Harvest Beneficial Insects for Passive Income

Funny title but a critical topic it is. Not all bugs are bad for your garden, herbs, plants, or fruits. In fact, some are very important to the ecosystem that you are trying to nurture. So what are the benefits of these beneficial insects? 

With the rise of sustainable and organic farming solutions, the appetite for pesticides has diminished dramatically. In plain English, people don’t want unnatural and unhealthy pesticides sprayed all over their vegetables, plants, herbs, and fruits. This protection of food is called “food security.”

What’s a farmer to do? Enter beneficial insects. Like praying mantis and ladybugs, they are bugs that come and eat up the bugs that are destroying your plants. However, these beneficial insects don’t just come around independently; you will need to attract them. And that is where we, the entrepreneur, enters the scene. 

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I first read about beneficial insects in the book “Dirt Rich” (farm) and then later in “40 Ways to Increase the Net Income of Your Rental Property.” I was intrigued then because bugs have ravaged my wife’s garden for two seasons in a row. 

Since I am not home because I am off doing military stuff in Japan, I could not physically dig into the use cases of beneficial insects. However, as soon as the idea of passive income came into play, my interest was sparked. 

You will need space and some knowledge (or help) to get started in the various passive income activities for beneficial insects. Remember, we can also find great deals on land; however, it may be far away from city centers. 

Let’s do a quick study of some ways to harvest beneficial insects and bees for passive income, and then we can do our analysis on feasibility. We will review; bees, butterflies, worms, crickets, beneficial insects, and also renting land to beekeepers.

1) Harvest bees for passive income. Bees are a great source of passive income. And no, you do not have to become a beekeeper if you don’t want to. There are many ways to diversify your income with bees, so I will quickly review them. You can find a more detailed list at ivetriedthat.com.

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Selling honey is probably the most well-known way to profit from bees. You can guarantee that your honey will be 100% natural, which many shoppers are looking for. 

Selling beeswax, pollen, and propolis are also viable options. They each have their merits; please read the above article for more details. I want to keep this article as concise as possible. 

You can also get involved with bee services, such as bee venom therapy, commercial pollination services, selling pollinator seeds, and selling beekeeping equipment. 

2) Butterfly farming. Butterfly farming is much more nuanced than bee farming. It will also have to be done on a large scale. This will fall more into a hobby or passion project, only do it if you love butterflies. 

Weddings. Butterflies are apparently a huge deal at weddings. I have never heard of or seen butterflies at a wedding until doing my research for this article. This random knowledge is why I love to learn, read, and write—it keeps me on my toes. People buy big bundles of butterflies to release at weddings. Interesting. 

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You can also sell eggs, caterpillars, and chrysalises for income as well. Again, butterflies are not the most accessible source of income, and I would not classify raising them as passive. 

3) Worms farming. Worms are used in many aspects of agriculture, but the biggest seems to be called vermicomposting. This term means worms that you use to compost your food waste. Earthworms break down your waste and turn it into worm casing leachate. Read this fantastic article on Deepgreenpermaculture.com. It is genuinely fascinating stuff. 

Right now, we are interested in making passive income, so let’s hope we can sell worms and worm farms to other people. You can raise and sell bundles of worms. You can sell worms for composting, fishing bait, and bird bait.

Your worms can also create valuable compost that you can sell to others who are looking for the best compost around. Compost worms can process their weight in food every day, so one pound of worms can process one pound of “trash” a day. So, the bigger your farm, the bigger your profits. 

Finally, you can sell the worm leachate or “worm tea.” Worm farm has a filter at the bottom that collects the juices from the worms into a brown tea-like substance. You will need to “brew” the leachate to make worm tea, but it is terrific for your plants. It is known as liquid fertilizer. 

4) Farming Crickets. There are many uses for crickets, but the main one is to feed other organisms such as humans, birds, bait, and reptiles. Crickets don’t take up much space, as with worms. 

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You will need to learn how to process your crickets through their life cycles, but it doesn’t seem too complicated. Here is the complete starter’s guide on morningchores.com. And yes, I said humans do eat crickets because they are high in protein. Yuck. There is good money to be made with crickets. 

5) Beneficial insects. There are many beneficial insects to raise for various reasons. Some of them include crickets, silkworms, ladybugs, praying mantis, cockroaches and mealworms. Each has its own requirements, and you can read more at naturallivingideas.com

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The main idea is to find the best insects for your time, space, and weather situation, start small, learn everything you can, and advertise your bugs. You will become a great bug farmer in no time. 

6) Rent space to beekeepers. Sure enough, with a quick Google search, I found a website that matches beekeepers with landowners. Now is the best time ever to be alive. There are more ways to make a passive income than ever. The site is called Leasehoney.com. I couldn’t find estimates of how much you can make, but it would be truly passive. 

My thoughts. Wow, that was a lot to digest. There are just so many ways to make passive income that it makes me happy to be alive. We can become rich very quickly when we have the appropriate level of knowledge. 

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My favorite way, from my readings, would be the earthworm farm. I think it would be cool to compost things and see the worm leachate forming. They would just sit in huge trash can like a container, eating away. Not much maintenance and their compost would be “brown gold.”

There is still a lot more to cover, but I will save that for part two. I like how these methods are in direct contrast to those of making passive income online. It would be healthy to have multiple forms of passive income from business automation, including online, outside, rentals, and dealing with people. 

In my heart of hearts, I believe that anything dealing with farming, growing plants, organic, and sustainable living will pay the highest amount of dividends in the long run. We will start to see a “return to the earth” over the coming years, and those who are ahead now will reap the benefits. 

Luckily, we have two homes, each with three acres of land. We also have a home in the suburbs, but we hated living in a neighborhood. We want to be on the Earth. That’s all I have for today. Pick up your free 120-Page pdf here to start your passive income journey. Enjoy and Good Investing. 

Free Book Download: Active Service, Passive Income (free download)

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Business: Retire Rich, Retire Comfortable with a Business (book)

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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