Tag: Stocks
The Magic of Dollar-Cost Averaging
How do I get started with investing? Why do I need to invest? How much money do I need to invest? What do I need to invest in with my money? These are some of the questions that are keeping you from investing. And since you know that you need to invest, these questions are…
My 4 Favorite Index Funds
Index funds are boring and don’t take much knowledge to start investing. Nobody is going to care if you made a killing with index investing. All that being said, index funds are absolutely vital to the health of your portfolio. It is hard to go wrong with index funds, and they can help cover some…
3 Steps to Live Entirely on Passive Income and Retire When You Want
Everybody’s dream should be to have complete freedom of time because that’s when we are at our happiest. Can you imagine traveling anywhere in the world with your friends and loved ones, at any time you all want? Unless you were born with assets that allowed you to make these enormous travel plans, you need…
Dividends vs. Military Retirement
I am not going to lie—this will be a pretty lop-sided competition. However, I will have additional articles on how the losing party can catch up or beat the victor. Welcome to part one of Dividends vs. Military Retirement. Off the top of your head, which of the two sides do you think will win?…
5 Takeaways from “Infinity Investing”
“Infinity Investing” by Toby Mathis is a book about building a portfolio of assets that will eventually cover your lifestyle. In other words, what I write about every day. Needless to say, this was a fantastic read. We all want to achieve financial freedom via different techniques and methods. Some may be heavy into real…
Santa’s Bringing Dividends
Do you remember how excited you were on Christmas Eve as a child? We used to wake up at 6 am and run to open presents. No matter what we received, we were happy and blessed. Those magical moments will forever live on in our hearts because it was all about love. Our parents probably…
5 Steps to (Financially) Running a Household
Today I want to lay out everything I know about running a household. I will focus on the finance aspect of household operations, as my lovely wife Kristina runs the personnel side of the house. So, what are my qualifications to speak about running a household? My wife and I have been married for 15…
Your Income Should Increase Every Year
Being an employee has many perks, like not worrying about anyone other than yourself. People become used to life as an employee, often choosing this over starting a business or creating content. But three things being an employee strips you off: freedom of time, money, and location. Today, I will talk specifically about freedom of…
The Dividend Debit Card
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a debit card that magically created money for you? You would wake up to new money in your account, knowing that you could spend it without guilt? Welcome to the year 2022, and you have this magic card. This card is called the Cash App debit card and…
The Core Values of Passive Income: Self-Education, Self-Motivation, Self-Dedication
A US Marine has three core values that we live by—honor, courage, and commitment. These are words we count on in the most difficult of times. Two years into my journey to financial independence, I found that there are also core values on this path. Building streams of passive income isn’t for everyone. In fact,…
Inflation vs. Passive Income 2: 5 Steps to Beat Inflation
Inflation is upon us. We are entering an inflationary time that the US hasn’t seen since the 1970s. We need to understand what inflation is and how we can combat it with sources of passive income. Luckily, I have been writing about inflation for the last 6-8 months, so I have some prior works you…
7 Reasons Dividend Growth Investing is For You
You may have heard the term passive income before. However, you may not truly understand the meaning or effect that it can have on your life. Usually, when the words passive income come up in conversation, people are talking about dividends. Dividends are the most passive of passive income. Once you set up your portfolio,…
The Average Millionaire has 7 Streams of Income
The average millionaire has seven streams of income—how many do you have? My wife and I will reach $1 million in our dividend portfolio in roughly five more years. However, we are not obsessed with becoming millionaires. You see, we are just following the steps that I laid out in my book “4 Steps to…
Choose Your Passive Income Adventure 2
Life offers us many choices—some are hard, some are easy. Finding the right person to marry is a difficult decision. Deciding what house to buy can be more manageable—trying to determine what passive income stream to build is tricky. We should all know that we need passive income in our lives. There is no other…
How to Create Passive Income 104: For The Average Person
Passive Income is a word that most average people are not familiar with in America and other countries. It’s not our fault because our parents taught us to “work for money.” Indeed, our parents, education system, and society taught us how to become great employees. The problem with being a good employee is we start…
How to Create Passive Income 103: For Advanced
There is a vast world of passive income, and now we are traveling deeper into the abyss. If you haven’t already, please read the first articles in the How to Create Passive Income series here (101, 102). Let’s jump right into the mix. Advanced Investing. Building wealth over time in the stock market doesn’t take…
How to Create Passive Income 102: For Intermediates
Today, we are going to get into some more advanced topics concerning passive income. If you haven’t read “How to Create Passive Income 101: For Beginners,” please do so before reading further. I am jumping right into the fire. Intermediate Investing. Last time we talked about building a dividend growth portfolio. I love DGI portfolios,…
How to Create Passive Income 101: For Beginners
Are you new to the world of passive income? I’m sure you have heard all the talk about how cool it is to have passive income flowing while you sleep. You probably haven’t heard how difficult it is to start building streams of passive income, right? When I say difficult, I don’t mean complex. I…
Dividends vs. Capital Gains 2
There has never been a better time to make the switch from a capital gains investor to a dividend investor. In fact, I would classify most capital gains-lovers as traders. As we move into an inflationary period, the growth stocks that many capital gains traders love may not outperform as they did over the last…
Build Wealth Slowly
What’s the rush? We all seem to want to become wealthy beyond our wildest dreams—quick, fast, and in a hurry. The quote “it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey” comes to mind. So, how do we slow down, reduce stress, make great decisions, enjoy life, AND become rich simultaneously? The answer is that…