Living in Fast Forward

Are We Living in Fast Forward? Things Have Changed Since 2020

The other day, I was listening to my favorite YouTuber as I worked on my books. He said he felt like life has been moving in fast forward since the pandemic.

This statement got me thinking. I always tell my Marines that this new world will give them ADHD. Everyone and everything is trying to upsell, convince, convert, or manipulate you.

Why is everything moving so fast, and how did it begin? More importantly, how do we slow down and smell the roses?

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The need for speed. Have you noticed how everything is moving two to three times as fast as before? Are we playing catch up after losing two years of our lives?

I think it’s a combination of a few things: not enough people in the workforce, remote work, and social media.

1) Not enough people in the workforce leads to employees taking on multiple roles. On top of being short-staffed, the workload is even greater. This leads to more work for fewer people.

By the time you talk to a live agent or employee, they are rushing off to fill a remote order or deal with their manager.

2) Remote work gave everyone the taste of being an important CEO-style person. They could work their jobs while balancing their personal lives.

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Unfortunately, the majority of people cannot work remotely productively. Put simply; they need a manager looking over their shoulder most of the time.

How many people slacked during high school? Nothing has changed since high school. Good, those same people are in the workforce—with even more personal issues.

3) Social media isn’t doing us any favors. If you do not do any fact-checking, you will think everyone is wealthy and successful on social media.

The ads say that people made $10,000 when releasing their first book. Or that they made $20,000 in three days using ChatGPT.

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If people were making this much money, why write an article that would make them $50? That’s right; they are selling you a product or service.

In essence, that’s what social media does best—sell you a product, service, or idea. However, once you understand the nature of compounding, you’ll see that time is the key to everything.

How do we move slower? Everything in life compounds—whether good or bad. “The Compound Effect” tells us to concentrate on creating positive habits that will compound over time.

Do you want to change the culture of our company? Good move; start by hosting a picnic once a month. Do it consistently over a year, and you’ll begin to reap the benefits.

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Soon, your employees will host their own picnics between company-held events. You will teach people how to introduce themselves and interact with others.

But this takes time and effort—there are no shortcuts. I started my writing business, knowing it would take ten years to see a major payoff. I’m okay with this, so I celebrate the small victories.

The art of slowing down. We have become a society that wants instant gratification. We want to feel a spark on our first date.

We want our company to give us purpose and drive. I’ll repeat this one for effect. We want our COMPANY (that needs to make money) to provide us with a sense of meaning and belonging. Something is wrong here.

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We want our kids to grow up and become doctors, but we don’t take the time to read about or follow what that even means.

We want to meet someone who makes $100,000 per year, is the CEO, and is handsome or beautiful. However, we don’t want to change our lifestyle to meet or engage with them. They need to meet us on OUR terms.

Yes, we are all jacked up. We need to slow down and learn what it means to be human. Are we on Earth to make money or build human relationships?

When you focus on relationships, you’ll see the bigger picture. We must do everything in our power to escape the toxic workforce!

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You can’t slow down while working. We weren’t all supposed to go work for corporations. American families were business people, and we provided income and support for our own families. 

Somehow, the priority became for everyone to join the corporate workforce. These corporations do not, and WILL NOT, care about you—ever!

Therefore, we are trying to climb a toxic ladder, raise kids, have a stable marriage, deal with inflation, and save for retirement, all at the same time. Does this sound feasible?

Where are the parents? Our parents are too busy figuring out their marriages and finances to be of any help. This places the burden of responsibility firmly on our shoulders, with little guidance or assistance. We will fail if we don’t change.

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To have the chance to slow down our lives, we must leave the workforce. I know; easier said than done. But it is possible. 

You must take extreme measures to retire early, especially if you have a family. Some of these measures are renting rooms, starting a business, becoming a content creator, or leveraging home equity.

First and foremost, we must start reading religiously. You cannot do anything without “the information.” Financial Independence Magazine #1 on Kindle Unlimited is an excellent place to start. 

My series is now up to FI #102. It is all of my writing in a straight line for you to follow. It’s over 1,000 articles in total. 

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Freedom gives you time. Once you have a clear path to freedom, you’ll see the rat race for what it is—a waste of time.

You’re spending time performing actions and tasks that generate no actual results; you are running in place. 

Every day, I write an article and create a book. After nearly three years, I have over 800 books on Amazon. I am one person doing all this alone.

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Conclusion. Once you see the power and efficiency in yourself, you’ll understand why the workplace is so toxic. People with no leadership skills pretend to have answers to problems that don’t exist. Yikes.

But we can’t fix the workforce. We can free ourselves and start our own businesses. We can give our children the ability to create, love, and emote

The longer we stay in this sped-up version of reality, the more mental health issues we will accumulate. Avoid overconsumption of social media, news, and gossip at all costs.

Remember the days when our families had campfires and told stories at night? Let’s bring those back. Those were the most critical times of our lives, and it is our duty to instill those values in our kids. But we need time. Good Luck!

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  9. Latest DGWR: Don’t Gamble with Retirement 9 (Free 394-Page PDF)
  10. Everything!: The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever 3! (book)(Web Edition)(Art Edition)
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  12. Read My Books for Free: Free Kindle Books Schedule
  13. Book Design: Design Tips on YouTube
  14. Kindle Unlimited: Why I Finally Subscribed Kindle Unlimited (learn more)
  15. Book Reviews: 505 Takeaways from 101 Books (pdf)
  16. Writing: The Publishing Chronicles (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
  17. Best REIT- Fundrise: REITs vs. Homeownership (Join Fundrise)
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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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  1. […] Staying in the workforce for over 20 years will produce diminishing returns. Get in, save money, invest in assets, and get […]

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