It’s time. I know that you may be scared or insecure, but I believe in you. You have the skill to become a creative force in this world. Forget about all the ways that the world has tried to prevent you from this moment.

Growing up, we start to build up a fear of performing or public speaking. From watching my son, I would say it starts to happen around ten years old. Becoming shy is something that may hold us back from our most significant accomplishments. 

I never thought that I would become a writer. On a Sunday morning at 0636 (6:36 am), I sit here, and it reminds me why I love writing so much. It is a challenge to me every time I start with a blank page. I am on my fourth article of the morning- four times, I stared at the blank screen and produce something from my mind.

Yes, You Can Create Assets from Thin-Air

There were a lot of ideas that converged for me to start writing. The first of which was the question from my favorite author Robert Kiyosaki (“Rich Dad Poor Dad”). He asked, “How do you obtain an income-producing asset without buying it? Simple- you create it.” This question was mind-blowing to me and still is. After reading 37 books over the last seven months, this question always intrigues me. To me, it is life-changing.

Now I had a purpose but no product to produce. What would my asset be? Lo and behold, I kept reading and fell into another rabbit hole. When reading “How to Blog for Profit,” Ruth Soukup said that building your email list is the most productive thing you can do for your business. Continuing, the best way to obtain email addresses is to have a product, like a free ebook. Interesting. 

I am getting closer. I then read “How to Take Smart Notes.” In the book, the author states that our work combines our experiences and results from others. If we can find notes, write our reflections of these, combine like-minded information, form new thoughts on these combined notes, and produce a product- we could create indefinitely. Wow. Okay, that sounds like a plan I can get behind. I was already reading; now I can start forming thoughts. 

After reading this book, I put together my first ebook. It was a mash-up of some of my articles. I had created my first asset. However, I still had more pieces to display and more to write. I jammed some more together and built a magazine pdf. I called it “Financial Independence Magazine #1.” Then I challenged myself to keep creating more. I just released “Financial Independence Magazine #10.” I also released my first regular book, “Don’t Gamble with Retire.” The scary part is that people are reading my books. How crazy is that?

20 Books that Will Make You Rich

Today I finished the book “The Practice.” While reading this book, I realized that writing was my calling all along. I took a roundabout way to get here, but it happened- writing is me. The process of writing is what intrigues me. No ideas? Great- read a book and find some ideas. How do the author’s ideas reaffirm or differ from your beliefs? That stress is what produces content. The process is my calling; the work is a result of the process. 

My calling is to gather information and reproduce it in a way that the average person can digest. I just finished a book on the life of a Real Estate agent (“Sold”). Most people would never read the book because they have no desire to be a real estate agent. Hell, I have no desire to become a real estate agent. However, I see the value in having this information and a reference to it. 

How to Build Passive Income from Royalties

What if I meet someone (even my sons) who wants to buy 10-15 rental properties. I can recommend that they become a real estate agent because not only can they save on closing costs, but they will meet all the player’s in the real estate field as a real estate agent. I can then recommend the book to them to get a better grasp of the profession. My calling is that I see the value of having all this information at my fingertips. I love that I can become a creative professional, a real estate agent, a stock market investor, or a company of one

More importantly, what will you create? That was my long-winded story on how I began to create. As someone leaving the military someday, becoming a creator is entirely disruptive to what I know. You, too, will have to disrupt something in your life to create.

Yes, I recommend creating to start to produce royalties from your work. Money is an essential factor in the creative process. It helps us grow and challenge ourselves. But to refine your work, you first have to work. My process has slowly grown to encompass more emphasis on the work. I cannot control the outcome or the result. I release my work into the world and what happens, happens. 

Passive Income: Royalties vs Automation

People get hung up on releasing their work. It is not natural to release something and wait for feedback. We lost this ability during our school days (or daze). We find it easier to go to a job than to create work. However, a job will not set you free. Your work will set you free. Trust me; only you can challenge yourself and set yourself free. You had the key all along. It is just that someone buried the key from us and told us a college degree or military career would unlock it. 

What are you interested in creating? Read these two articles on creating content- “How to Create a Never-ending stream of  Content” and “Pick Your Niche: Health, Wealth, and Relationships.” These are great places to start brainstorming. I know that it isn’t natural, but it is a must. The world requires your voice. If I can do it, you can do it. It truly is that simple. If someone else can achieve what you want to achieve, then it means that it is possible. The only thing holding you back is an excuse. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


One response to “Create.”

  1. […] mainstream media convince you to be a sleepy, lazy sloth. Push past the noise, wake up early, and create. Good […]

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