Tag: books

  • Welcome to The T.I.C.E.S. Society: Tycoon, Investor, Creator, Entrepreneur, Scholar

    Welcome to The T.I.C.E.S. Society: Tycoon, Investor, Creator, Entrepreneur, Scholar

    It’s hard to express how fragile our lives become without knowledge. When we depend on a job, a person, or a government to save us, they usually come up short. Americans have become more educated over the years—meaning more people have college degrees than ever. However, most people need more financial education to grow a…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Create Something Awesome”

    5 Takeaways from “Create Something Awesome”

    “Create Something Awesome” by Roberto Blake is a working template for success in any creative pursuit. If you plan on becoming a creator, this is the manual for you. People have glamorized being a creator, with most failing to understand the amount of dedication and discipline it takes. Don’t worry; Mr. Blake is here to…

  • 5 Takeaways from “The 1-Page Marketing Plan”

    5 Takeaways from “The 1-Page Marketing Plan”

    “The 1-Page Marketing Plan” by Allan Dib walks us through the sales funnel of a successful business. A business thrives on acquiring new leads, warming them up, selling to them, and finally re-selling to them. Successful businesses don’t do any of this passively, however. Marketing needs to be at the forefront of your business operations.…

  • 5 Takeaways from “How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in Five Years”

    5 Takeaways from “How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in Five Years”

    “How to Pay Off Your Mortgage in Five Years” by Clayton and Natali Morris centers around performing a lot of math. If you don’t enjoy math, this may not be the book for you. However, they present a good argument for how to pay off your mortgage quickly. If you are a financially disciplined person,…

  • 5 Takeaways from “The Everything Budgeting Book”

    5 Takeaways from “The Everything Budgeting Book”

    “The Everything Budgeting Book” by Tere Stouffer is a massive book covering everything about budgeting (as the title implies). You will find budgets from having a baby, saving for college, and growing a retirement fund. This is the book I should have read right before I joined the military in 1999. Many of the lessons…

  • Becoming an Entrepreneur #1: Reading the Right Books

    Becoming an Entrepreneur #1: Reading the Right Books

    What’s the difference between an entrepreneur and an employee? The employee receives a paycheck for going to work, while the entrepreneur gets compensation for adding value. They may sound similar, but they are vastly different mindsets. Why would an employee want to become an entrepreneur? Over the years in the workforce, your company will severely…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Unscripted: The Great Rat-Race Escape”

    5 Takeaways from “Unscripted: The Great Rat-Race Escape”

    “Unscripted: The Great Rat-Race Escape” by MJ DeMarco is a fascinating trip down the path to being an entrepreneur and escaping the rat race. This book is long; however, it is an all-in-one guide to starting your journey into entrepreneurship. More importantly, it gives you the “why” and “how” to escape the rat race. Escaping…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Build Your Music Career From Scratch”

    5 Takeaways from “Build Your Music Career From Scratch”

    “Build Your Music Career From Scratch” by Andrae Alexander is a guide on how to build your music career from nothing. I am a fan of building a creative career independently by leveraging new tools at our disposal. Along with writing, podcasting, and video, music is much easier to start than 10-20 years ago. However,…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Podcasting for Beginners”

    5 Takeaways from “Podcasting for Beginners”

    “Podcasting for Beginners” by Brandon’s Business Guides walks us through the steps to starting a podcast and gaining traction. Podcasts are one of my tiers of passive income from creativity. Podcasts are essential to everyday life because they allow listeners to continue to perform other tasks while listening. Like all other forms of royalties, it…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Copywriting Strategies”

    5 Takeaways from “Copywriting Strategies”

    “Copywriting Strategies” by Nicki Krawczyk is a must-read for anyone who owns (or wants to own) a business. Copywriting is in everything we see and is vital to attracting consumers to your product, content, or service.  Copywriting is the words you see on advertisements, labels, magazines, commercials, and everything else in between. I write “copy”…

  • 5 Takeaways from “The Dividend Mantra Way”

    5 Takeaways from “The Dividend Mantra Way”

    “The Dividend Mantra Way” by Jason Fieber targets the FIRE movement crowd. FIRE stands for Financial Independence Retire Early. However, dividend investing is a much different investment style than most FIRE movement people choose. Most FIRE people use passive investing via index funds to save for retirement. Once they hit a target amount, they attempt…

  • 5 Takeaways from “His Needs, Her Needs”

    5 Takeaways from “His Needs, Her Needs”

    “His Needs, Her Needs” by Dr. Willard F. Harley Jr. is the best book on marriage ever written. I can say that without a doubt because I read it ten years ago, and it made my marriage that much better. The book gives the top ten basic needs within a standard couple—five for women and…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Extreme Early Retirement”

    5 Takeaways from “Extreme Early Retirement”

    “Extreme Early Retirement” by Jacob Lund Fisker is a deep look at financial independence. I mean a truly in-depth look at society, economics, education, and training. This book is a tough read because the author orients it toward very sophisticated people. The author is a renaissance man, and he writes as such. I find this…

  • 5 Takeaways from “How to Write a Novel”

    5 Takeaways from “How to Write a Novel”

    “How to Write a Novel” by Joanna Penn gives us an in-depth look at the fiction writing process. I am not a fiction writer yet, but it’s good for me to understand the differences between fiction and non-fiction writing. To create a successful story, you need a character, in a setting, with a goal that…

  • 5 Takeaways from “The Independent Homeschool”

    5 Takeaways from “The Independent Homeschool”

    “The Independent Homeschool” by Fred Ray Lybrand is a journey of learning “how to learn.” Specifically, it teaches us how to create independent learners that can teach themselves. My life goal is to homeschool my grandkids throughout their lives. I am preparing myself now for how to run a homeschool successfully. This is my first book…

  • 5 Takeaways from “60 Days to LinkedIn Mastery”

    5 Takeaways from “60 Days to LinkedIn Mastery”

    “60 Days to LinkedIn Mastery” by Josh Steimle is a masterpiece on how to build an audience. He focuses on LinkedIn mastery in his book, but the general concepts you can use anywhere. Growing an audience is tough, especially if you don’t know the particulars of each platform. I have a small number of followers…

  • 5 Takeaways from “HSA Owner’s Manual”

    5 Takeaways from “HSA Owner’s Manual”

    “HSA Owner’s Manual” by Todd Berkley is a must-read for everyone. Although many people will never be eligible for a Health Savings Account (HSA), it is good to know their benefits.  HSAs are triple tax-protected savings vehicles, where owners can use distributions on qualified medical expenses. Triple tax-protected means that contributions, growth, and distributions are…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Becoming a Money BOSS”

    5 Takeaways from “Becoming a Money BOSS”

    “Becoming a Money BOSS” by Kimberly Olson is an excellent money book that you can easily understand. I genuinely appreciate books that logically flow so I can follow along quickly. Inside the book, the author goes through the steps to understand, handle, and build money. If you are having difficulty getting a grip on your…

  • 5 Takeaways from “SKILL”

    5 Takeaways from “SKILL”

    “SKILL: A Top Producing Agent’s Guide to Earning Unlimited Income” by David Greene is the book for anyone who wants to be a top-producing real estate agent. In reality, it’s also for EVERYONE buying a house. That’s right, no matter how many homes you have purchased, this book can teach you something. I own three…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Business for Authors”

    5 Takeaways from “Business for Authors”

    “Business for Authors” is another wonderful book by my favorite author, Joana Penn. Inside the book, she details her journey as an author-entrepreneur. I, too, am striving to be an author-entrepreneur, so this book immediately took hold. Many authors do not want to deal with the business side of publishing and releasing books. This may…