Tag: free-pdf-book
Life is Not a Game
Wow, I am 40 years old, and I am starting to realize how life works. I have realized that the more serious I take life, the easier it becomes. Also, the more fun I have with my family and friends (if I have any), when our finances are performing well. This article stems from some…
We Make $650/Month in Passive Income
Things are starting to heat up, and the money is beginning to become real. Last month, which was September 2021, my wife and I crossed a new milestone. We made $650 in passive income this month. Why is that number so impressive to us? First, it doesn’t include money from rental income. As I wrote…
Living Passively Overseas 105: Rental Income
We’ve come a long way in our quest to live overseas on passive income, but today we will face our greatest challenge yet—passive income from rental properties. The main concern with rental properties is who is going to oversee them while you are overseas? Before we get into our concerns, I want to welcome you…
My 60-Day Pre-Retirement
Ahh, the retired life is the life for me. I am currently heading back to Japan after two glorious months back in Florida with my family. I am actually in the air flying from Dallas to Seattle. That’s one of the reasons that I love writing; you can do it anywhere. Back to retirement, wow,…
10,000 Hours to Build an Income Stream
I seem to be writing about income streams a lot recently—probably because I am in the middle of building one as we speak. I can say from experience that it isn’t a cakewalk. However, I see the value in creating your own brand and platform. They say it takes 10,000 hours to master anything. So,…
Cash Flow 106: Why You Need a Job
I am not one to praise the virtues of having a job. In fact, I just finished an article about how the 8-Hour mindset destroys your ability to build wealth. However, we need jobs. Welcome back to the Cash Flow 101 series (101, 102, 103, 104, 105). I know, if you have read any of…
Debt Free? So, What’s Next?
Becoming debt-free after years of struggling under the crushing weight of consumer debt was an amazing feeling. Many people will never understand the gravity of being debt-free. It is as if you are floating on a cloud of air. However, being debt-free is just the beginning of a long journey towards the land of a…
Losing Friends? Your Doing Something Right
It’s funny how much my 15-year old son loves hanging out with friends. As parents, I try not to rain on his parade and tell him the truth. As we age, our friends do not want us to succeed. Don’t get me wrong; we should have 2-3 true friends. We may even have some family…
What Type of Home Business Should You Start?
So, your career is winding down. You are preparing to go into the unknown land of retirement. However, you will still need fresh income coming in via multiple sources. Of course, you have dividend and rental income, but having a more flexible type of income will also be great. Enter business. With a business, we…
RE Lifestyles 2: Investor vs. Lender
Investing in real estate is one of the fastest and easiest ways to grow your wealth. One of the main contributing factors to the speed of wealth creation is the use of leverage. Leverage is the ability to use OPM or Other People’s Money. There are two sides to leverage—the investor who asks for the…
The Magic of Dividend Growth Investing
There is a certain magic in growing your own crops. You fertilize the soil, plant the seeds, and hopefully pick the fruits that the plants produce. But, gardening should only be for people with patience. There is no fast way to start a crop-producing garden. Welcome to the world of Dividend Growth Investing or DGI.…
Living Overseas Passively 104: Dividend Income
We have come a long way in our quest to live overseas on passive income. Throughout the Living Overseas Passively series (101, 102, 103), we have explored the mindset we need to acquire and what retirement income we can best leverage to make our lives comfortable overseas. Now, it is time to present the granddaddy…
H.E.N.R.Y. High Earner Not Rich Yet
Money seems to be in abundance. Everywhere I look, store shelves are empty, people are driving new cars, and I see RVs and boats littering the road. So, is everyone rich? Apparently, there is a lot of money flowing through people’s hands and wallets. Why, then, do I keep hearing that most Americans will not…
Start a Small Machine Coin-Op Business
I’ve always been fascinated with ATM machines. Yes, I know that the acronym stands for Automated Teller Machine, but I still love saying ATM machines. I always wondered where that surcharge went and who was responsible for running them. It turns out that ATMs are a great source of passive income, with some caveats, of…
RE Lifestyles 1: Rentals vs. REITs
No matter how you feel about real estate, it is the best wealth generator for the average person. However, there are multiple ways to get involved with real estate; we just need to find the ones that suit our tastes best. Today, I begin the Real Estate Lifestyles series, comparing real estate versus other professions…
Don’t Gamble with Retirement 3 + 4
There is something genuinely unique about owning your content. I can do whatever I want with my content. However, when we create books with exclusivity, it limits our ability to reach the intended audience. Free 696-Page PDF Download I pulled “Don’t Gamble with Retirement 3” out of exclusivity so that I can now present this…
The Wealth Accumulation Phase: 2 Is Better Than 1
My wife is my lover, best friend, business partner, and wealth-accumulation teammate. We recently moved into the wealth accumulation phase of life, and I can now share some experiences on our fantastic journey. A quick backstory. My wife and I met over 17 years ago and married 15 years ago. I was a young Sergeant…
What is Passive Income?
I have been writing religiously about passive income (600+ articles) for a little over a year now. However, I don’t think I have written an article addressing passive income from the top down. Today is that day. I will attempt to cover all aspects of passive income the best way I can. What is passive…
Create a Never-Ending Stream of Content 2
Wow! Content, content, content. I published “How to Create a Never-Ending Stream of Content” on January 31st, 2021. I was just getting my feet wet in the daily content business. Now, eight months later, I can say everything I wrote was accurate. I went back and read the original article to refresh myself on what…
Living Overseas Passively 103: Retirement Income
What are the best methods to retire overseas with income from our working years? Most of this income will be hard to tap into because most of it is unusable until 60 years old. But let’s take a look at our options and see what plans we can make with our retirement income. Welcome back…