Don’t Fumble the Bag

Life presents us with a plethora (many) opportunities to change the course of our current direction. If you jump on these chances and convert them into investments, you will move along a path of abundance.

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Some people call this luck; however, you’ll need the education to recognize an opportunity and take advantage of it.

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What is the bag? It’s a new word for a pile of money. Everyone wants it, but most people fumble it. Let’s take a quick look at some situations where people fumble the bag. I’ll look at everyday people and not celebrities and sports stars.

  1. The military. Many people have remarkable chances inside the military but decide to get out after 4-5 years. They then proceed to achieve nothing for the rest of their lives. This is a prime example of fumbling the bag.
  2. Inheritance. I often hear of people receiving even a small legacy of $5,000 and blowing it quickly. You fumbled the bag if you had nothing to show for an inheritance.
  3. Stimulus check. How much money do you have left from the stimulus checks in 2020 and 2021? Did you fumble the bag?
  4. A wasted big house. So many people have homes over 2,500 square feet yet complain about being broke. The sharing economy is alive and well. 
  5. A nice car. That’s a nice car you have there, how much are the payments? $500/month over seven years? You fumbled the bag.

I can go on and on. You have a good chance to make a great choice, but you default to what society demands. 

Society wants you broke. Here is a hint, society wants you to be broke. They are broke, and therefore they want you to be the same. 

The Magic of Cash Flow

Have you ever heard of crabs in a barrel? If one crab figures out how to escape the barrel, the other crabs will pull it back down to the bottom. 

Your friends and family are the same way. They want you to congratulate them on buying a new $70,000 car. If you show them your used $18,000 car, they know you are improving your financial standing—making them jealous. 

Prevent yourself from fumbling. So how do you prevent yourself from fumbling the bag? The first step is reading as much as possible.

Reading allows you to understand ideas and concepts at your own pace. Your mind will drift off into deep thought as you read. Reading also gives you the chance to learn from the lives of other successful people.  

I like reading because it doesn’t contain too much social commentary. By reading other people’s life stories, you can see paths that are similar to yours.

Make reading a habit. Most people don’t read anything productive; the average person doesn’t read past the book’s first chapter. 

Choose Your Passive Income Adventure 3

If you ever want to become wealthy, daily reading is a habit you’ll have to start and continue. It’s hard to fumble the bag when you see each opportunity for its actual value.

An example of an opportunity. After taking a seven-day Passive income Road Trip, I arrived in San Diego, California. I will be here for three years, and I will make an investment here.

Living in California is a rare opportunity—especially when the government funds my lifestyle. I have a few years to parlay this into a lifetime of wealth and income generation.

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I understand this to be a chance to capture the bag. I am not going to fumble because of fear or laziness. However, I also have to be smart in the moves I make.

Just because I want to invest here in California doesn’t mean I have to make a stupid or hurried move. I can take my time and evaluate if I want to buy a condo or start a food truck business (etc.).

What bags do you see in your life? Do you have a chance to change your career? Does your job want to send you to a new state for a promotion? 

Life is full of little nuggets of choice that lead to more immense opportunities. But we must be good stewards of our little decisions if we want these bigger chances to arrive.

Don’t Work Hard for Money

Be grateful for everything. The first step to moving in a new direction is showing grace. If a military recruiter gives a speech at your school, appreciate their time. 

What did you learn from the recruiter? You may not want to join the military but want to travel or change your career field. This event gave you a fresh take on life; how will you build upon it?

Stop looking into the past. Many people fumbled the bag because they stayed in the past. They hold onto things their parents, teachers, or spouses said or did.

They hold grudges and don’t appreciate it when they get new opportunities to improve their life. Let the past be the past. 

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Suppose you get a chance to play college ball with a scholarship, hop all over it. Don’t think about staying because of your friends back home—they will always be there.

You are the result of your top five friends. Who you spend time with is the most significant determination of your character and choices. You are the average of your five closest friends.

If your friends consistently fumble the bag, guess what? You’ll complain, whine, regret, and overlook great opportunities. You’ll fumble the bag as well. 

Building an Audience 102: Adding Value Consistently

As you start reading books, your mindset will shift to success, abundance, and giving. Hanging with the same friends is a recipe for achieving the same results. 

Conclusion. Everyone has a chance to change the outcome of their path. You may receive a scholarship, an inheritance, a stimulus check, or free information.

How you parlay this opportunity into a lifetime of abundance is on you. If you want your life to suck, congratulations, your life sucks.

From Broke to Saver to Investor

There has never been a better time to become a content creator, freelancer, share your items, or work remotely. The internet (and metaverse) changed the trajectory of so many lives. 

What is stopping you from learning, growing, and changing the course of your life? Who says you must live in low-income housing or stay at this deep-end job?

The number of opportunities available to you is staggering, especially if you live in America, Europe, Canada, or Australia. Just living in these countries is your bag.

Don’t spend a lifetime waiting to win the lottery. You missed 25 chances at wealth and happiness while waiting for your lotto numbers. If you win, you will fumble the bag even worse unless you change your mindset. Good Luck!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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