Tag: retirement

  • Set Your Retirement Requirements

    Set Your Retirement Requirements

    Most people ask, “How much money do I need for retirement?” They usually dream of some arbitrary amount of money, like $1 million. However, it is better to set more concrete goals focused on income rather than a lump sum. Net worth vs. passive income. I always talk about net worth versus passive income. Net…

  • Freedom Calls: No Freakin’ Way I Am Working 25 More Years 2

    Freedom Calls: No Freakin’ Way I Am Working 25 More Years 2

    Can you imagine waiting until age 66 (according to current social security protocols) to retire? Currently, I am 41 years old, so that would be another 25 years of grinding in the workforce. Do you know what I say to that scenario? No freakin’ way!! I am not spending another 25 years going to work,…

  • Easter -Nest- Eggs: Build a Dividend Growth Nest Egg

    Easter -Nest- Eggs: Build a Dividend Growth Nest Egg

    I used to love searching for easter eggs during the Easter Season. My mom would lay out many eggs around the yard or church, and we would run around looking for candy-filled eggs. Childhood memories bring us these incredible feelings of joy and happiness. I am grateful to my parents for ensuring we had moments…

  • Retirement Planning for the Average Person 3

    Retirement Planning for the Average Person 3

    I can’t believe that it’s been six months since the last article in the Retirement Planning for the Average Person Series (part 1, part 2). I really need to try to get these out every couple of months because they are one of my favorite series on the PDF side. On the Kindle Unlimited side,…

  • Web Edition- The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever 2!

    Web Edition- The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever 2!

    Links to all 312 Chapters in “The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever 2!” Amazon charges me for the size of the book—thus the ebook edition is $40. If you prefer that version, you can buy it here. Enjoy! Web Edition INTRODUCTION 00 000  The Biggest Book on Passive Income Ever 2! FINANCIAL MINDSET 01…

  • Don’t Gamble with Retirement 6

    Don’t Gamble with Retirement 6

    Are you gambling with your retirement? Do you know the difference between saving versus investing? What are you doing today to combat long-term high inflation? We discussed so many things over the last four months, so now it’s time to bring everything together under one roof. Welcome back to the Don’t Gamble with Retirement series …

  • I Live Paycheck to Paycheck 4… So I Started Income Investing

    I Live Paycheck to Paycheck 4… So I Started Income Investing

    Living paycheck to paycheck sucks! Sometimes you may not even understand that you depend on your next paycheck for survival. It’s not until you have a large amount of savings you can reflect and see the gravity of your prior situation. America trains us to live paycheck to paycheck, by the way. When our paychecks…

  • USDC vs. Saving Bonds vs. Treasuries

    USDC vs. Saving Bonds vs. Treasuries

    There are more ways to save and invest than ever, yet most Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. Dave Ramsey (“Baby Step Millionaires”) suggests saving a $1,000 emergency fund before paying down debt. I have been talking about saving and investing recently, and even savings vs. investing. But, just because you are not comfortable…

  • From Zero to Zeros

    From Zero to Zeros

    When you are broke, it’s hard not to feel like a loser. It seems that everyone else in the world has it figured out except you. This especially applies to those who choose to get married early in life. My wife and I married when I was 25, and she was 22. Today is our…

  • A High-Value Person: Passively Earns $100,000 Annually

    A High-Value Person: Passively Earns $100,000 Annually

    There have been many talks recently about High-Value Men and High-Value Women. The typical conversation states that a high-value person earns $100,000/year from their jobs. For context, the term high value doesn’t factor in morals and ethics, just income.  The numbers for high-value people seem to be around 10% of males and 3% of women…

  • Happy Cash Flow Retirement 6

    Happy Cash Flow Retirement 6

    Welcome back to one of my longest-running and favorite series on my channel. I love the Happy Cash Flow Retirement series (part one, part two) because we can dream of our exciting and stress-free futures. A quick administrative note: this is article number three, but book number six. I pushed the article name to six…

  • Decrease Possessions. Increase Wealth.

    Decrease Possessions. Increase Wealth.

    Why do we need so much stuff? We almost go to work entirely to buy new things or collect different experiences. How much money do we actually need to survive? What is the bare minimum amount that we need for expenses? I never thought of myself as a materialistic person. However, I just finished reading…

  • Budget vs. Fixed Income

    Budget vs. Fixed Income

    I will always live on a budget, but I never want to live on a fixed income. Today, my goal is to explain this statement so you understand the difference between the two—and make a choice. Budgeting. Budgeting is the key to creating, protecting, and increasing your income. If you want to be rich, you…

  • The Magic of Investing

    The Magic of Investing

    Investing is an entirely different world from Saving. You can become a millionaire by using both methods, but the speed at which you achieve this status differs. Once you understand the principles, investing may interest you. What is Investing? My personal definition of investing is using money to provide financial freedom. For reference, my personal…

  • The Best Way to F.I.R.E.: Index Funds vs Dividend Growth vs. Income Investing

    The Best Way to F.I.R.E.: Index Funds vs Dividend Growth vs. Income Investing

    The Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement has been all the rage over the last 10-15 years. The idea is to reach a certain financial position and leave the workforce for good. Most FIRE starters also have some form of passive income, such as a blog, podcasts, or YouTube channel.  But what is the best…

  • Your Retirement Planning Guide 2

    Your Retirement Planning Guide 2

    It’s your retirement; make it how you want. With that, how do you envision yourself in retirement? Are you with a loved one or family? Where are you located? And, how much money do you have or need? These are all questions you should be asking yourself every day. I have a few housekeeping notes…

  • 5 Steps to (Financially) Running a Household

    5 Steps to (Financially) Running a Household

    Today I want to lay out everything I know about running a household. I will focus on the finance aspect of household operations, as my lovely wife Kristina runs the personnel side of the house. So, what are my qualifications to speak about running a household? My wife and I have been married for 15…

  • Your Income Should Increase Every Year

    Your Income Should Increase Every Year

    Being an employee has many perks, like not worrying about anyone other than yourself. People become used to life as an employee, often choosing this over starting a business or creating content. But three things being an employee strips you off: freedom of time, money, and location. Today, I will talk specifically about freedom of…

  • Become CEO of Yourself 2

    Become CEO of Yourself 2

    The most challenging part of achieving everything we want in life is controlling our behaviors. We don’t have much control over the results of our actions; however, we can control our efforts to obtain great results. For example, we can wake up early every morning, make our beds, build our business, exercise, and read books…

  • Overcome Financial Adversity

    Overcome Financial Adversity

    Everyone alive has some form of financial adversity to overcome. Even the people born with a silver spoon (rich) have to learn how to maintain their wealth. Let’s review some of the financial challenges we can all face at some time; then, we can work on overcoming them. Born poor. There is nothing we could…