The Metaverse 106: Relationships in the Metaverse

We have come so far in The Metaverse 101 series (101, 102, 103, 104, 105), but we still have much more to cover. Today, I want to explore the possibilities of relationships and dating in the metaverse.

I will discuss this topic into two categories: couples and singles. I belong to the couples category because I have been married to my lovely wife for 16 years. Let’s start there.

Couples in the Metaverse. I have been a US Marine for close to 23 years, 16 of those years being married. Over this timeframe, I have been away for at least eight of the sixteen years. That, of course, is 50% of the time.

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So, how could the metaverse assist couples where one person is constantly traveling or away? I think the first thing the metaverse will bring is consistency. 

The only way to talk to my wife is through Facebook Messenger—I am in Japan, and she is in Florida. I envision a world where we can pretend to be in the same time zone. Let me explain.

Currently, we have a vast disparity between timezones. I am going to work, and she is coming back from work. But on the weekends, maybe we can both get into our beds at the same time. She can jump in during the evenings, which would be my early morning. 

Inside the metaverse, we can be in the same setting. Maybe it is a huge hotel room with a fireplace. We can listen to the same music or put on a movie together. Perhaps we just hop in bed and read our books and magazines separately, as we do in real life.

The idea is that now all we can do is talk to each other. We can’t create experiences with one another. I think the metaverse will allow couples the ability to still create experiences with one another while they are far apart. 

Heck, it can even help couples who are together in the same location. Sometimes money or children can hinder the couple’s ability to getaway. How about taking an all-expenses-paid trip to the Bahamas—metaverse style?

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Couple’s finances. The metaverse can also assist couples with one of the most challenging aspects of marriage, finances.

I believe we can make finances fun and motivational for both spouses with the right software. I have read multiple books that explain the philosophy of money, including “I Will Teach You to be Rich,” “Smart Couples Finish Rich,” “Think and Grow Rich,” and “Effortless Money.” 

The information is out there; sadly, most people have no interest in reading. So maybe we can convert this information into a game. How about we meet with an artificial intelligence money counselor who can assist us? There are many ways to skin this cat, and the entrepreneurs who can solve these issues will win big. 

Dating in the Metaverse. Singles today are in a hurt locker. Dating apps have changed the dating landscape for better or worse.

If people are looking for quick hook-ups—life is good. If you are looking for a long-term relationship, marriage, and children—you are hurting. I recently read “Otherhood,” a book about a 40-year-old childless, career woman. It’s regrettable that people want relationships but can’t find them.

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How can the metaverse assist singles? First, it can provide simple, clean first dates. Maybe, they can even prevent people from looking at each other’s true faces. Today, people want their spouse to be perfect. 

They want them to have great looks, height, personality, be great in bed and have a fantastic job. That is a lot to ask—too much, in my opinion. Something’s got to give. 

People are no longer asking great initial questions. Today, people want to see tax returns on the first date, looking for income levels.

How about in the metaverse, we can send an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)chaperone to assist the young people? It’s evident that most people can’t date on their own, so why not get some help from a computer that can help them ask great questions and laugh together?

A.I. personas. I was thinking about this on my run yesterday. What if I had an A.I. persona that followed me around all day, every day. It knew I liked Pokemon and eating peanut butter M&Ms. It knew I loved running and writing books.

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My A.I. persona could go on the dating marketplace and find other personas with similar interests and traits. These two personas could interact, maybe even simulate dating each other, all in milliseconds, of course. 

If they both felt they could be a match, they would convey this information back to their owners, and we could start a conversation. We could then go on a virtual date that best suits us. I imagine if we are both runners, we could hop on our respective treadmills and go on a virtual run through London. This could be a great way to find suitable partners, not just hook-ups. 

How will dates look in the metaverse? Okay, so we can do virtual dating, but how do we make that more special than just floating around together. Here is the opportunity of a lifetime for entrepreneurs—shared physical dates.

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Imagine, you and your date both love great beer from local breweries. With a bit of planning (maybe a week out), you arrange for your brewery to deliver a 12-pack of various beers to your date, wherever they are located. They also provide a plastic set of cups so you can each pour a flight of beer.

You both follow the instructions on which beer to pour into the flights, and you go into the metaverse. The setting is of the local brewery. You can talk, eat (they also delivered snacks), and drink beer together. Did I mention you were 200 miles apart? Would that be a perfect date?

Companies could do this with restaurants. Imagine your local Italian diner in New York can deliver fresh food to California overnight. The two of you would be able to experience a great local meal over 3,000 miles apart. 

Of course, the mark-up in price would be extreme. That meal would cost at least $300. However, this is for the upper class and people who have done well with their money. Sometimes higher profit margins are in this category of consumer

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I think the main thing the metaverse will prevent is hook-up culture. It’s hard to hook up if you are miles apart from each other. Dating used to be about talking and experiences. I never expected to have sex after a first date, and I paid for all my dates. 

The metaverse will help us reset some of the misgivings that social media brought into town. It could also screw things up worse, so let’s roll with the punches.

Conclusion. The metaverse will usher in a new way for established couples to keep things fresh. We can now travel anywhere in the virtual world while at home safely with our children. 

Singles will also find solace in the metaverse if that is what they seek. I believe there are enormous opportunities for artificial intelligence and physical establishments to find ways to enhance distance dating. The entrepreneur who jumps on these will create a new form of relationship. Good Luck!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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