Run a Profitable Herb Garden

Time to make money by growing stuff. Not everyone has a green thumb, but that is okay. With time and patience – plus the possibility of making money- we all can be successful inside our gardens.

Why herbs? I like the idea of starting a herb garden because they are tiny and can be portable. You can even start one inside. There are tons of blog posts and videos on creating a herb garden, so I won’t bore you with the details. But, how do you start an herb garden business?

Running a profitable herb business will take some social engineering. By “social engineering,” I mean you will need to become a content creator to make nice-sized profits. If you would like to stay small and sell a few herbs, that is an option.

What is a Sales Funnel?

By becoming a content creator, you will unlock the magic of compounding. Many people want to experience the feeling of growing their food. They need someone entertaining to follow to motivate them to stick with it- even when all their plants die. You could be their mentor. By the way, I got this idea from reading the book “Dirt Rich.” 

What kind of content would I create? I think a weekly blog post or video would be enough. Maybe add in some extra content every once in a while. The thing is to be consistent- this is essential for your channel to grow. 

Even better would be documenting how you could sell your herbs or dry them out. You could begin to offer beginners and advanced classes as well. Once you have presented a few classes, learning what the audience wants, you can build an online course. I saw various contraptions for growing herbs, so reviewing these and creating affiliate marketing links could be advantageous.

From there, you can sell branded gloves, pots, aprons, and hats. All sell mugs and t-shirts. Remember, once you have an audience, your die-hard fans will want to support you. You can even dabble in other small fruits and vegetables as well. 

What defines an herb garden? Herbs are great additions to your food, but they also serve another purpose. If you are growing other plants or flowers, they can attract beneficial insects that help keep the bad guys away. Let’s review the essential herbs that you should develop. For beginners- rosemary, oregano, thyme, and mint are considered starter-friendly. Read more here.

Nobody Owes You Anything

From Homestratosphere, here are their 27 types of herbs. Please read their detailed analysis for each herb: mint, lavender, sage, peppermint, cilantro, stevia, coriander, fennel, rosemary, basil, thyme, parsley, lemongrass, chamomile, oregano, chives, tarragon, marjoram, lemon balm, dill, myrtle, chervil, culantro, bay leaves, lemon verbena, winter savory, and cicely.

As you can see, many of these are rare. I have not heard of about 50% of these. There will be an audience if you decide to explore more of the lesser-known herbs. I think you can make a career of just attempting to grow each of these 27 herbs. 

Show me the money! Now that we have a little background, we can dig into the article’s meat- how to monetize. First, I would like to say follow your passion. If you have no love for growing plants, I would not try this. People can feel your enthusiasm, and trying to fake it would not work. I am passionate about building wealth, so here I am.

Selling herbs. This is simple- you sell what you grow. You can also sell seeds, dried herbs, pots, etc.

Have Blog, Will Travel

Blogging. You will need to take lots of pictures, but this can be a viable way to earn money.

YouTube. Who doesn’t want to watch someone else garden?

Affiliate marketing. You can review herb or garden products and offer your audience affiliate links. You will get a small commission if they buy.

Merchandise. Mugs, T-Shirts, gloves, hats, etc. The world is your oyster.

Books. Simply repurpose your blog posts into book format.

In-Person classes. Courses for beginners and advanced. It would be an excellent place for locals to meet up with one another.

Online Courses. You can record your in-person classes and add some more content. Sell for top dollar.

U-Pick it Garden. If you have some extra, you have people come around and pick an assortment of your herbs. 

How to Create “Luck” with Money

Garden tours. Your fans would love to meet you and take a tour of your garden. 

Create your own product line. The ultimate way to make money, create your products. You can sell online or in person. 

As I have mentioned before in various articles, including “Why You need to become a Content Creator in 2021,” almost everything we do from now on will have some sort of content creation portion. No longer can we make money from the shadows. People want to know and see who they are buying from, not just blindly purchasing items.

Since creating content is a must, we may as well jump right in and get started. I believe that a herb garden is a low-cost, high-return business that can pay dividends early on. Remember in the article, “Pick your Niche: Wealth, Health, and Relationships,” I said tie anything you do these niches. You can do this with your garden as well. 

8 Reasons to Start a Micro Business

Wealth. You will show people how you are making an income from your garden. The business-types and stay-at-home spouses would love to make money from home.

Health. Maintaining a garden can be an extremely healthy way to make money. It reduces stress and keeps you outdoors. You can also set up a meditation/yoga/relaxation feel in your garden—Zen for the win.

Relationship. Adding your husband, wife, or kids to your channel will increase viewership immediately. People love families.

As someone who is slowly building an audience, I know that starting a herb garden is a viable solution to work from home business. You can take your herb garden in so many directions- the sky is the limit. As long as you are passionate about herb gardening, it would be a mega success. However, nothing in business is fast. You have to get your audience to know, like, and trust you before they become customers. Trust will take time, so don’t give up!

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


One response to “Run a Profitable Herb Garden”

  1. […] you have a small garden, even a herb garden, look to rent some of your space. Ideally, you would provide some classes for people to learn as […]

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