Are You a Contestant in the Rat Race?

Are You a Willing Contestant in the Rat Race?

Games are fun, especially when you understand the rules. Life is the ultimate game show because there is much at stake.

Not only do we hold our lives in the balance, but also the future of our children. There is no better prize than financial freedom.

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However, we didn’t start the game of life with the understanding of the correct rules; they handicapped us from the start to gain an advantage.

How to Channel the Velocity of Money

Defining the rules. Let’s start by defining the two rules of life. Since I am a provider, I see life in terms of money. 

  1. Bring in more money than you spend (job).
  2. Bring in more money passively than you spend (financial freedom).

Why do I focus on money? Having a satisfying relationship requires understanding how money works.

Once you get your financial affairs in order, being a warm, caring human is much easier. My wife and I are financially free and happier than ever—no job required.

The two rules seem simple. However, it’s hard to follow rule number one because we want more than we need; it’s called consumerism.

Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles

Balancing wants and needs. For most of us, our social circle plays a significant role in spending money. We want what others have, or we need to get things before them.

Each time you buy something we don’t need, you extend your time in the workforce. Did you just buy a $400 purse or a $500 Playstation? 

Buying these items keeps us in the rat race far longer than necessary. However, purchasing large homes and fancy cars can add decades to our working years.

So, are you a willing participant in the rat race? Do you understand you are exchanging time for each unnecessary purchase?

What I Have Learned From Having Tenants For 10 Years

My wife and I were groomed just like every other American—spend everything you earn. If you make $10,000 per month, spending $10,000 makes you a responsible human.

I remember logging on to Amazon just to find things to purchase. I loved buying new video games and Blu-rays.

Budgeting out of the rat race. Freeing yourself from the rat race requires financial awareness and a hardcore budget.

Financial awareness is the art of seeing each purchase in the context of time, not money. Buying a $500 Playstation can be fun, but purchasing $500 in AT&T (T) stock will expedite an early retirement.

A hardcore budget breaks your household expenses and personal allowance into deeper categories and sections.

Life is a Math Game

For example, you may budget $1,000 per month for food. You can divide that into $200 for eating out and four weeks of $200 for groceries. You can even separate the $200 for eating out into a different checking account.

Once you get into this granular level of detail, you will begin to purchase your freedom from the rat race.

The goal of being financially aware and living on a hardcore budget is to create enough cash flow (difference between expenses and income) to save and invest.

Your Income Should Increase Every Year 2

Breaking the rules. When you learn how to save and invest, you break the rules of the game. Consider that our overlords never wanted us to grow our wealth.

The American economy runs on consumer spending, so they don’t want your money in a high-yield savings account or the stock market.

In fact, there has also been a plot to install markets wherever there is an army. The best way to create taxation for the government is to build markets and tax the citizens (reads “Debt: The First 5,000 Years”).

It is incumbent on us to free ourselves from the rat race—no government, corporations, or family bailouts.

I’m High on Life with Royalties

Let’s say we spend $500 on a PlayStation 5 and get two hours of enjoyment per day. Instead, let’s invest $500 into AT&T (T) stock at a 7.5% dividend yield.

AT&T will pay us $37.50 annually or an average of $3.12 monthly. It sounds like a pittance, but you can purchase a candy bar per month.

Investing out of the rat race. The key to living the life of your dreams is converting to passive income.

You start with purchasing a monthly candy bar with passive income; then, you can pay for your Netflix.

The Magic of Passive Index Fund Investing 2

Eventually, you’ll be able to cover your entire mortgage with dividends. It may sound like a crazy notion, but my wife and I live it today.

Game in review. So, let’s review the rules of the game. The most challenging step is stopping yourself from blind consumerism.

You need to see every purchase through time, not money. Time is the most valuable resource on Earth, and you must treat it as such.

Scarcity vs. Abundance

You can formulate a hardcore budget once you separate your wants from your needs. Get into the nitty gritty of food, housing, supplies, gas, and personal allowance. Make it aggressive and give yourself some grace; it doesn’t need to be perfect.

Once you live on your budget, you’ll see the remaining money in your different categories. I would like each section to have its own checking account and debit card.

Finally, it’s time to invest the leftover money. Your money will make you more money; we call this compounding. 

The Magic of Income Investing 2

Can you imagine getting $500 per month in dividends? Now, you can purchase that PlayStation 5 or purse without guilt or remorse.

Conclusion. As you escape the rat race, you’ll become different from your friends—it’s a part of the journey.

They want you to celebrate when they buy a new motorcycle, car, boat, or jetski. Simultaneously, they will complain about their work, the economy, politicians, and inequality.

I’m Living My Dream Life with Dividends

You will change your life by focusing on time over money. Ultimately, the rat race is about time—time away from yourself (creativity) and your loved ones.

The more assets you buy, build, or create, the faster you escape the rat race. I was in the military for 20 years before learning to leverage a high-yield savings account.

Don’t worry if you are late to the party; you’ll be mature enough to handle these concepts faster. It took my wife and me four hardcore years to purchase our freedom, which was beyond worth it. Good Luck!

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PDF of the Month: Don’t Gamble with Retirement 11 (Free 410-Page PDF)

Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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