Nobody Owes You Anything 2

Nobody Owes You Anything 2: Build Your Own Financial Success

We have become a “society of entitlement.” We want things for free or that we can receive with little effort. But the true path to financial freedom is treacherous and difficult.

To free ourselves, we must not expect anything from anyone. That’s not to say we become independent warriors; we simply take matters into our own hands.

Independence vs. self-sufficiency. The first step toward financial freedom is realizing and accepting that no one is coming to save us. These simple words allow us to build systems on top of systems toward success.

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For example, if we know that social security will not be there for us in our 60s, we will make different choices in life. Instead, we can build a dividend portfolio that covers our expenses and lifestyle.

If we arrive at age 66 and social security is around, it will be a plus to our already established financial program. That’s why we don’t depend on systems we can build ourselves.

However, there is a stark contrast between being “independent” and “self-sufficient;” we want to aim for self-sufficiency, not independence.

The independent person repels others from help, advice, or guidance. Self-sufficient people start on the path by themselves. Along the way, people can’t help but see their determination and offer assistance (which they accept).

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Starting from scratch. You can truly appreciate the people and things in your life when you understand that no one owes you anything.

This phenomenon starts with your parents. Your parents don’t owe you a college education or a brand-new car. If you happen to receive these things, you should be pretty grateful.

The most significant lesson from “Nobody owes you anything” is to have grace for everyone and everything in your life.

I joined the military at age 18. I appreciated every day I was in because it was a fantastic opportunity. I was able to carve out an excellent middle-class livelihood from my military service. I appreciate every entitlement the military tosses my way.

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Getting married and having children are miracles. Nobody needs to stay in a relationship with you, and God doesn’t need to bless you with children. We should love and cherish these things for eternity.

The sooner you decrease your entitlement and increase your grace, the happier you will become. That’s why I constantly repeat, “Nobody owes me anything,” during my morning routine.

Going against society. Society wants you to be angry and frustrated. When you have this perspective, you see the world through hate-colored lenses.

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Let’s say you are in college and get a bad grade on an essay. The teacher stays behind in class to explain why you earned this grade. They talk to you for an additional 15 minutes.

Society wants you to be upset that they didn’t change your grade. However, you must remember that nobody owes you anything. You should appreciate that they spent 15 minutes explaining the situation to you. That means they deeply care about your future success.

When I was in the Marines, I met many entitled young people. I would go the extra mile to ensure they built a solid foundation in the military. 

Often, they were unappreciative and dismissive. However, ten percent of my Marines appreciated every word that came out of my mouth. They knew that I didn’t owe them anything.

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The Marines that paid attention went on to do great things in the Marines and their civilian lives as well. That’s why it’s essential to take these lessons to heart.

Time is our most valuable asset. To know what is important to someone, evaluate where they spend their time. Time is our most valuable asset. Someone can only be in one place at one time. If they are with you, that means that they find you valuable.

Let’s say you are arguing with a parent who lives in another state. They fly into your town the following weekend to talk to you in person.

Do you continue to argue? They proved how vital you are to them by making you the most important item on their agenda. There is no greater honor than being face-to-face with someone.

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Time and money. Which brings me to how we build wealth; there has been no better time in the history of the Earth to make money than in 2024.

Every person that lives in a first-world country has a chance to build wealth. However, most people decide to accept a victim mentality that destroys their chances of becoming rich.

Victimhood is the opposite of “nobody owes you anything.” Victimhood says that everybody owes you because you are poor, black, Asian, purple, a woman, etc. In reality, nobody cares about those things.

The only way to be successful in a capitalist society is working above your paygrade. Capitalism is based on free or cheap labor; it’s the only way it succeeds.

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Therefore, if you work hard enough to cover two or three people, you become an asset to your employer. They will seek you out no matter your gender, sexual orientation, or race.

It’s simple math. If you become the star player, why would they discriminate against you? You are the most valuable player. That’s why we don’t accept any victimhood.

There were a few situations across my 24 years in the military in which I may have experienced some racism (I’m a black male). However, I choose to push those things aside and focus on getting promoted. That served me well.

Living below our means. The most prominent form of entitlement is in our living conditions. Every single person wants their own apartment. Every family wants their own 2,500-square-foot home.

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That’s how we become broke and stay poor. There are only two ways to become wealthy: increase income and decrease expenses.

We can live below our means by getting roommates, living with family, or staying home with our parents. That’s how we get a jump start in our financial lives.

When we work our jobs, we put all of our effort into being successful and valuable. Although corporations don’t owe us anything, they will promote the hardest and brightest workers—it’s simple math.

We don’t become complacent once we get a high-paying job; remember, our company doesn’t owe us anything. We must prepare for the day they will cut ties with us for a cheaper employee.

We need to build businesses and purchase rental properties. We must learn from mentors and entrepreneurs, remembering they don’t owe us anything.

If someone offers you advice, mentorship, or guidance, offer them compensation; they don’t owe you anything. It may be a home-cooked meal, a business exchange, or cold-hard cash. But ensure they feel appreciated and welcomed.

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Conclusion. In the end, the world wants you to be a victim. Victims don’t make it far in life, and that’s what society wants from you.

Very few people can take matters into their own hands. Once you pull yourself up the ladder, someone will inevitably assist you.

No one will travel to your home and place you on the ladder. And they sure aren’t going to drag you up each rung. That’s why victims don’t make it far; they are waiting for the golden ladder to arrive at their homes.

Instead, we need grace, work ethic, and understanding. There is no more tremendous honor than someone speaking with you face to face. That means you are their highest priority because we can only be in one place at one time. Good Luck!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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