Tag: rich life

  • 4 Steps to Become Rich

    4 Steps to Become Rich

    It’s funny that the steps we are given at a young age to become rich will not really make us rich. We may become wealthy over a long span of time, but not as fast as they allude to as we are growing up. Their four steps for wealth are: 1) Get good grades 2)…

  • How Do You Define “Being Rich?”

    How Do You Define “Being Rich?”

    What does it mean to “be rich” to you? I know many of us believe that being rich is living in a massive mansion with exotic cars, exotic women, and exotic animals. America has conditioned us to think along these lines- having millions upon millions of dollars is the definition of being rich. These dreams…

  • How the Rich Buy Their Bling

    How the Rich Buy Their Bling

    For the majority of my adult life, I figured most of us spent money the same way. The middle class was middle class because they didn’t make as much money as the rich. The rich had high-paying jobs so they could afford boats and mansions. Recently, as I read more books, I discovered that this…

  • Is Becoming Rich Something that is Right for You?

    Is Becoming Rich Something that is Right for You?

    Of course, everyone wants to become rich. We all want to have the security of no longer having to worry about money. I do not think people wake up just to worry about money. But having financial security is a far different achievement than becoming rich. I would consider being becoming financially secure as having…

  • What is your rich life?

    What is your rich life?

    I want you to do an exercise with me. I want you to imagine your best case life at 50 years old. Do not limit yourself with money, status, or relationships. This is your dream world. Who are you with? What do you have? Where are you at? Now, most importantly, how do you achieve…