Living in 1000 Sqaure Feet

Living in 1,000 Square Feet as a Family of Four

When did we become so selfish here in America? We want our small families to live in a 3,000-square-foot home on three acres.

Unfortunately, we need to be alone, and this is destroying our finances. Living in these monstrous homes as a single family simply costs too much money.

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The need to be individuals. Families were all the rage 100+ years ago; your big family was your life. How did it all change?

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We left our families behind when we moved from the farms into the city. However, it starts inside the nuclear family.

The cost of raising kids has skyrocketed; therefore, we have fewer children. The kids we do have then get more things.

Now, each child gets their own room, which is the first problem. My brother and I shared a room until the day he left for college.

I had my own room for one year, then left for the Marine Corps. I then had a roommate in the Marines for two years and lived in the barracks for another six years.

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My way or the highway. Having your own room sets a precedent for your entire life. You start your life doing things your way, without compromise or teamwork.

As kids grow up and move out of their parent’s home, they first want their own apartment. They want to avoid renting a room or getting a roommate.

As people start families, they want to avoid renting rooms to family members or living with their parents. We are all spread out, paying separate property taxes, utilities, and insurance.

Corporations love the divide. It doesn’t take too much time to grow your wealth. You can build a $100,000 nest egg in five years or less if done correctly.

My wife and I paid off $77,000 in debt and grew a $150,000 nest egg in two years—by renting rooms.

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The more we divide ourselves, the more money the corporations make. Which is fine by me; I invest in these corporations for dividends

Raising middle-class children. The most challenging part of raising kids today is having them grow up middle class. They have everything they want and need by age 10.

We older folks (I’m 42) left home to make something of ourselves. We had the drive and desire to prove we could make it in the world.

It’s hard to instill that drive in your kids when they have air conditioning, TVs, tablets, cellphones, and game consoles.

Sending your kid off into the world without a financial education is akin to dropping them into a remote island without any resources.

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The chances of them surviving, let alone thriving, is slim to none. Let’s look at what we are asking kids to do today.

  1. Fund their college
  2. Get married
  3. Have a wedding
  4. Have children
  5. Buy a house
  6. Become a professional
  7. Climb the corporate ladder
  8. Fund kids college
  9. Save for two retirements
  10. Become good spouses, parents, and citizens

Yeah F’ ing right. Dude, this list seriously gives me anxiety just reading it. They will also start with college debt while trying to buy a home in the most expensive housing market ever.

They will need at least $10 million just to be middle class. But there is a different way. We can learn to share and beat the corporations at their game.

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The magic of sharing. As soon as you reduce your housing costs, you begin to have money in your account at the end of each month.

When we started to rent rooms, it was like magic money. The new standard should be 1,000 square feet for a family of four.

No, you will not find a single-family home under 1,000 square feet. But that’s okay; you can buy a 2,000-square-foot home.

You will just share it with another family. Living with your siblings or parents can change your life. 

The benefits of living with family or friends. First, our kids need more than us to influence them. We were always supposed to raise kids as a tribe.

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Kids need more input than just their parents. They need information from aunts, uncles, cousins, teachers, pastors, and guidance counselors. This is how they develop their thoughts and ideas through seeing differing opinions. 

Second, we can share costs and split child care. One parent from each family can work outside the home; the others can raise kids.

Just because you stay home doesn’t mean you cannot make money. One person can build a business; the other can work remotely.

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You can homeschool on a homestead. As your money grows, you can add mobile or tiny homes to your property. 

Old school living for the win. If you do it right, you can start your own family community. The more we work together, the easier life becomes.

The stress and anxiety of this world come from us trying to make our little family unit survive in this world. We are alone on an island of debt, stress, and suffering.

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When we let others in, we can significantly reduce the burden of responsibility we put on ourselves. It’s okay to depend on someone else; trust me.

Conclusion. I am 42 and retiring from the workforce in three months. I didn’t do anything special; I just went to work every day for 24 years.

However, I had my breakthrough when I started sharing my things—my spaces, my homes, and my ideas.

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We can all contribute to society, but that doesn’t mean we must work for corporations. We need to bring back respect for those that raise children and stay home.

Staying home to tend the house is the Lord’s work. This is where we will truly shine. I look forward to watching my boys (16 and 12) grow up without me having to work.

I am more excited to see my grandkids grow every day—never missing a day to work for a corporate entity. Life is good when you work as a team. Good Luck!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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