Tag: free-pdf-book

  • America is Expensive: So What Are You Going to do About It?

    America is Expensive: So What Are You Going to do About It?

    I spent the last two years away from my family, working in Okinawa, Japan. Finally, I am back home where I belong, but things have changed. I left in August 2020, and today the landscape in America is much different. For one, America is much more expensive. Due to inflation and perhaps a pending recession,…

  • The Stock Market is Not a Wealth Generator

    The Stock Market is Not a Wealth Generator

    I hope this article finds you in a timely manner. The stock market is in the middle of crashing and may have another leg down or two. Many people are freaking out, and panic may ensue. Me, I am maxing and relaxing. I am adding more to my positions while storing cash because there are…

  • Is $75,000 a Year The Magic Happiness Number?

    Is $75,000 a Year The Magic Happiness Number?

    The news media often says earning $75,000/year is the magic happiness number for most people. After this number, your happiness level begins to diminish. Here is an article on VeryWellMind.com that refutes the argument.  There is a lot of truth to this $75,000 number—my two cents. However, it doesn’t tell the complete story. Today, I…

  • Start a Food Truck Business Towards Passive Income

    Start a Food Truck Business Towards Passive Income

    Have you ever dreamed of owning your own food truck or restaurant? Many people have the cooking skills to succeed in the food industry; however, their business skills may be lacking. There are a couple of ways to build passive income in the food industry: automation and franchising. But first, we have to create a…

  • Small City. Passive Income. Great Retirement.

    Small City. Passive Income. Great Retirement.

    I’m a huge fan of retiring overseas to maximize my retirement dollars. Why not travel to a place where your dollars can allow you to live like a king or queen while still saving and investing? I wrote an entire series about Living Overseas on Passive Income (101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108,…

  • The Metaverse 116: Advertising in the Metaverse

    The Metaverse 116: Advertising in the Metaverse

    The advertising economy has shifted from billboards to content marketing. No longer can you run an ad and have someone purchase your product instantly. Ads are suitable for maintaining brand awareness across multiple generations of people (think Coca-Cola), but you’ll need to do more. The move from radio, magazines, and newspapers to the world of…

  • The Magic of Leverage

    The Magic of Leverage

    Leverage is everything in life. To understand how the world operates, you must start seeing the world through who has leverage. Who has the leverage if I want to install a vending machine inside a restaurant? The restaurant owner has the power, so I need to approach this person accordingly. I need to anticipate how…

  • The Metaverse 115: Coaching in the Metaverse

    The Metaverse 115: Coaching in the Metaverse

    Being a coach is a demanding career because you have to bring more energy than your client. They expect you (and pay you) to be on point, knowledgeable, and a leader. I talked about coaching in “Start a Coaching Business towards Passive Income.” Today, we will take it a step further and see how we…

  • Buy The Dip! The Magic of Averaging Down

    Buy The Dip! The Magic of Averaging Down

    Have you ever bought an outstanding stock at a wonderful price and been proud of yourself? These are the times when we are happy to be investors. However, a bit of bad news in the markets turns your premiere investment into a big flash of red. The price plummets, and now you don’t like looking…

  • The Metaverse 114: Consulting in the Metaverse

    The Metaverse 114: Consulting in the Metaverse

    Talk about the metaverse is cooling off as we enter the great recession of 2022. But don’t be fooled by the lack of interest—the metaverse will be back soon and bigger than ever. Led by Meta (formerly Facebook), companies are still investing massive amounts of cash into the metaverse; therefore, we need to take its’…

  • Investing for Interest 108: The Magic of CD Ladders

    Investing for Interest 108: The Magic of CD Ladders

    Building a high-yield emergency fund is vital to our long-term financial survival. As various markets (crypto, commodity, stock, real estate) fluctuate over time, we use our savings fund as a source of reliability, dependability, and consistency. Today, I want to discuss one more option to put in our emergency fund toolbox—the CD ladder. Welcome back…

  • Play Video Games for Passive Income

    Play Video Games for Passive Income

    I am a massive Pokemon fan. When Nintendo first released the games in 1998 and 1999, I was preparing to join the Marines; thus, I had little time to play with them. However, on my first deployment to the deserts of 29 Palms, California, in 2000, I picked up Pokemon Yellow. I have been hooked…

  • Debt-Free Society: Beat Wedding Debt

    Debt-Free Society: Beat Wedding Debt

    Your wedding day is a time to celebrate with the love of your life. Hopefully, both of your families can party together and send you off to a great marriage. The problem with weddings is that they start you off with tons of consumer debt. When you get married, there are many new expenses you…

  • Retirement Planning for the Average Person 4

    Retirement Planning for the Average Person 4

    The average person needs to have a plan for retirement. Yes, this means that you actually need to formulate a path towards getting older and surviving. Retirement is coming for all of us, and no one is coming to save us. Social security is NOT a retirement plan. It’s a questionable backup resource—at best. I…

  • Join Up! Time to Sign Up for the Military

    Join Up! Time to Sign Up for the Military

    The military is a great place to beat a recession. I have been in the military during the recessions of 2000, 2008, 2020, and now 2022. But, the military offers so much more. I joined the United States Marine Corps in June 1999 and haven’t looked back. I am currently at 23 years and will…

  • Your 401K vs. A Recession

    Your 401K vs. A Recession

    This article will go against most conventional wisdom floating in the financial world. When you start as an adult, the 401K is a sacred cow we must protect at all costs. However, savings into your 401K can damage your finances for the foreseeable future because of “life.” Today, I want to explore some alternative ways…

  • Emergency Cash: How Much Do You Need in an Emergency Fund?

    Emergency Cash: How Much Do You Need in an Emergency Fund?

    Building an emergency fund is one of the best ways to create a feeling of financial security. But how much do you need in an emergency fund? The short answer is that every situation is different. Your emergency fund is a function of your belief system, job, and financial literacy. Let’s cover each of these…

  • Debt-Free Society: Beat Student Loan Debt

    Debt-Free Society: Beat Student Loan Debt

    Someone lied to us all about going to college and taking on student loan debt. In a few cases, getting a degree leads to massive wins in the civilian sector or military. However, taking on the debt associated with these degrees can put you into a form of slavery called indentured servitude (Read “In-debt-ured Servant”).…

  • Debt-Free Society: Beat Automobile Debt

    Debt-Free Society: Beat Automobile Debt

    There has been some debate about whether your home is an asset or a liability. I agree with Robert Kiyosaki, who says that your primary residence is a liability.  However, there is no doubt that your car is a massive liability. Yes, it gets you to work, but it drains resources daily. With the increased…

  • Income Investing vs. Inflation

    Income Investing vs. Inflation

    I want my money now! In fact, I want to create as many paychecks as possible throughout the month. This concept is the basis of becoming an income investor. I have been preaching about the woes of inflation for over a year now (Inflation is Coming, Prepare for Inflation). Now, it’s here, and I am…