free at Any Age series (20s, 30s), where I discuss how to stay debt-free and build wealth…
Staying Debt-Free in Your 30s
Your 30s is where you are most likely to accumulate massive levels of debt. The two main culprits will be marriage and home-buying, so you need to evaluate what direction you take regarding these events honestly. Welcome back to the Staying Debt-Free at Any Age series (20s), where we try to make it through life…
Staying Debt-Free in Your 20s
Staying in debt is the downside of the American Dream. The only way to live a great debt-free life in America is to live below one’s means and focus on building relationships. Welcome to the Staying Debt-Free at Any Age series, where I will discuss avoiding debt at various stages in life. Today I will…
Building an Audience 102: Adding Value Consistently
If you have read any literature on becoming a content creator or starting a business, it probably talked extensively about “adding value.” In essence, money is literally the exchange of value. Thus, to have someone exchange their hard-earned money for your content, service, or product, you’ll need to add value to their life. Today, I…
Don’t Work Hard For Money; Work for Income-Producing Assets
We all want to work hard and contribute to society as a whole. Well, most of us want to do this. However, working hard to pay our expenses will never allow us to get ahead of the financial power curve. The problem with working for money, or exchanging time for money, is that once you…
Retirement Plus: Use Rents to Supplement Your Retirement
You are about to retire at age 66. You have saved $1 million in your 401K and will be drawing $3,000/month in social security benefits. These income streams will total about $6,500/month in passive income. Is surviving on $6,500/month in passive retirement income enough to live the lifestyle your love? Only you can answer that…
The Magic of Cash Flow
Cash flow is the river of income that keeps a business afloat and running smoothly. Cash flow is the lifeblood of a household that allows everyone to flourish and succeed without daily financial stress. What is Cash Flow? Simply, cash flow is the difference between your income and expenses. The more cash flow you generate,…
How to Make $500/Month in Dividends
Can $500 a month in free income change your life? I can speak from experience that dividends can change your life and your entire outlook on the future. Once you start building a dividend portfolio, you’ll wonder why you hadn’t started sooner. Of course, it costs money to make money with dividends. If you don’t…
Series “I” Bonds vs Roth IRAs
With a recession on the horizon, we need to invest with a long-term mindset. We aren’t going to make double-digit returns over the next few years. What are some investing options we have with a 20+ year timeframe? Today, I want to talk about Series “I” Bonds and Roth IRAs because they are very similar,…
From Dirt to Dividends 6: Use Verimculture & Blue Chip Companies to Supplement Your Homestead
I’m feeling mighty wealthy today. That is because I have dividends coming in from all sorts of high yield products, such as closed-end funds and preferred shares. Currently, I am still working; however, I will retire, and my dividends will continue to pour into my accounts one day. With dividends incoming, I can spend my…
Debt-Free Society: Beat Credit Card Debt
Credit cards are a powerful evil that controls a majority of the population. They tempt you with great offers and reduced interest rates to ensnare you for years of pain. However, there is no use for us crying over spilled milk. It’s time to accept that we got ourselves into credit card debt and need…
My 7 Principles of Wealth
To become wealthy, you need a foundational belief system. Yes, you can have the physical steps like paying off your credit cards, but there has to be a shift in mindset. Without a divergent belief system, the world of consumerism and materialism will overtake your goals. I previously wrote about my core values of passive…
From Dirt to Dividends 5: Use Composting & Dividends ETFs To Supplement Your Homestead
Life is good on our wealthy homestead, so welcome back. Here, we live off the land while becoming rich on dividends. It’s not a bad deal to convert nature into cash flow. This piece is part five of the From Dirt to Dividends series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4). Previously, we have…
Home Buying for the Average Person: The Window is Closing
You will not like this article because it will be a truth pill. I can’t sugarcoat the situation any longer—homeownership for the average person is out of reach. It’s over. Only those people who go above and beyond will be able to afford homes and live the American dream. Let’s be clear; this is also…
Investing for Interest 107: Series “I” Bonds For You and I
This year will be a challenging time for both savers and investors. The bond markets predict a recession, and the stock market is already pricing in the effects of inflation, high-interest rates, and limited commodities. We can’t speak with certainty about what will happen in the next one or two years, so we must hedge…
From Dirt to Dividends 4: Use Community Farming & Mortgage REITs to Supplement Your Homestead
Just because we are off on our homestead doesn’t mean we have to be alone. In fact, homesteading is all about community and teamwork. Welcome back to the From Dirt to Dividends series (part 1, part 2, part 3), where we discuss moving away while becoming rich. Today, I will explain how we can use…
Mother’s Happy Cash Flow Retirement
We all love our moms, and we want them to lead wonderful lives into their later years. However, many of our moms grew up without the financial education and opportunities to get ahead before retirement. Many of our mothers depend on social security to get by every month. If you asked them about their dream…
Building an Audience 101: Know, Like & Trust
To be successful in any business involves building an audience. Think of life as a massive sales funnel, where the world is at the top of the funnel. The bottom of the funnel is where you make a sale to a customer. From the initial contact you make with a cold lead (random person) to…