Sustainable Riches: Return to Earth. Make Green.

The slow rotation to Earth is upon us. Most of the civilized world has moved into city centers, and we are starting to see the adverse effects of this migration. People are unhappy with unfulfilling careers and cramped lifestyles. 

During the pandemic, we realized that most people didn’t enjoy commuting to work or sitting in meetings all day long. We want to be able to work from home with our family and pets nearby. And who can blame us?

I think many people are more productive working from home anyways. Yes, some will need to be poked and prodded to work, but at least the entire team doesn’t have to support them. And if we can continue to work from home, why would we need to be in a city center?

Book coming soon

And that is where the movement to land will slowly start to occur. We see the beginnings of a social and economic exodus from cities back to our roots. Sustainable and organic farming will make a return to the household level—no longer will we have to buy our goods from stores and shops.

We will want land for our children and animals to play, no more going to designated areas around town. Home-schooling will become more and more common as we wish to teach our kids the proper values and skills for success in today’s technological and agricultural world.

What does this mean for us, as entrepreneurs? This means that we have the opportunity of a lifetime to ride this wave to the next transition. If we can produce content on sustainable living, tiny homes, minimalism, gardening, farming, raising animals, buying land, etc., we will set ourselves up to reap the future benefits. 

The world is slowly getting away from big weddings, big rings, fast cars, and luxury vacations. You may not think that because the media needs you to spend money. But, the proof is in the pudding.

The happiest couples I have witnessed in real life have been down-to-earth, humble, simple, people who love each other, their kids, and Earth. They spend time with the land and respect humans, plants, and animals, all alike.

As I see couples (rich and poor) breaking up in this modern era of love, I realize that a simple life is what is going to sustain us through it all. A ring can’t take care of you when you are sick. A luxury vacation won’t hold your hands during a morning walk on the beach.

I have been studying the return of farming and gardening, and I think it will be huge. As inflation sets in, people will want to supplement or mitigate their lifestyles. When hard times hit, what is the first thing to disappear? That’s right, luxury items.

How do you position yourself before this new transition? You have to get comfortable with things like farming, animals, and gardening. It is okay if you are not an expert. Document your journey for all to watch—this will assist others on their journey.

In the end, we have a long way to go before a transition. If I put a random number on it, I would say that we are only 5-8% into the movement. And that is just from people understanding the transition. They still don’t know how to afford to move to the acreage because they need a job.

Only those knowledgeable in the art of passive income, online business, investing, and home-based business will be able to transition. That’s where you come in to show people how to farm and how to make that into a sustainable income stream. 

There is a lot more to discuss here, and I have some ideas that I have wrote about before. I will continue to talk about the transition to land, mainly because my wife and I have already moved to the ground. However, I need to finish my career before I can settle down.

In the meantime, I am creating as many income streams as possible making my time on land as stress-free and fun as I can. You can do the same. Enjoy and Happy Investing. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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