Inflation vs. Royalties

How much have your trips to Walmart increased in price? Remember all those stimulus checks that we received over the last year or so? Well, they come at a cost. We now have more money than ever chasing after the same amount of goods or services. This imbalance causes inflation.

The Federal Reserve says that inflation is transitory, meaning it shouldn’t stick around for a long time. All signs point to otherwise, but we will need solutions for now and for the long term, even if it passes.

We just covered how dividends can help you beat inflation, but there is one caveat to this fact—dividend-paying stocks cost money. No matter how hard you work at home, your dividend portfolio isn’t growing (quickly) if you aren’t making money.

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Enter royalties. Royalties are monies you receive when people buy your books, watch your YouTube videos, and listen to your music. There are even more ways to make royalties, like T-Shirt designs on Redbubble and printables on Etsy.

The best part about royalties is that they are work-based and creativity-based. If you are willing to put in the time to learn a platform, design, advertising, and marketing, you will be rewarded with a growing customer base and a larger audience.

Also, since everyone is feeling the pinch of inflation, you can create content about making money and increasing passive income. When people start to see their bank account draining faster than expected, they will want to increase their income, and you can have assets already available to this end—just a thought. 

So, if you can build up a nice income stream for little money and by working from home, you have successfully increased your chances of defeating inflation. Your money is in an infinite return, which means you are getting the highest return on your cash. Yes, you can create assets from thin air

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I know this to be true because I am doing this right now. I am starting month seven of my royalties challenge. I released my first book on Amazon in January 2021, today on July 2nd, 2021. This is the amount I have made by month: 

Month 1Month 2Month 3Month 4Month 5Month 6

As my royalties have slowly been increasing, my costs have not. The only actual costs for releasing books are Grammarly ($100/year) and Pixlr Stock Photos (for my artwork, $120/year).

Pixlr is entirely optional, but you will want to create your book covers if you publish books. Pixlr is a great way to learn to post your own covers and article pictures. Grammarly does a great good of correcting your English and also helping you to form good habits.

At a similar point in my dividend investing career (6-7 months), I was also bringing in roughly $65/month. However, I had $13,000 invested in my portfolio. So, I had about $220 invested for royalties, and for dividends, I had $13,000 invested. Do you see the power of royalties?

If I am creating money from thin air by writing articles, designing covers, and building a library of eBooks, each dollar I make is helping me fight inflation. I am printing my own money

How to Build Passive Income from Royalties

If your earned-income job is your only source of cash flow, heaven helps you. The only way to beat inflation is to work more hours or get a pay raise. I guess you could get another job, but the last thing you want to do is exchange MORE time for money. 

You want your money to come in passively. Even though I am working my butt off on writing and releasing books, I am doing it all on my schedule. I can easily take a month or two off and still have cash coming in. I am in the accumulation phase of both my books and audience. At some point, my work will take off and continue to sell without my need to babysit.

Once this happens, people may want to buy my entire catalog of books from me. At that point, you have to look at the return on investment. Say I spend $2,000 over five years building my book library. I am sure I will have made more money than that.

I may have 1,000 books published by then. Someone may want to come to buy my whole catalog for $100,000 to $200,000. You may laugh, but there is a lot you can do with a massive roster of diverse books. You can translate them into other languages, give them as daily email gifts, prizes, email sign-up bonuses, start a subscription service, turn them into audiobooks, give them away for free with heavy advertising and affiliate marketing, etc. The list goes on. 

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Whoever buys my collection, if I sell it, is looking to make passive income from books. Keep in mind; I can also do all of the above as well. That is the magic of royalties; once you create an income stream, you can exploit the crap out of it. 

So, not only are you beating inflation by creating money for free, but you are out-pacing inflation by creating more money from your income streams—not a bad way to start. 

How do you get started with royalties? Royalties are a form of business income. I recommend you start with my book giving an overview of business income. The article and book are called “Retire Rich, Retire Comfortable with a Business (book).” 

Inside you will learn how to add value for your audience, which will convert them into customers. If you can add value, the money will follow, not vice versa. You will need to create and build a never-ending stream of content

Indeed, there is a lot to learn to start building royalties but consider paying yourself through knowledge. The skills I have learned about writing, design, advertising, and marketing have been enormous! And they carry over to any endeavor I do, always—this will make me inflation-resistant for my entire life. You can do the same. Good Luck!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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