Become the CEO of Yourself

Now it is time to take control of our lives and create the future that we envision. Where do we start? In the last article, “Become the CEO of Your Life,” we talked about identifying what you wanted in love and work.

Now, we want to take small positive steps in the right direction. These small steps will lead to a path of wealth, health, and happiness. I divided the process into three easy-to-remember actions: believe in yourself, test your capabilities, and shape your future. Let’s take a deeper look.

Believe in Yourself. This step is all in your mind, and it may be the most challenging part of moving forward. You see, limiting beliefs are built in our minds as we are growing. These beliefs can be from school or home. 

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There are many limiting beliefs, but the one I like to use as the catch-all is scarcity. This limiting belief says that the world doesn’t have enough “space” or “room” for you to succeed or be happy. When you think about starting a blog or YouTube channel, you hear your mind telling you that someone already started that channel.

To effectively defeat this internal voice, we need to build a mindset of abundance. Abundance means that we can all find the spouse of our dreams, we can all become successful, and we can all become rich. The world is not a zero-sum place; we all can have it all!

As we convert to an abundance mindset, our mental and physical routines need to reflect this change. Success is a habit, and what better place to start than our daily routine? What you eat, do, and learn every day is vital to your overall health, wealth, and happiness: garbage in, garbage out.

Do you wake up every day and make your bed, read news that positively affects your outlook, eat the proper food, and perform some physical activities? If you don’t, you need to. Our brains are powerful machines that run off of education. They also require healthy food to keep running well. 

In the last article, we talked about finding our partner. Once you begin down your journey to becoming a CEO (of yourself), you will start to look for these positive traits and actions in your partner. If you are married, you may also begin to see these traits reflect in your partner.

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Once you make a change as great as this one, you will start to look for similar actions from others. I became a heavy reader over the last year, and I now talk to people who read many books as well. You want to surround yourself with like-minded individuals. They say we are the sum of the five people whom we spend the most time.

My wife and I have learned a lot about love and finances over the last 15 years of marriage. However, when we decided to pay off all our debts and become financially independent, we moved into a whole other world of success. We built a healthy, wealthy relationship that was based on trust and action. Debt causes all kinds of stress, and paying it off allows us to be ourselves—we are free!

When you start your journey to become CEO, you will need to define what being rich is to you. This definition is your end state, your goal, the prize at the end of the journey. I see what I want in life. My dream is to be on the beach (white sand beaches of Florida), with my wife, kids, and grandkids, without a care in the world. I want money coming in passively while I sit on the beach. My passive income will be from my pension, dividends, crypto, rents, and royalties. We are free!

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I gear everything I do towards this future. Wealth is a mindset, and you will need to tailor your attitude to what you envision. If you allow someone else to build your dream, you will never be happy. They call this “keeping up with the Joneses.”

Living a middle-class life is stressful enough with chasing someone else’s vision of happiness. Take the time to prioritize your vision of wealth and relationships. Where do you want to be, and who do you want to be with? Now let’s take action.

Test your capabilities. What are you capable of doing? Can you invest in the stock market or start a business? Can you learn about cryptocurrencies or buy a rental property? Of course, you can do all of these things if you believe that you can.

We are now in the action phase of becoming the CEO and getting what we want. This phase is where you will most likely lose most of your friends. When you start to take action, people will begin to reflect their negative limiting beliefs onto you. You become their mirror. They will direct the excuses they make for themselves onto you.

I have learned this first-hand from my own experiences. Once Kristina and I made the goal to become financially independent, everyone started to change. We held ourselves accountable to each other and our finances. 

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Part of our journey has been to diversify income. I wanted to create a stream of income from a business. I started a blog and a book business to write an article every day and publish a book weekly. My friends and family have not read one article or book of mine, including my mom. This scenario is just part of life and something that you will have to accept. But my wife reads all of my works, which is why we must find the right life partner. 

So, where do you start? Start by understanding that your journey is the most critical thing in your life. Once you prioritize your journey, you will find someone who matches your needs. If you prioritize finding someone, you cannot follow your path. 

Reading is a great place to start. Reading books and critical thinking can be a great way to formulate a path to get where you want to go. However, I caution you, do not get caught up in analysis paralysis, where you overanalyze things and don’t take action. Education is nothing without action. 

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Next, we need to learn everything about money. You may have heard, “Money is the root of all evil.” I like to quote the actual phrase as “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.” The difference is you are not in love with money; you just want to have options in your life. Some many people are afraid to say that they want to be rich because of the negative connotations. Screw them! You want to be rich. 

Let’s take a look at the truth of discretionary income because you have been lied to. When we spend money directly from our earned income job, we are not buying assets that produce cash. Having no assets ties us to our jobs, forever. How are you supposed to be happy when you spend ten hours a day at work? We need to free ourselves from our jobs to find true happiness, wealth, and love. 

Next, let’s take a look at the velocity of money. If you can understand how money works and why investors get a leg up on the average person, you will get a leg up on the average person. The goal for your money is to fund as many investments as possible. As soon as your money returns from an investment, it is off to the next one—this is called the velocity of money. 

The velocity of money is vital to building wealth, so the earlier you understand this, the better. I like to say, hustle in your 20s and 30s and enjoy your 40s and 50s. My wife and I became financially free when I turned 40. We still have a lot of life to live, and it feels so good not to have debt. I wrote about our journey in “From -$77,000 to +$150,000 in 22 months.” We shaped our present, and now it is time to take our final step.

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Shape Your Future. After you built your mindset and started on your path, the final step is to walk the long road to success—perhaps the most challenging phase of all. It requires you to keep doing what you are doing. 

One of my favorite sayings from “The Practice” is when Seth Godin says to put yourself on the hook. Being on the hook means telling people your dreams. It means starting a YouTube channel and telling your audience you will produce content every day.

You see, most of us want to be able to hide in plain sight. We don’t want anyone to expect anything from us. However, this fear of someone depending on you is a limiting belief. I want to do as Seth Godin does and publish an article every day. So far, I have for the last four months. He has done it for over 20 years. 

I know that I may miss a day here and there because of traveling or something else, but the intent is to be there every day—doing the work. I dream of a Happy Cash Flow Retirement. I want my retirement to be full of health, wealth, and love. 

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I don’t want my kids or grandkids to worry about money. Buying a home is already hard enough today; what will it be like in 20 years. So, if I want my family to depend on me, I have to do the work today. 

I have to learn to print my own money. You see, as I type this article and publish this book, I am printing money. It doesn’t cost me anything to do this, just my time. But, since this is part of my personal development, there isn’t a time cost. I am in a win-win situation. I am learning, teaching, writing, helping others, and printing money—all at the same time. 

You need to get yourself into a self-fulling loop as well. Find something that you love and find a way to monetize it. Money is a sign of value. I cannot make money from publishing crappy books. I only make money on books when people find value in my work. Don’t let people make you feel as though you are greedy. Don’t gamble your retirement away by listening to people say you are greedy for monetizing your efforts. 

If you love ice-skating and want to open a YouTube channel on the topics, do it. If you then want to open an ice-skating academy, do it. If that leads to a coaching business, consulting business, ice-skating endorsements, etc., do it. You get my point. Do what you love, love what you do, and help others. Provide value first, and money will come second.

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Soon you’ll be asking yourself, when is enough money…enough money? If you are doing things right, you will have money coming in from all angles—dividends, rents, royalties, crypto, employments, business, etc. My wife and I are starting to get to this point. We are getting dividends of $30-50 dollars, rents of $800, and royalties of $30. We have been doing this for two years, but imagine doing it for another 20 or 30 years.

Conclusion. Yes, it is possible to have it all. In fact, life wants you to have it all. The only person in your way is you and your limiting beliefs. Defeating your limiting beliefs is a daily routine. They will not just disappear. 

Every day I wake up to write an article, and I think that I do not have the juice to get it done today. And every day, I am successful in writing over 1000 words. I just tell myself to shut the hell up and let me work. You can learn to do the same, and this will make you the CEO of Yourself. 

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Disclosure: I am not a financial advisor or money manager, and any knowledge is given as guidance and not direct actionable investment advice. I am an Amazon Affiliate. Please research any investment vehicles that are being considered. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it.  I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.


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