Tag: Rental Rooms

  • Financial Freedom Road Trip #3: Rental Income

    Financial Freedom Road Trip #3: Rental Income

    It’s always amazing to see the lights at night in El Paso, Texas. I can see an ocean of lights from my hotel as I overlook Juarez, Mexico. El Paso is a unique city that has its own sense of identity. I usually stay in Las Cruces, Mexico, because it is much smaller and quieter,…

  • Five Ways to Make Rental Income Without Owning Rental Properties

    Five Ways to Make Rental Income Without Owning Rental Properties

    The real estate market is tougher than ever. It is difficult for the average person to buy a primary residence, let alone own rental properties. I own two rental properties, and it’s safe to say that they are a pain in the rear end. Being a landlord is not for most people. However, everyone’s goal…

  • Rents Go Up: Which Side of the Equation Are You On?

    Rents Go Up: Which Side of the Equation Are You On?

    Rent prices across the United States and the world will continue to rise. There is little we can do as the average consumer. Once institutional investors, foreign interests, and the Airbnb crowd entered the real estate game, it changed the landscape forever. So how do we become homeowners in today’s environment? Even better, how do…

  • Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Families

    Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Families

    How can you possibly exit the workforce with an entire family in tow? Well, it’s more than possible if you put your mind to it and commit as a family. I should know because my family is leaving the workforce this year. My wife (39) has already stopped working, and I will retire (42) in…

  • Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles

    Leaving the Workforce in 10 Years: For Singles

    The great part about being single is that you single-handedly control your destiny. The bad part is that you are all alone. However, you can easily free yourself from the workforce when you are single. All you have to do is start from the end. Dreaming up your retirement. Most people dream of retiring in…

  • What I Have Learned From Having Tenants for 10 Years

    What I Have Learned From Having Tenants for 10 Years

    Most people will never become landlords and oversee tenants; they simply don’t possess the drive to manage another human being. Being a landlord requires you to separate who you are as a person from what you represent as a landlord. Sometimes these two individuals (you) are at odds. I own one large house in Arizona,…

  • Renting Rooms to Family Members

    Renting Rooms to Family Members

    Do you own a big single-family home with only a single family living inside? Well, congratulations, that’s a fantastic feat. The follow-up question is, how is your financial situation looking? Chances are, it is not looking too good. The bait and switch. Who told Americans we all deserve to live in 2,000-square-foot, 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom homes?…

  • Why Rents Will Continue to Rise: And How You Can Get Ahead of the Rental Curve

    Why Rents Will Continue to Rise: And How You Can Get Ahead of the Rental Curve

    Are you waiting for a housing crash before jumping into the market? Well, you may be waiting for a very long time. The rental market will continue to rise for the foreseeable future for one main reason—investors. There are simply too many individual and foreign investors, institutions, syndications, and real estate investment trusts (REITs) for…

  • Is It Difficult to Own Multiple Houses?

    Is It Difficult to Own Multiple Houses?

    Owning real estate is a guaranteed way to increase your net worth while creating generational wealth. However, it does take work to own a home. If you own multiple homes, you can significantly increase your chances of becoming wealthy. However, is the additional stress worth the payoff in the end? Today, I want to share…

  • Renting Rooms vs. Friendships

    Renting Rooms vs. Friendships

    Renting rooms is the number one way for the average person to get ahead financially. It requires very little investment, and the returns are infinite. However, renting a room to a stranger can be intimidating. There are many unanswered questions until you physically live with someone.  What if you knew your prospective roommate? What if…

  • Renting Rooms vs. A Recession

    Renting Rooms vs. A Recession

    I have been preaching about the incredible benefits of renting rooms for over two years. And I will continue to beat the drum until a few people begin to take notice. There is simply no better way to become wealthy for the average person. The return on investment for renting rooms is infinite, which means…

  • Rental Properties vs. Rental Rooms: Rental Income for the Average Person

    Rental Properties vs. Rental Rooms: Rental Income for the Average Person

    If you follow my content, you will know that I am a massive fan of renting rooms. Sharing your living space is the single greatest wealth generator for the average person. However, the average person doesn’t want to live with someone else (even family) or want to take the risk of owning rental properties.  To…

  • The Beauty of Rental Income

    The Beauty of Rental Income

    The world is a beautiful place when we take the time to enjoy the view. Sometimes it is hard to value the world during our hectic and chaotic lives. But, some things can make your life even more beautiful. Here are my top four things that can make your life even more vibrant: a fantastic…

  • Financial Independence through Real Estate 2

    Financial Independence through Real Estate 2

    The average person can take themselves from rags to riches by leveraging real estate. Real estate has probably made more millionaires than the stock market and business combined. Of course, that is just a guess, but leverage is a powerful bedfellow—and nowhere is leverage as accessible as real estate.  Where else can you go and…

  • The Magic of House Hacking

    The Magic of House Hacking

    So you want to be a millionaire? Most of us will never accomplish this status, not because it is difficult to achieve, but because we don’t want to sacrifice. Yes, most self-made millionaires had to sacrifice something to achieve wealth. Many wealth generators can make us millionaires. I use the military as my wealth generator,…

  • Mortgage Positive: Make Cash Flow from Your Primary Residence

    Mortgage Positive: Make Cash Flow from Your Primary Residence

    Six months ago, I wrote one of my favorite articles of all time, “Mortgage Zero: The Art of Paying No Out-of-Pocket Living Costs.” This article is still my most linked piece ever because it is such a vital topic to me. Mortgage Zero proposes that you use your home as an income generator. Whenever I…

  • Is Rental Income the Best Type of Passive Income?

    Is Rental Income the Best Type of Passive Income?

    Passive Income is the equivalent of a king sitting on a comfortable bed fed grapes and fruits by his servants. There is nothing quite like passive income for making you feel excited about the next day. When it comes to passive income, the granddaddy of them all is rent. Rental income is money that you…

  • Why we decided to rent out room$$$

    Why we decided to rent out room$$$

    When I got stationed in Beaufort, SC back in 2012, our house in Yuma was underwater. This meant that it was worth less than we owed. Also, our mortgage payment was way higher than we could command in rent. So we decided it best that I go to South Carolina unaccompanied. Of course, when I…

  • How to ensure your Room Rental is Highly Desirable

    Renting a room is one of the easiest ways to generate income on your quest for financial independence. However, you need to take it very seriously. It is a business. The way you present yourself and your room is going to attract that same quality of applicants. If you have a dirty, smelly room you…

  • Best Life Hack: Renting Rooms

    Let’s start by saying that renting out a room in your home is not for everyone. In fact, most people cannot or will not do it. However, there is so much untapped potential in this concept. It literally will change your life. Currently, we pay $1750 for our 3rd home. It is on 3 acres…