3 Things I Love about Being a Writer

There is something about writing that calms the nerves. I cannot accurately describe it and capture this feeling in words. Let’s just say that it is great to have a place to go, without going anywhere.

I would have never fancied myself a writer, even six months ago. I never intended this to become my new hobby, and I definitely didn’t think I would make any money from any of this. Funny how life can change in an instant.

I began writing because Robert Kiyosaki, author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” told me too. Not personally, but through his books. He states that we do not need to purchase all assets; we can create assets. 

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I, for the life of me, had never heard something so profound in my life. The idea that we can create assets, ones that produce money, from thin air was shocking. Yet, here I am—not making a ton of money, but making enough to know it will be a viable second career. 

There are three things in particular that I love about writing: freedom, challenge, and longevity. These three things make writing my favorite of the sources of royalties. The others being videos, music, and artwork. Let’s examine each of these items and get a better understanding of why these are so striking. 

Freedom is by far my favorite part about writing—all I need is a computer. In fact, that is what drew me into writing in the first place, the lack of overhead. I know exactly how my wife and I want to spend our retirement, and being tied down is not an option. 

I love being able to get up and go without special equipment. I can take the smallest, lightest Chromebook and continue to create. You also have freedom of choice for your creations. I can write a fiction series today, publish under a different name, and be all the better. 

When you make music and videos, your audience comes to expect you to have a certain level of consistency. In writing, you can build multiple different audiences concurrently—this opens up a lot of options for the future of your writing career. 

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Challenge. Nothing beats the sight of opening your computer to stare at a blank screen. You then have to use everything that is in your brain to build your masterpiece. Sometimes it is intimidating, and sometimes it is as easy as drinking water. 

No matter how you feel on a particular day, it is your job to write. I never thought like that until two books told me that exact thought. “On Writing Well” and “The Practice” both said to me that it is your job to write, so write. No excuses are needed. And I have written and published an article for five straight months—I plan to continue this well into the future. 

To get enough content to fill up my blank screen continually, I have to keep reading. Your content is a mixture of your experiences, your voice, and your information. That is why everyone can become a content creator—no limiting beliefs are required. 

It is challenging to learn new things, implement them in real life, and report back to your audience. One such project was when I learned about preferred shares from the book “The Billionaires Secret.” 

After finishing the book, I went to the stock market, bought preferred shares for a timeframe, and then wrote a five-part mini-series on my actions. I have been doing things like this for the last five months. I love the challenge of taking steps and reporting to my audience. 

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Longevity. Writing is not going anywhere. I believe that it will always be around. Once someone becomes a reader, there is no going back. That person will continually consume content until the end. I am now one of those people.

It is difficult for me to end my day without reading. I may feel tired, but I have to do at least fifteen minutes of reading per day. On a typical day, I read for about an hour—finishing 2-3 books a month. 

As you read, your brain starts to make connections that create a path to action. Reading is the only activity that can make these particular creations in your brain. The book “Limitless” goes deeper into the value of reading. In fact, it is a necessity. Most of the great people of our times are avid readers. Therefore, reading will be around for a long, long time. 

This fact means that your blogs and books will be along for a long time as well. Yes, people are making fast money on YouTube and TikTok, but I believe the long-term money is in writing. Reading a book will never go out of style. 

Should you become a writer? I don’t know how you feel about writing and your abilities. Most people are very fearful of writing and public speaking. If you want to be rich, you will have to overcome at least one of these. 

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Writing is a way to build an audience that may never see or hear you—just read your work. You don’t even have to use your real name. It is a great place to stay under the radar; however,  you still have to do the work.

The best time to start is now. You do not even need a website. You can write and post on a Facebook page you create. Make a goal to write every day, and amazing things will happen. 

Stick with it for a year, and you will have completely changed your outlook on life. I am five months in, and I can see the difference in my creativity and motivation. I love it. You may love it as well, so get started and see for yourself. Good Luck!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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