Tag: rat race

  • How do you escape the rat race?

    (Read part one of the series “Are you part of the rat race” https://militaryfamilyinvesting.com/2020/07/20/are-you-part-of-the-rat-race/) Now that your eyes have been opened, let’s continue. The rat race is a MINDSET. To escape the rat race you first have to change your perspective. Why do you go to work? If your answer is, “To pay bills, provide…

  • Are you part of the rat race?

    It is a very delicate topic. Let’s first start with what the “rat race” is. The rat race is going to work every day (earned income), getting a check from your employer, paying bills, and basically surviving on this income. Sure, there may be a vacation, car, or wedding thrown in for good measure, but…