Tag: Minimalism

  • Minimalism is Now a Necessity: We Can No Longer Afford Stuff

    Minimalism is Now a Necessity: We Can No Longer Afford Stuff

    We are moving into a new era during the 2020s. We are transitioning from the prosperity era to the austerity era. This new austerity era will take no prisoners. If you don’t grasp how unforgiving this new timeline is, then you risk losing it all. What is the austerity era? This new era represents the…

  • Minimalism: 7 Ways it Leads to Financial Freedom

    Minimalism: 7 Ways it Leads to Financial Freedom

    How much stuff does one person or one family need? I find myself asking this question almost every day? America is especially prone to materialism because we are a consumerist nation. This means that most of our gross domestic product comes from spending money on things. So how do we defeat the urge of materialism?…

  • Does Minimalism help prevent Lifestyle Inflation?

    Does Minimalism help prevent Lifestyle Inflation?

    Before we get started, let’s define lifestyle inflation (or lifestyle creep)? This is when we begin to earn more money and our lifestyle starts to become more expensive. For example, if we get a $400 a month promotion at our jobs, and then we trade in our car and get one that costs $400 a…

  • Minimalism with a family?

    Can you be a minimalist as family? I would say, the best advice is to try. Kris and I both grow up without a lot of money, so for a while accumulating stuff was part of our programming. When you don’t grow up with much you tend to want to gather stuff. But over the…