Tag: starting a business

  • Financial Freedom is a Mindset, Not an Account Balance

    Financial Freedom is a Mindset, Not an Account Balance

    I didn’t feel financially free when I was $77,000 in debt. I was earning over $100,000 at my day job, but I still felt behind. However, once I started to read articles on passive income, compound interest, and getting out of debt, I immediately knew I would free myself and my family. That was back…

  • Becoming an Entrepreneur #1: Reading the Right Books

    Becoming an Entrepreneur #1: Reading the Right Books

    What’s the difference between an entrepreneur and an employee? The employee receives a paycheck for going to work, while the entrepreneur gets compensation for adding value. They may sound similar, but they are vastly different mindsets. Why would an employee want to become an entrepreneur? Over the years in the workforce, your company will severely…

  • Position Yourself for the Next Bull Market

    Position Yourself for the Next Bull Market

    We are near the bottom of the bear market. Pessimism in the markets peaked, and we can begin to see optimism show its lovely face. But we still have time to make some life-changing moves while prices are excellent and everyone focuses on surviving. To invest wisely during a bear market and recession, we must…

  • How to Start a Business Cheaply

    How to Start a Business Cheaply

    The future of the economy is unknown. Will we delve into a recession or start the next bull market? We all must lay and wait, but we can take massive action to improve our chances. One way to change our fortunes is to start a business. When people think of business, they think of physical…

  • Change Your Money Cycle: Your Spending Habits Determine Your Wealth

    Change Your Money Cycle: Your Spending Habits Determine Your Wealth

    We hit the jackpot by being born in America. We have the chance to go from broke to rich in one lifetime. Heck, we can achieve incredible wealth in 20 years if we truly try. Unfortunately, most people will never seize this fantastic opportunity. Not because they didn’t work hard but because their money cycle…

  • Power Writing: Write a Book in a Week

    Power Writing: Write a Book in a Week

    Becoming a writer is one of the most empowering things you can do in your life. Writing is demanding because you must articulate your thoughts and convey them so others can understand. Many people fear writing because of nightmares from high school or college. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart. But if you…

  • Middle-Class Investing 110: Create a Wealth Generator

    Middle-Class Investing 110: Create a Wealth Generator

    We have come a long way on our investing train, and we arrive at our final stop today. Now that we know exactly what to do with our money, we need to make a lot more of it. But we don’t want to do all the work; we want our investments to carry the load.…

  • 5 Takeaways from “Unscripted: The Great Rat-Race Escape”

    5 Takeaways from “Unscripted: The Great Rat-Race Escape”

    “Unscripted: The Great Rat-Race Escape” by MJ DeMarco is a fascinating trip down the path to being an entrepreneur and escaping the rat race. This book is long; however, it is an all-in-one guide to starting your journey into entrepreneurship. More importantly, it gives you the “why” and “how” to escape the rat race. Escaping…

  • Middle-Class Investing 103: Create Additional Streams of Income

    Middle-Class Investing 103: Create Additional Streams of Income

    To sit comfortably in the middle class, you must create additional income streams. Holding one or two jobs in the household is risky. Rich people understand the power of having multiple streams of income. It is how they continue to accumulate wealth, even during a recession. Welcome back to the Middle-Class Investing 101 series (101,…

  • The Creative Blogger: Write What You Want

    The Creative Blogger: Write What You Want

    Why do you want to start a blog? For most of us, the reason is to make money. We don’t just want regular income but passive income. However, blogging is tough, and trying to stay abreast to search trends can be a full-time job. You can also fall into the trap of affiliating marketing and…

  • Middle-Class Investing 101: Investing is Essential for Freedom

    Middle-Class Investing 101: Investing is Essential for Freedom

    There is nothing wrong with being firmly in the middle class. I am happy sitting in the middle because I can fly under the radar. As middle-class people, we get ourselves into trouble by trying to act like we are rich. Keeping up with the Joneses is a losing proposition on all fronts. However, we…

  • Podcasting vs Blogging: Start Your Creative Career Today

    Podcasting vs Blogging: Start Your Creative Career Today

    We live in a world where your job simply will not pay you enough. Even if you make $300,000/year, it won’t be enough to live comfortably in your high-income city. You must make additional income, and you can do that either actively or passively. You do the work once as you build a portfolio of…

  • Create Royalties While Working a Full-Time Job

    Create Royalties While Working a Full-Time Job

    Don’t you hate waiting for an annual pay raise for a promotion? That’s what happens when you depend on someone else for income. But I am a realist; most people cannot leave the workforce to pursue a start-up business full-time. We all have responsibilities such as a family, living expenses, or medical needs.  However, we…

  • The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever 3!

    The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever 3!

    What is the point of working hard to build passive income? Couldn’t we achieve the same results by getting a high-paying job? Yes and no. Money is money, no matter how it arrives in your account—this is true. But the magic of passive income is you can do whatever you want as it grows inside…

  • Don’t Gamble with Retirement 9

    Don’t Gamble with Retirement 9

    It’s always exciting when I add to the “Don’t Gamble with Retirement” series. It is one of my longest-running series, and I love documenting as the world changes. I wrote the first article in a series in February 2021, when we were in a raging bull market. Today, the stock market is in the opposite…

  • Long-Form Content is the Future

    Long-Form Content is the Future

    The world wants to cram as much content into our brains as possible. People complained about tv ads, and now they watch 30-second clips on Tik Tok. When traveling one day, I watched someone scroll through Tik Tok for over an hour straight. What kind of value did this person obtain from this hour? Long-form…

  • YouTubing vs. Your Job: How Do You Like Your Grind?

    YouTubing vs. Your Job: How Do You Like Your Grind?

    We live in an exciting time where the average person has more financial choices than ever. You no longer have to work a 9-5 job to succeed in this world. Many kids and young adults dream of being YouTubers; however, it’s an illusion. Becoming a successful YouTuber requires more upfront work than most jobs on…

  • To Become Rich, You’ll Need Leverage

    To Become Rich, You’ll Need Leverage

    Getting rich in one lifetime is nearly impossible—yet this is the path our parents taught us as children. Here is the plan in a nutshell: Please tell me if I am missing something. The problem with this typical scenario is that at no point did you exert any leverage. 40-Year Interest-Only Mortgage In fact, when…

  • Starting a Business with One Hour a Day Available

    Starting a Business with One Hour a Day Available

    Time is the most valuable resource on this planet. We spend our lives trying to buy freedom from the workforce; for most people, we call this retirement.  One of the cruel ironies of life is that we can buy our freedom much sooner by spending more time earlier. Sounds confusing, right? You need assets to…

  • Why Are You NOT in the Work Force?

    Why Are You NOT in the Work Force?

    Everywhere I look, it seems people are quitting their jobs. Whether it is quitting in place, also known as quiet quitting, or walking away completely (the Great Resignation), the world is turning upside down. However, this is a social media ploy to slow down the average American. Many reasons contribute to this mass exodus from…