Tag: starting a business
Rents Go Up: Which Side of the Equation Are You On?
Rent prices across the United States and the world will continue to rise. There is little we can do as the average consumer. Once institutional investors, foreign interests, and the Airbnb crowd entered the real estate game, it changed the landscape forever. So how do we become homeowners in today’s environment? Even better, how do…
Become Middle-Class PLUS: Insert Growth Multipliers into Your Life
Most people fear becoming rich. Somewhere along the lines, they adopted a belief that rich people are bad; therefore, they avoid the path to wealth. However, it’s still not wrong to make a little more money. The problem is that most people cannot fathom earning income outside of a 9-5 job. Most times, people’s jobs…
Create Money, Spend Money, Grow Money: How to Break Your Scarcity Mindset
Growing up, I always associated money with fear. There was a fear of using money and becoming rich. When poor people hate the rich, they limit themselves from becoming rich. How can you become something you loathe? I was taught to dream small. For example, paying your bills each month was a significant accomplishment. Start…
Inflation Ate My Paycheck 112: Inflation for Longer
Now is a great time to be alive, although it may not seem this way. America and most countries are experiencing high inflationary pressures from all sources. However, you have all the tools at your disposal to combat inflation and continue to grow your net worth. Welcome back to the Inflation Ate My Paycheck Series…
Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Families
How can you possibly exit the workforce with an entire family in tow? Well, it’s more than possible if you put your mind to it and commit as a family. I should know because my family is leaving the workforce this year. My wife (39) has already stopped working, and I will retire (42) in…
Start Your Season of Saving: Let’s Save $100,000
Do you believe that $100,000 is a lot of money? Can you envision you would ever have this amount of money in your high-yield savings account? If you think this is a lot of money, that is your first limiting belief. If you do not believe you can save $100,000, that is your second limiting…
Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Couples
In a fantasy world, two people working together should quickly free themselves from the workforce. In reality, we all have major money issues and traumas that prevent us from seeing clearly. Thus, freeing ourselves is extremely challenging, and doing it as a couple is almost impossible. There is hope. However, there is hope. As long…
How to Channel the Velocity of Money and Take Control of Your Financial Outlook
How do rich people get rich and stay rich? They always keep their money moving in new and unique directions. When we lack financial education, we think that saving money (even in a high-yield savings account) is the terminal location of our monetary needs. However, we need to use our money to create money continually.…
Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles
The great part about being single is that you single-handedly control your destiny. The bad part is that you are all alone. However, you can easily free yourself from the workforce when you are single. All you have to do is start from the end. Dreaming up your retirement. Most people dream of retiring in…
Life is a Math Game: Learn It or Struggle Forever
How did you do in high school math? You’ll need to revisit your old math books if you didn’t do so well. Life is a math game with emotions running on top. If you can solve your unique math puzzle, you have a much better chance of having successful relationships. Math comes into many aspects…
Your Income Should Increase Every Year 2
Life is expensive. This is a difficult concept for most people to understand. To stay ahead in the world, you must keep increasing your income annually. The good part is that your assets can do most of the work for you. The bad part is you’ll need to acquire your assets first. I wrote part…
I’m High on Life with Royalties
I love my royalties. I go back and forth between what feels better: receiving dividends or earning royalties. You know when your dividends will arrive, but royalties are entirely random. I have over 900 books on Amazon, and every day something different happens with them. My latest book may sell, or my first book from…
The Most Challenging Part of Passive Income: Enjoying it
They teach you to work. They teach you to struggle. However, they don’t teach you to enjoy life. Once you get your relationships and finances on track, your worldview changes. The average person believes that you go to work and spend your paycheck. Because work makes you sad, you spend even more than you need—shopping…
Becoming an Entrepreneur #7: Generating Leads
A business needs an audience of paying customers. Therefore, your job as an entrepreneur is to find new people to enter your sales funnel consistently. Welcome back to the Becoming an Entrepreneur series (Part #1, Part #2, Part #3, Part #4, Part #5, Part #6), where we turn strangers into paying customers. What is a…
How to Create, Buy, And Build Assets: Start the Journey to Set Yourself Free
My favorite author Robert Kiyosaki says it best, “An asset puts money in your pocket, and a liability takes money from you.” Understanding this simple truth has allowed me to become debt free and financially independent over the last four years. I simply focus my efforts on obtaining assets and not accumulating liabilities. Collecting assets…
Why You Need Passive Income!
I woke up yesterday to find some emails containing passive income in my Gmail inbox. I received $97 from Fundrise, $22 from Direct2Digital (books), and $60 in dividends. There is nothing like receiving money you don’t need. To earn passive income, you do the work once (invest or write) and continually reap the rewards. Why…
Why Rents Will Continue to Rise: And How You Can Get Ahead of the Rental Curve
Are you waiting for a housing crash before jumping into the market? Well, you may be waiting for a very long time. The rental market will continue to rise for the foreseeable future for one main reason—investors. There are simply too many individual and foreign investors, institutions, syndications, and real estate investment trusts (REITs) for…
Dividend ETFs vs. Bonds 2: The Tax Edition
After writing “Dividend ETFs vs. Bonds,” I got to thinking about taxes. As we head into retirement, taxes will play a significant role in our decision-making. Let’s rerun the $500,000-401K scenario, but this time with a perspective focusing on taxes. Let’s assume we are 66 years old and drawing social security. What are qualified dividends?…