Tag: crypto

  • Income Portfolio vs. USDC:  The Battle for 9%

    Income Portfolio vs. USDC: The Battle for 9%

    Investing is about getting a return on your investment, therefore ensuring the velocity of money, compounding, time, and intellect all work in your favor. The more you learn, study, and grow, the better your chances are to get “lucky.” When we think about investing, sometimes we come to decision points that lead to vastly different…

  • USDC For The Win !!

    USDC For The Win !!

    The stable coin USDC is the most versatile investment on the market today. Yes, it is a cryptocurrency; however, there is more than meets the eye. As I wrote in “CryptoCurrency 105: The Stability of Stable Coins,” USDC is a fiat-collateralized stablecoin. This means that for every US dollar people invest into USDC, they mint…

  • Inflation vs. Crypto

    Inflation vs. Crypto

    Inflation is currently a hot topic, and it will probably be for the next 4-6 years. The Federal Reserve and Treasury Department printed a lot of cash that will slowly enter the money circulation. I previously wrote a few articles about assets and inflation (royalties, dividends, rents, passive income), but today I wanted to focus…

  • Passive Income in DeFi 101: Interest from Coins

    Passive Income in DeFi 101: Interest from Coins

    Another day, another series. I love writing mini-series because they challenge me to think outside the box and focus on the subject. Today I will be doing a deep dive on my favorite topic, Passive Income. This will be a little different because I will discuss passive income opportunities inside of Decentralized Finance (DeFi). I…

  • Stocks vs. Cryptos

    Stocks vs. Cryptos

    I know, I know; you don’t think that this will be a fair fight. Stocks have been around for a long time, and cryptos have been kicking for about ten years and are only recently becoming mainstream.  However, when it comes to your money, everything is equal. Remember, all these investment sources are fighting for…

  • CryptoCurrency 101: Let’s Invest in Crypto Together!

    CryptoCurrency 101: Let’s Invest in Crypto Together!

    Well, it is finally time to dive into the world of cryptocurrencies. I know that I have been a little apprehensive before, but fear never gets us anywhere. Sometimes we have to take the bull by the horns and wrestle control of our futures. I want this series to be a place where we can…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Ethereum”

    5 Takeaways from “Ethereum”

    “Ethereum” by Jack Mathew reads like a magazine for Information Technology (I.T.) coding or programming. That is to say that it is a tough read for us regular folks. However, I am glad I powered through it, and it was only 46 challenging pages.  Ethereum is currently the second leading cryptocurrency, only trailing Bitcoin. I…

  • Passive Income in CryptoCurrency

    Passive Income in CryptoCurrency

    Today is an exhilarating day for me. I found another stream of passive income, and it comes in a unique package. I would have never thought that I would find my next passive income source in CrytpoCurrencies. What a world we live in today. This article will be short, but I wanted to post my…