Tag: Streams of Income

  • 6 Types of Income Streams and How They Make You Rich

    6 Types of Income Streams and How They Make You Rich

    Creating multiple streams of income is the most crucial part of getting ahead financially in life. The average millionaire has seven streams of income. Most of us have one stream of revenue, our job.  We need to get away from the reliance on our jobs as our only source of income. Our jobs make our…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Creating Income Streams”

    5 Takeaways from “Creating Income Streams”

    We all would love to be retired and spending time with our loved ones. However, we have to build this life; life doesn’t create it for us. “Creating Income Streams” by Shaunta Grimes gives us many different income stream ideas that we can pursue. I love that this book because it is short. It gets…

  • How We Built 13 Streams of Income

    How We Built 13 Streams of Income

    Relying solely on earned income is risky. In layman’s terms; living solely off the money from your job can be dangerous. It is risky because one stream of income can dry up very quickly, especially in a recession or downturn.  During a recession, companies start to lose profits. Because of these losses, the companies will…

  • My $35,000 a month retirement plan

    My $35,000 a month retirement plan

    Over the last 15 months, my wife and I have been optimizing our lifestyle and finances to prepare for our future lives. We have cut down on household and entertainment expenses. We have begun to generate income outside of our standard jobs. And finally, we have began to invest in a balanced investment portfolio. Now,…

  • Make more Money in order to make more Money

    Does this sound like an infinite loop? Does it seem impossible? Here on Militaryfamilyinvesting one of our goals is to build more multiple income streams. Once we build more income streams we invest that additional income into investment portfolios, which in turn makes us more money. The more money that we have invested, the more…

  • Our streams of Income

    Now it is time to dig into our streams of income. I will go over them in the form of earned income, business income, and investment income. This is how much we make from working our day jobs. I also teach military seminars on the side. It pays $35 an hour. I work roughly 5…