Tag: Stocks
Stock & Bond Investing in Your 70s
Our 70s are all about paying it forward. Hopefully, we did well with our finances and can give to the next generations. We want to ensure our children and grandchildren can navigate life with more resources than we had available. We must lead by example if we want them to have the millionaire mindset. Welcome…
Balanced Books: Living By a Harcore Budget is Empowering
When you level up your budgeting game, you will instantly see the results in your confidence and bank accounts. Most people do not live on a budget at all. They simply funnel their money into their direct deposit account and try to have one dollar left at the end of the month. If you take…
Stock & Bond Investing in Your 60s
For most people, their 60s is when they begin to feel wealthy. They can cash out their 401Ks and Roth IRAs while receiving social security. If they are fortunate, they also receive a federal, state, or local government pension. However, just because they have cash flow doesn’t mean they should stop investing. Welcome back to…
The Most Challenging Part of Passive Income: Enjoying it
They teach you to work. They teach you to struggle. However, they don’t teach you to enjoy life. Once you get your relationships and finances on track, your worldview changes. The average person believes that you go to work and spend your paycheck. Because work makes you sad, you spend even more than you need—shopping…
Think of Preferred Shares as Gift Cards: Buy Your Income at a Discount
What if you could buy $25 gift cards for $20 and still redeem them at $25? Would you take this deal immediately? Why would this deal intrigue you? Because you would essentially be buying money ($5) for free? This concept is the idea behind buying preferred shares on the stock market. The more you research…
Why You Need Passive Income!
I woke up yesterday to find some emails containing passive income in my Gmail inbox. I received $97 from Fundrise, $22 from Direct2Digital (books), and $60 in dividends. There is nothing like receiving money you don’t need. To earn passive income, you do the work once (invest or write) and continually reap the rewards. Why…
Turn a Reverse Mortgage into an Income-Investing Portfolio
At some point, our parents may need to use their primary residence as a retirement plan. We, as their kids, need to remove the emotion from these decisions. Each generation’s retirement years are getting longer, so it could be tough to generate income for 30 to 40 years. This is especially true if they liquid…
Stock & Bond Investing in Your 50s
If your 40s were all about creating income, then your 50s are about maintaining your portfolio while building generational wealth. Your income should be creating more income in your 50s. This means you should have enough income from dividends to reinvest 30%. If this is not the case, please go back and read the earlier…
The Pros and Cons of Closed-End Funds: How Do You Like Your Income?
Learning to invest for income changed my life; I figured out how to build my own paycheck. Most people do not invest for income; they want to get rich quickly. I dividend income investing into six different types, which you can read about here. One of my favorite types of income investing is closed-end funds.…
Stock & Bond Investing in Your 40s
There are a few paths you can take in your 40s. You can get into more debt, get divorced, have a mid-life crisis, or become rich. Luckily I choose to become wealthy by making more income than I spend. Remember, wealth is having excess income versus expenses. But I didn’t choose to have a job…
Saving & Investing with $500 per Month
If you can save and invest $500 per month, you are in the elite class of America. Sadly, I am being completely serious. Most Americans cannot save $500 over the course of a year or even a decade. America is a tough place to save because everything costs. If you own a home or have…
Dividend ETFs vs. Bonds 2: The Tax Edition
After writing “Dividend ETFs vs. Bonds,” I got to thinking about taxes. As we head into retirement, taxes will play a significant role in our decision-making. Let’s rerun the $500,000-401K scenario, but this time with a perspective focusing on taxes. Let’s assume we are 66 years old and drawing social security. What are qualified dividends?…
Stock & Bond Investing in Your 30s
Have you ever heard anyone talk about the “terrible twos” as they raise their children? It’s a time when kids often don’t sleep, can walk and talk, and get into all kinds of mischief. My wife went through this phase twice with our two kids—with me out on assignment most of the time. It’s a…
Dividend ETFs vs. Bonds: The Best Investment for Retirees
Retiring from the workforce can be stressful. We spend our entire lives earning a paycheck and living on a salary. Now they expect us to live on our investments and a small amount of social security. Most of us don’t spend much time learning how to invest. When we retire with a nice nest egg,…
Stock & Bond Investing in Your 20s
Your 20s can be magical if you have the time, patience, and attentiveness to learn about finances. However, most of the time, we are fighting off our hormones. For this series, I assume that you want to start a family and build generational wealth throughout your life. If you want to stay single, you can…
Dividend Investing During Turbulent Times
Don’t worry; it will all be okay. This is not the first crisis; it won’t be the last. The best way to handle this situation is to push through it confidently. We can use their philosophy with anything and life, and we should. In today’s case, we are talking about dividend investing during the coming…
Bond Investing in Your 70s
We should all plan on enjoying our 70s while preserving capital. Even better, we can help our family build generational wealth while we travel the world. There is much to accomplish in the later chapters of life, but it requires financial sophistication to achieve our goals. Welcome back to the Bond Investing at Any Age…
Retirement Planning for the Average Person 5
Sometimes we must admit when we are wrong. I find myself in this position today—humbled. There was one core truth I believed, but it has changed recently. I believed you could stay in the workforce long enough to create a truly passive income retirement. For example, you could work until you earned $5,000/month in dividends.…
Welcome to The T.I.C.E.S. Society: Tycoon, Investor, Creator, Entrepreneur, Scholar
It’s hard to express how fragile our lives become without knowledge. When we depend on a job, a person, or a government to save us, they usually come up short. Americans have become more educated over the years—meaning more people have college degrees than ever. However, most people need more financial education to grow a…
Dating with Dividends: Find Your True Love through Budgeting
Budgeting together is my definition of true love. Yes, it doesn’t sound sexy or romantic, but it’s practical and successful. My wife and I met in a far-off foreign land in 2004; I was 23, and she was 20. It was love at first sight. I told her I loved her in three days. Now,…