Dividend Investing for Everyone

Dividend Investing for Everyone! Change Your Life Today

Are you tired of being the low person on the totem pole? Do you hate not having money in your pocket when you want to purchase something?

I hated working hard for money and not having enough money in the budget to take my family to the movies.

But I changed my life. I now accept that dividends are the most incredible way to build wealth and freedom. I went from zero to hero on the back of my dividends, and you can do the same.

The $5 Per Week Dividend Investor

Understanding passive income. Despicable Me 4 comes to theaters tomorrow, and I’ll take my son to the movies to watch it. I am not worried about spending $100 or even $200 for lunch and a movie because I have a passive income stream.

Most people will never be able to experience the security of passive income because they must read, write, and understand money creation to build a passive income stream.

Money is nothing but an exchange of value. When you work a job, you exchange value for your company, and they send you a paycheck in return.

However, there are only so many hours that you can work in one day. Also, you don’t control how much the company or government pays you. You must work more hours to generate more income.

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Eventually, you’ll reach a point where your income isn’t enough to support your lifestyle. Don’t worry; I reached this point in 2019 after 20 years in the Marine Corps.

When you invest for dividends, you purchase companies that add value to society. These companies earn profits that they send you in the form of dividends.

Get your dividends today. Dividend investing aims to grow your passive income portfolio to the point where it can support your entire budget.

The only catch is that reaching that point will take millions of dollars. However, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t aim for the stars; in fact, quite the opposite.

My wife and I earn $2,000 per month in dividends. This is money we can use today, tomorrow, or never. This is money we use to supplement our lifestyle. It’s our money.

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My military pension is $9,000 monthly, which is more than enough to budget, save, and invest. However, you experience all types of random occurrences throughout the month.

Today, my wife and I had to replace a tire and purchase a new door for the master bathroom. We didn’t need to use dividends, but having them on standby was nice.

Dividends give you options. Your company may not appreciate your hard work or work ethic, or they may love you. Either way, they probably don’t pay you what you are worth.

Dividends give you the edge in life to make bold choices. When you have an extra $2,000 or $3,000 coming in per month, you take control of your financial situation.

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Imagine you want to save for a $6,000 vacation. You can funnel $1,000 away from dividends for six months and have more than enough for your trip.

Even better, you can use your dividends on your trip to purchase souvenirs, fancy dinners, or beautiful excursions. If you go over budget on the trip, your dividends can help you replace the money in your emergency fund.

Every month, I receive money from massive companies like McDonald’s (MCD), Altria (MO), Verizon (VZ), and Pfizer (PFE).

I am also an income investor, which means I invest in closed-end funds, preferred shares, and business development companies. These investments look riskier on paper but pay higher yields for more current income.

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Whichever way you decide to invest, you’ll need to get started today. A massive recession is coming, and those without additional income streams will struggle.

The cost of living keeps rising, and your job will not keep increasing your pay. It’s simply impossible for your job to be the “end all, be all” of your financial lifestyle. You must supplement your income with dividends.

Trusting your dividends. Most people will not invest in the stock market. This may be because they are scared, broke, or oblivious.

You have a massive opportunity to change your life if you read this. I experienced all three things in 2019 when I first read about passive income and dividends.

I Heart Income Investing

However, I had to make a change. Although I made $100,000 annually, I couldn’t afford to take my family to a nice meal at Applebee’s.

The first step to investing in dividends is trusting your dividends. You must understand how businesses operate—people pay them when they add value.

You’ll want to invest in companies and funds that can navigate a changing environment. Corporations that can’t adjust to new times will perish. To be blunt, it’s the same with your own household.

You are behind if you still only earn income from your W-2 job. People who solely depend on their jobs for income will struggle more than those who use dividends, rents, royalties, and business to supplement their daily expenses.

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You will see how companies operate as you change your budget and household spending to accommodate dividend investing.

In prosperous times, they hire more people and share their wealth. In lean times, they fire people and hoard the wealth for the future.

You should always have a set amount of money for dividend investing. When times get hard, adjust your other expenses to continue dividend investing.

When times are good, increase the amount you put into dividends. Eventually, you’ll receive significant dividends from these corporations and funds.

When I retired from the military last year, I wasn’t nervous. At that time, I had $1,500 a month in dividends to supplement my transition.

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My pension took some time to work out, and dividends assisted me along the way. Today, my wife and I are adding a roommate to our household.

This $900 per month will go straight into dividend investing. I want to keep this money train going and growing. As they say, the more the merrier.

Dividend investing for the win. I have a ton of literature on dividend investing. An excellent place to start is my Dividend Investing 101 series.

  1. Dividend Investing 101: What Are Dividends?
  2. Dividend Investing 102: Picking the Right Dividend Stocks
  3. Dividend Investing 103: Picking Your Platforms
  4. Dividend Investing 104: Building a Dividend Payment Schedule
  5. Dividend Investing 105: Adding a Safe Options-Trading Strategy
  6. Dividend Investing 106: Building a 60/40 Portfolio

The key to investing is understanding that it is something you must do—this isn’t optional. Inflation, housing costs, and taxes are rising at least 10% annually.

You must match or exceed that number to stay ahead of the game. Your job will not cut it. Learning to invest is the only way to beat the rising cost of being alive.

Conclusion. Everyone can invest today; there are no excuses. One of my favorite investing platforms is Cash App.

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Cash App doesn’t have all the companies or funds, but it has the majority of the best ones. It’s easy to get money into the app and select investments.

Everyone has access to the Cash App From their phone. This is the perfect place to start your investing journey. As you become a more accomplished investor, you can open a full-service brokerage account at places like Wells Fargo or Charles Schwab.

A long time ago, investors needed to go through a broker to purchase securities. Five years ago, you would need to pay a fee to invest in stocks.

Those days are over. Dividend investing is not for everyone! However, you must understand that this is not an option if you want to beat inflation and rising costs. You must change your life today. Good Luck!

  1. PDF of the Month: Don’t Gamble with Retirement 12 (Free 460-Page PDF)
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  5. Investing: How We Plan to Retire on Dividends 4 (Free 139-Page PDF)
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  9. Latest DGWR: Don’t Gamble with Retirement 11 (Free 410-Page PDF)
  10. Everything!: The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever 4! (book)(Web Edition)(Art Edition)
  11. Writer’s Comparison: M1 Macbook Air vs. GalaxyBook3 Pro 360
  12. Read My Books for Free: Free Kindle Books Schedule
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  14. Kindle Unlimited: Why I Finally Subscribed Kindle Unlimited (learn more)
  15. Book Reviews: 505 Takeaways from 101 Books (pdf)
  16. Writing: The Publishing Chronicles (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
  17. Best REIT- Fundrise: Fundrise vs. US Treasuries (Join Fundrise)
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PDF of the Month: Don’t Gamble with Retirement 12 (Free 460-Page PDF)

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


2 responses to “Dividend Investing for Everyone! Change Your Life Today”

  1. […] to the world of dividend investing. I started in June 2019 and have continued the process every month since […]

  2. […] Dividends, Dividends. Why all the talk about dividends? Some people live and die by dividend investing, while others pay them no mind. Why such a stark […]

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