Start a Fitness Business Towards Passive Income

Do you love to work out? Do you love to inspire others? If you have this combination of traits, you may make a great fitness coach or personal trainer.

Fitness trainers will always be in demand, even in the Metaverse. However, today I want to talk about passive income in fitness.

Being a coach first. First and foremost, you have to establish yourself as an exceptional personal trainer and dietitian—you need to look good.

Use the Military as Your Wealth Generator

Being in the Marine Corps, sometimes the command presented dietitians, nutritionists, and trainers who were out of shape. Trust me; we didn’t take these people seriously. 

You will most likely need to get your degree in some kind of fitness category, which helps establish credibility. 

Then, you need to go out and start training. You can build your brand and business as a personal trainer. You can even expand to being more of a life coach if you learn more about spirituality and meditation. 

Let’s make it passive. Now, once you put in the 3-5 years of hard work to establish yourself, you will want to decrease the amount of time you exchange for money. We want passive income

There are many ways to monetize the fitness space, but you will want to establish a consistent and reliable way to make money while you sleep. Let’s look at some of the ways to create residual business income. 

Create a fitness library. I thought about this technique this morning. I can tap into close to 700 articles (I write every day) to build my books. I can leverage these articles for the rest of my life and make custom books for customers. 

How do You Define Being Rich?

If someone came up to me and asked for a 10-chapter book covering house-hacking, dividend growth investing, and limiting beliefs, I could produce a book in 30 minutes. I can charge additional for a custom article or cover art. 

What if I brought that same strategy to the fitness space? I could take a year or two to make short videos of different workouts. Maybe five minutes clips of other exercises. I could tailor some activities to home, gym, or hotels. 

I could also create videos on quick-diet meals and how to prepare them. I can add meditations, five-minute workouts, yoga, stretching, etc. 

Now, I can cut and paste these videos to combine different scenarios and goals to make unique, more extensive videos (or blogs & books).

Mothers as Entrepreneurs

For example, if I wanted to create a workout plan for a heavy traveler, I combined meditation, yoga, hotel workouts, and quick package meal videos into multiple 30-mins packages. When I get a business client, I can offer this pre-built package in addition to my in-person trainer.

I can then offer a customized plan for those willing to pay. If someone wants to create a 30-day program of workouts and diets, I can build a custom video for each day. But it’ll be expensive.

Even better, I can automate this service using a virtual assistant. I give them the checklist of what to add, and the following day the VC digitally delivers my videos to the client. 

Offer a Website. I can offer my custom videos via a website. I offer them a menu of categories and goals, and they select what they want to achieve.

My algorithm puts together the best videos and notifies my VC. Again, VC digital delivers custom videos to the client.

Run a Profitable Herb Garden

This is why I separated the articles “Start a Passive e*Commerce Business” and “Start an Automated e*Commerce Business.” 

The website is passive. We automate the building and shipping of the products. You will need to know the difference before moving into this space. 

Speaking of products. We wouldn’t be promising entrepreneurs without offering our own custom white-label products. White-labeling is taking generic products and adding our branding over the top.

We can offer yoga mats, juicers, clothing, fitness bands, etc. The world is our oyster. Because these products aren’t too expensive, we don’t need to buy too much inventory upfront. We can see what products sell and move forward with those ones. 

YouTube & Blogs. Because we created so much content upfront, we now have a massive library of videos. We want to get those videos up on YouTube. Yes, they will serve as free content. 

Everything in life is a sales funnel. 90-95% of people aren’t going to buy something from you. They will spend money on other things, but not necessarily your stuff. To convert some of these potential customers, you’ll need to offer free content. 

The Invisible Budget

Instead of putting things behind a paywall, you want to offer your true fans (“Superfans”) the ability to buy more custom or unique items. You’ll make more money catering to your Superfans than trying to convince “broke” people to buy your products.

The good part is that as we add our videos to YouTube and put them into a blog format, it expands our audience. If someone wants to watch our videos every day via YouTube, at least we are generating ad revenue. 

There are also services like Patreon, where we can cater to our Superfans. We can offer live workouts, call-outs, custom clothing options, etc. Your Superfans will be your true motivation. 

Building an audience. Most people take more than give. Don’t worry about trying to appease “takers.” They have no control of their lives and want to bring their misery to your doorstep. 

Advertising 101: Using the Fear Factor

I have people who buy my 50-page book, read it, and return it to Amazon for a full refund. But I have fans who buy my 50-page paperbacks for $18. Everything balances out, but offering free content allows everyone to find you.

Conclusion. These are just my quick thoughts on building a brand in the fitness space. There are far more ways to monetize your fitness business; however, it all starts from the grind

You have to grind to get your education, build up your base of clients, and create a massive stockpile of content.

Once you have these three things (3-5 years), you can leverage your current clients as a testbed or think tank for your ideas. Your videos will serve you well for a long time. 

Don’t sell yourself short by just being a personal trainer if you love fitness. Go the extra mile to ensure you have passive income from your work ethic. 

The premise of passive income is that you do the work once and leverage the assets for a lifetime. Bring this mantra to the fitness space to ensure you can continue to do what you love long after your body gives way. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. All Right Reserved Military Family Investing


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  1. […] Your fitness and health must be a top priority. It’s hard to think critically when your body is out of […]

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