Tag: wealth

  • The Road to Wealth: Where Will You Stop?

    The Road to Wealth: Where Will You Stop?

    I’m getting old- which can be a good thing or a bad thing. I tend to look at it positively because with age comes experience. I am at the age now where my decisions, and those around me, are starting to bear fruit. In the world of relationships, those who got married and had kids…

  • Wealth is a Mindset

    Wealth is a Mindset

    You won’t be rich until you think rich. This is a fact that most people will never truly understand. When your mind is not prepared to receive wealth, you will never achieve wealth. Wow, that rhymes, and I believe I just made it up.  How do you prepare your mind to receive wealth? There are…

  • Why You Need To Become A Content Creator in 2021

    Why You Need To Become A Content Creator in 2021

    Did you finally finish your Netflix tv series? How about defeating the final boss in your open-world videogame? Good! Now, let’s work on creating long term wealth for you and your family. Creating a blog, starting a YouTube channel, or opening a Facebook group can propel you to great wealth and success. Content creation is…

  • Why Budgeting is Important to Wealth Creation

    Why Budgeting is Important to Wealth Creation

    Why do people hate budgets? I know that I used to hate the idea of budgets. I would give myself a wide $200/week budget for stuff that I wanted to buy. I think it is because people, especially us Americans, hate being told what to do. “I earned my freaking money, and gosh darnnit, I…

  • The Fast Track to Wealth

    The Fast Track to Wealth

    Wealth is an elusive muse for most of us. We have been trained since childhood that we need to hit certain wickets in order to achieve great wealth. Those things are ideas such as; go to college, get a good job, invest in your 401K, buy a house, and keep minimal debt. Yes, those things…

  • The 3 Stages of Wealth

    Wealth is something that evades most people. The funny part is, tons of people spend most of their time chasing money. This includes me and Kris as well. I worked very hard to earn every promotion the Marine Corps threw my way. I got promoted until there were no further promotions. I did this for…