Tag: free-pdf-book
Is Homeownership Still The American Dream?
I detest paying rent to someone else. Currently, I am renting a room as I finish the last month of my military career. I am paying $800 monthly in San Diego as my family awaits my return to Florida. I feel many negative emotions every time I pay rent on the first. I am a…
Cursed Retirement? What is Sequence of Returns Risk?
Most of us spend our working years dreaming (and planning) for retirement daily. We know that to free ourselves from bondage, we must have a solid retirement plan in place. Conventional wisdom has us invest 10% into our 401Ks and Roth IRAs over 35-45 years. Hopefully, we retire with $1-2 million, but that is rare.…
The Magic of High-Yield Index Fund Reinvestment
Index funds pay an embarrassingly low amount of dividends. However, they are a great product to dollar-cost average over a long time because it’s hard to beat their gains. The problem arises when you need to generate income from your index funds in your working or retirement years. Most people cannot live on a 1.5%…
My Five Year Plan for My Book Business: I’m Creating a Passive Income Machine
I have 930 books on Amazon. Yes, they are high-content books with words and pictures. I published my first book in January 2021 (today is June 19, 2023). When I first started, I aimed to create 1,000 books on Amazon. Well, now I don’t have an end goal because I plan to write until the…
Minimalism is Now a Necessity: We Can No Longer Afford Stuff
We are moving into a new era during the 2020s. We are transitioning from the prosperity era to the austerity era. This new austerity era will take no prisoners. If you don’t grasp how unforgiving this new timeline is, then you risk losing it all. What is the austerity era? This new era represents the…
Saving is Defense: Investing is Offense
Do you know the difference between saving and investing? What is the difference between having $100,000 in a high-yield savings account (HYSA) and $100,000 in an income investing portfolio? Once they get out of credit card debt, most people become savers. Saving comes naturally because you have complete control of your money—there are no risks.…
Saving and Investing with $1,000 per Month
Welcome to the big leagues! If you can save and invest $1,000 per month, you will eventually become quite wealthy. I remember four years ago (2019) when I didn’t even have $1,000 in my savings account. Even worse, I had $77,000 in debt; those were not fun times. I remember thinking that having $10,000 in…
How to Use a Daily Budget: The Best Way to Curb Personal Spending
Do you have your personal spending under control? If so, how do you measure whether you successfully keep your urges to consume at bay? Having financial control is tricky because we all work hard. We feel we deserve certain luxuries when we put so much into work. Some of us may love to spend on…
Become Middle-Class PLUS: Insert Growth Multipliers into Your Life
Most people fear becoming rich. Somewhere along the lines, they adopted a belief that rich people are bad; therefore, they avoid the path to wealth. However, it’s still not wrong to make a little more money. The problem is that most people cannot fathom earning income outside of a 9-5 job. Most times, people’s jobs…
Income Investing vs. Inflation 2
Inflation will stick around for 5-10 more years, so we must fight it at all costs. If your income leaves you behind, expect to have a challenging decade. Income investing is my favorite way to combat inflation because of the level of control it gives you. Each dividend you earn gives you a choice between…
Start Your Season of Saving: Let’s Save $100,000
Do you believe that $100,000 is a lot of money? Can you envision you would ever have this amount of money in your high-yield savings account? If you think this is a lot of money, that is your first limiting belief. If you do not believe you can save $100,000, that is your second limiting…
How to Channel the Velocity of Money and Take Control of Your Financial Outlook
How do rich people get rich and stay rich? They always keep their money moving in new and unique directions. When we lack financial education, we think that saving money (even in a high-yield savings account) is the terminal location of our monetary needs. However, we need to use our money to create money continually.…
What I Have Learned From Having Tenants for 10 Years
Most people will never become landlords and oversee tenants; they simply don’t possess the drive to manage another human being. Being a landlord requires you to separate who you are as a person from what you represent as a landlord. Sometimes these two individuals (you) are at odds. I own one large house in Arizona,…
Your Income Should Increase Every Year 2
Life is expensive. This is a difficult concept for most people to understand. To stay ahead in the world, you must keep increasing your income annually. The good part is that your assets can do most of the work for you. The bad part is you’ll need to acquire your assets first. I wrote part…
The Magic of Passive Index Fund Investing 2
I invest for income. Nothing gives me more pleasure than doing the math to generate dividends from my income-investing portfolio. However, income products usually don’t increase in value. To capture the stock market’s growth, I turn to index funds. What are index funds? Index funds are Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that track a specific assortment…
The Magic of Income Investing 2
I see the world through math; I can understand if something makes sense financially rather quickly. I also invest in generating income. The more income that comes into my accounts, the easier my life becomes. Revenue minus expenses creates cash flow. Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business and every household. To consistently overcome…
The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing 2
We all want to be able to afford retirement someday. They teach us to invest in our 401Ks; maybe at age 70, we can escape the rat race. But what if we could get away sooner? What if we could retire with a $1 million portfolio that also paid us $40,000 to $50,000 per year—without…
Stock & Bond Investing in Your 70s
Our 70s are all about paying it forward. Hopefully, we did well with our finances and can give to the next generations. We want to ensure our children and grandchildren can navigate life with more resources than we had available. We must lead by example if we want them to have the millionaire mindset. Welcome…
House Hacking to Defeat Credit Card Debt
Being in credit card debt is one of the worst situations in the world. There is nothing fun about the incredible power of compounding working against you. We must employ extreme measures to get ourselves out of dangerous credit card debt. We will struggle if we are trying to “work more hours” to clear our…