Category: MISC

  • STASH Update #1: Oct 8, 2020

    STASH Update #1: Oct 8, 2020

    Stash is a great platform for automated investing. I invest in bonds, index funds, and most importantly, dividend-paying stocks. I have a personal (taxable) account and also a retirement (non-taxable) account. Join our Facebook group at: Follow us on Pinterest at: Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge…

  • Cash App Update #2 : Oct 8, 2020

    Cash App Update #2 : Oct 8, 2020

    Since the last update on July 12 (Amount $14) 2020, I went and filled out more dividend stocks. I have been investing in my Cash App every single day that the stock market is open for business. Join our Facebook group at: Follow us on Pinterest at: Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor…

  • Leadership #1: Self-Discipline

    Leadership #1: Self-Discipline

    Leadership is not a quality that someone is born with. Great leaders are forged, usually by other great leaders. The saying “steel forges steel” comes to mind. However, leadership and mentorship are not as prevalent as they were just 20 years ago. With this leadership series, I intend to give some of my advice on…

  • How to Build a Couples’ Retirement

    How to Build a Couples’ Retirement

    After almost 15 years of marriage, I understand how important personal finance is to maintaining a healthy relationship. Even though my wife and I plan on retiring together, it is still important that she has her own source of income. With that, we plan on building two separate yet almost identical retirement plans for us.…

  • Can you achieve F.I.R.E.?

    Can you achieve F.I.R.E.?

    The new buzzword around town is F.I.R.E., which stands for Financial Independence Retire Early. The general idea is that you will invest enough money, have a business, and/or have enough real estate income to retire from your job and live off of your passive income stream. How will you know when will have enough income…

  • Marine Corps Life #4

    Marine Corps Life #4

    Being a Marine is one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed on a human being. I will share my experiences via my pictures. Enjoy. These pictures were taken between 2009 Join our Facebook group at: Follow us on Pinterest at: Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any…

  • Marriage Year in Review: 2009

    Marriage Year in Review: 2009

    The Story: Wow! 2009 was an amazing year. For the second article out of 3, I didn’t realize how much we did in 2009 until I started looking through all the pictures. This was a quiet year from an accomplishment perspective. However, we were able to get settled into our new home, spend lots of…

  • From $0 to $60,000

    From $0 to $60,000

    The hardest part of getting where you are going is starting out. The same goes for starting out on your financial independence journey. There are so many ways to get started such as: paying down debt, increasing income, or investing in the stock market. We only recently started on our journey to financial independence (about…

  • Travel Blog #6: Santa Barbara, Ca

    Travel Blog #6: Santa Barbara, Ca

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great travels that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • Food Blog #5: Steak

    Food Blog #5: Steak

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great food that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • My Investment Circle

    My Investment Circle

    Creating your investment portfolio is an extremely personal affair. Only you know the amount of risk you can withstand. With that, I will show you how I choose to allocate my investments. Some may say that it is a little too conservative. That is okay. I grew up poor. I also don’t feel the need…

  • Why we decided to rent out room$$$

    Why we decided to rent out room$$$

    When I got stationed in Beaufort, SC back in 2012, our house in Yuma was underwater. This meant that it was worth less than we owed. Also, our mortgage payment was way higher than we could command in rent. So we decided it best that I go to South Carolina unaccompanied. Of course, when I…

  • Marine Corps Life #3

    Marine Corps Life #3

    Being a Marine is one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed on a human being. I will share my experiences via my pictures. Enjoy. These pictures were taken between 2007-2008 Join our Facebook group at: Follow us on Pinterest at: Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any…

  • Marriage Year in Review: 2008

    Marriage Year in Review: 2008

    Story: This year was crazy. I finally returned from my two-year unaccompanied tour in Japan. I returned in March and that is where we pick up the story. I came back as an E-6 or Staff Sergeant. I was eager to get into my job. Kris found an amazing house to rent, and it was…

  • Travel Blog #5: Temecula, CA

    Travel Blog #5: Temecula, CA

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great travels that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • Marine Corps Life #2

    Marine Corps Life #2

    Being a Marine is one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed on a human being. I will share my experiences via my pictures. Enjoy. These pictures were taken between 2002-2004 Join our Facebook group at: Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance…

  • Where love and money intersect

    Where love and money intersect

    This could be the most dangerous intersection in the world. Many crashes have occurred on this intersection. How do you prevent yourself and your loved one from becoming victims of this terrible intersection? Well, let’s go over some of the steps you can take to get on the same page with each other. If you…

  • Food Blog #4: Pizza 1

    Food Blog #4: Pizza 1

    Part of having a successful marriage is creating experiences together. This blog’s purpose to reflect on great food that helps us maintain a great marriage. I challenge other couples to do the same as well. If the number of pictures you have will not suffice, you may need to go create more experiences! Good Luck! …

  • Marine Corps Life #1

    Marine Corps Life #1

    Being a Marine is one of the greatest honors that can be bestowed on a human being. I will share my experiences via my pictures. Enjoy. These pictures were taken between June 1999 – Sept 2004 Join our Facebook group at: Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge…

  • Hurricane Sally and My Wife

    Hurricane Sally and My Wife

    It NEVER ceases to amaze us that whenever I get stationed away from my wife, something crazy happens soon after I leave. I recently left for Okinawa, Japan (August 2020). And sure enough, less than a month after I leave a major hurricane rocks Pensacola, Florida, and surrounding areas. Kris and the family made it…