Why aren’t you creating content today? If you are reading this, chances are you have considered becoming a content creator. So why haven’t you begun?

Limiting beliefs are the number one reason that prevents people from creating content. Limiting beliefs are things you tell yourself that keep you trapped in your prison. Some limiting beliefs that prevent you from creating content are:
- Nobody will listen or watch me.
- I don’t know how to write, edit, or shoot.
- The marketplace is saturated.
- I don’t look like everyone else.
I understand that limiting beliefs can start to form from childhood. In school, teachers made us perform specific skits, plays, or recitals up to their standards.
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We received terrible grades if we didn’t perform correctly, and other children laughed at us. Today, we carry some of those same fears into everything we do in life.
It is much easier to work a job that has rules, regulations, and guidelines for us to follow. We can stay inside the lines and prevent ourselves from being ridiculed.
Come out of your shell. We must come out of our shells. With inflation on the rise, there is nowhere for us to hide. We either have to become investors, entrepreneurs, or content creators.
Today, I want to focus on content creation—specifically defeating limiting beliefs. I previously wrote an article titled “Being Unique Sells” that discussed how your personality, character, and experiences are your selling points.
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How do we convert our experiences (past, present, and future) into valuable content? We need to find our voice, gather input from our audience, and remain consistent if we want to build an audience.
Find your voice. Your life is impressive; however, nobody cares about it. Nobody cares about your life because they are worried about their lives. They only care about your life insomuch as it helps them solve some of their issues.
The first ingredient of becoming a content creator is transforming your experiences into entertainment and education. Every single human being has something to share with the world, but how do you encourage people to return to your content?
The first step is to create content daily. The only way to become great is to invest 10,000 hours in a skillset. By forcing yourself to make something new every day, your mind will continually grow, learn, and evolve.
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First, let your passion drive you. I could talk about being married to a foreigner, my experiences overseas, the military, or being a black male. However, my burning passion is dividends.
I started my blog in June 2020, talking about investing, dividends, budgeting, and passive income. Here are a few of my early first articles. It’s essential to start somewhere.
- How We Began Our Passive Income Journey (Oct 2020)
- Can Minimalism Help Prevent Lifestyle Inflation (Oct 2020)
- 7 Things I Learned in My First Year Investing in the Stock Market (Oct 2020)
- What is Your Financial Independence Number? (Sept 2019)
I didn’t hit my stride with writing until I read the book “The Practice” and began writing every day. That was in January 2021. Here I am 15 months later and starting to see the results of this work.
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During this grind, I found my voice. I see things that continue to drive passion into my soul. I wake up every day with a burning desire to create more content. My bread and butter are staying married, building passive income, and preparing for retirement. I love talking about these topics and can do it forever.
Your life, passion, and work are all vital to someone else. Your audience might be following your progress and need to use you as daily motivation. Trust me; as I grind every day, I listen to other people to keep me motivated.
Gather input from your audience. To create entertainment, you have to be entertaining. Unfortunately, you can’t decide if you are entertaining—only your audience can.
Don’t become a hack—someone who creates content only to please their audience. Instead, create content, receive feedback, and tailor your message to entice your audience to return for more.
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I know my audience loves anything I write concerning dividends. However, I still want to write about cryptos, real estate, and royalties. So, I keep a steady stream of dividend content coming and continue to write various content.
I can then write content that crosses over like “Dividends vs. Royalties 3” and “10 Creative Ways to Beat Inflation.” This allows my dividend audience a chance to convert to more of my content.
The fastest way to grow my audience would have been to only talk about dividends and investing. However, my life involves so much more than these topics. So, I continue to do what I love and tailor it to slowly bring in a bigger audience.
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Remain consistent. The hardest part of building an audience and sharing your life is remaining consistent. This consistency involves daily content, voice, and quality.
As you continue your grind, your work-life will drain your resources. You will want to slow down or give up altogether. Or, even worse, you will want to “phone in” your content. This means reducing your quality of hiring someone to write, shoot or record your story.
If you are creating content as a business, hire ghostwriters and content producers. But, if you are like me, this is a very personal affair.
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I make it a point to write, edit, create, and publish all of my own content. It may be a pride thing, but this is more than a blog or business. This work is the manuscript of my life—something my children can read to their children.
I am incredibly proud to be able to give someone a pdf that can help them overcome adversity. Many people want to become investors, entrepreneurs, or content creators, but they don’t know how to start.
If you watch YouTube, the creators make it sound so easy to gain traction. “Get 1,000 Subscribers in 3 Months,” and titles like this can damage your psyche. I am here to tell you that this shit is hard. However, it is the most critical, challenging, and rewarding venture I have done outside of marriage.
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Conclusion. The only way to find out is to grind out. Turning your life and experience into entertainment is difficult.
You’ll need to be consistent, create content daily, and engage your audience to build content worth people’s time.
Don’t let limiting beliefs stop you from getting started. If you are reading this, you already have the drive to be different. Standard people don’t even consider doing things outside of the norm. So you should be proud of yourself.
Now it’s time to take the first step towards greatness. Pick a high-level niche and start creating. As you publish or print, you’ll begin to find your passion. Combine your love with your audiences’ requests, and you’ll have a recipe for success.
What would you write if you could leave an important message to your children? How can you convey your passion to your children? Answer these, and you’ll have your content and context for the next 20-30 years. Good Luck!
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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing
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