Join Up! Time to Sign Up for the Military

The military is a great place to beat a recession. I have been in the military during the recessions of 2000, 2008, 2020, and now 2022. But, the military offers so much more.

I joined the United States Marine Corps in June 1999 and haven’t looked back. I am currently at 23 years and will probably finish up my 30 years. I am E-9 or Master Gunnery Sergeant.

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In this article, I will explain why I think the military is the best place for young people to grow and build the foundation for success in life.

A Recession vs. USDC

No more individualism. I believe the number one thing that affects our youth is isolation and identity. Parents tell their children that they should always do what makes them happy or express themselves. 

Sadly, this is the worst advice you can give a young person. Life is about finding success and earning the freedom to express oneself. 

When we tell young men that they should get sleeve tattoos, we are telling them to do whatever they want. They then go to a job where they have no control. They don’t want to work this job because they can’t express themselves. 

If you want to succeed in life, you must conform to something. There is no rogue agent out there doing whatever they want. Even CEOs of Facebook and Microsoft have to conform to social outrage and congressional mandates. There is no free lunch. 

Run an Upscale Bed and Breakfast

The military can help. Joining the military puts everyone on the same playing field. We all cut our hair the same and wear identical uniforms. We learn how to lead other humans, many times in stressful environments. 

The friendships and personal bonds you form in the military are lifelong. We forge relationships through combined stress and pressure. We boil in the same pot together. 

I run into many young 18-years-olds where “being yelled at” is new to them. I feel sorry for them because their parents wanted to be their friends. You cannot become successful if you cannot deal with stress.

USDC vs. Series “I” Bonds

The military adds a layer of conflict that most people try to avoid. My dad caused stress in my life until I graduated high school. This wasn’t bad stress; it was the idea of always meeting an expectation. 

The military can help people get on a path that (in some cases) their parents failed to lay out for them. We forge inner courage and resilience through stress, conflict, and discipline—becoming extraordinary in the process.

A balancing act. If you can’t deal with a bit of stress, you’ll struggle to add more things to your plate. The best people can manage their work-life balance and have everything in life.

I currently have a 23-year career in the Marines, a wife, two kids, three houses, and a writing business. I don’t find it stressful because I have been preparing for this moment my entire life. 

The Publishing Chronicles 5

The military will make you balance your career, fitness, leadership, and education all at once. Many people crumble under pressure, but others succeed in becoming exceptional leaders.

I wrote a five-part series on Success in the Military, which I will link below. The military is about finding the happy medium of many converging ideas and processes. 

  1. Military Success 101: Physical Fitness
  2. Military Success 102: Mental Fitness
  3. Military Success 103: Educational Fitness
  4. Military Success 104: Family Fitness
  5. Military Success 105: Financial Fitness

From personal to practical. Beyond personal growth, there are practical and financial benefits to joining the military. We have come a long way in the competition between military and civilian careers. 

  1. Your paycheck. The military compensation is pretty awesome currently. The best part is that you don’t pay for food or housing. 
  2. Promotions. Civilian jobs don’t always make the ladder to promotion clear. However, the military is straightforward. You can see the direct path from E-1 to E-9 from day one.
  3. Pay increases. Your pay will consistently increase along with inflation and time in service.
  4. Medical. Hey, it’s free medical services. I can’t complain.
  5. Opportunities. Once you’re in, you can change career fields, become an officer or warrant officer, and volunteer for special duties. I served at US Embassies for four years.
  6. Free gym. Going to the gym is something I take for granted. I can go anywhere in the world and find a military gym for free. 
  7. Access to worldwide bases. I can access tons of bases worldwide. Each base has a pool, hotel, and other recreation events and services.
  8. Education. The education benefits, while you are active, are impressive. You can get multiple degrees for free. 

There’s more. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The other oversized ticket items are the VA Loan, G.I. Bill, and a military pension.

Don’t Gamble with Retirement 7

The VA Loan. The VA Loan allows you to buy a house with no money down. Access to a VA Loan in your 20s cuts off ten to fifteen years of savings for a down payment. Buying a home can accelerate your wealth creation tenfold if you can purchase it early. 

The G.I. Bill. The G.I. Bill pays for your college and gives you a living allowance. Getting access to the G.I. BIll after four years of service is perhaps the most powerful wealth generator in the market today. 

After four years, you can get free education and have the experience to boot. You can easily be 26 years old, a college graduate, and have no student loan debt. Even younger if you took some college while you were on active duty.

Preferred Shares vs. Treasury Bonds

Military retirement. For those serving the entire twenty years, you’ll obtain one of the best retirement pension plans. You’ll get 40% of your salary plus keep your medical benefits. 

The military pension is one of the best sources of passive income ever, plus you can still build a dividend portfolio to supplement your retirement

More passive income. Because the internet is everywhere, you can build upon your military career while you serve. There is so much opportunity to expand your wealth, even as you travel from duty station to duty station.

You can start an online business, create content, obtain rental properties, and write a blog. Because the world is becoming more of a remote workplace, the military lifestyle is becoming much more manageable.

Conclusion. People have become more isolated than ever. Young people believe they will succeed by being individuals and going their own way.

Staying Debt-Free in Your 70s

Sadly, this has never been the formula to success. The person who can get in front of twenty other young people and lead them in physical fitness, combat, and life experience will ultimately be the success story. 

The military has many benefits, some financial and others practical. However, the intangibles are still the biggest reasons to join—honor, courage, and commitment still ring true in my head. 

I have never in 23 years felt my life would be better as a civilian. I never craved some form of “mythical” freedom either. However, I may be an anomaly. 

From Broke to Saver to Investor

I love having financial freedom. I love knowing where I fit in life and seeing young people who have a chance to follow in my footsteps. 

We all crave discipline and a defined path toward success. The military can provide guidance and mentorship, which is ultra-rare in the civilian world. 

The worst thing you can be on this Earth is invisible. I feel we are producing a generation of young adults screaming to be seen. 

However, you will always be seen and heard in the military, even as an E-1—someone always accounts for you. Can you say the same in the civilian world?

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  14. Kindle Unlimited: Why I Finally Subscribed Kindle Unlimited (learn more)
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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


2 responses to “Join Up! Time to Sign Up for the Military”

  1. […] main option is for your kids to join the armed forces. This is the most rewarding way to earn money for college and other expenses. My son is 18 and is […]

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