Tag: marriage

  • Why Do Men Date Outside of Their League? From a Financial Perspective

    Why Do Men Date Outside of Their League? From a Financial Perspective

    Who you decide to marry is the most significant financial decision in your life. If you get it right, you’ll both retire early and live happily ever after. If you get it wrong, it’ll be quite the opposite. I am gearing this article to men between 25 and 30, instead of dreaming of the perfect…

  • Two People, One Budget: Create a Budget and Start Income Investing

    Two People, One Budget: Create a Budget and Start Income Investing

    They say finances cause most marriages to fail, but what specifically is the disconnect between couples? More importantly, how can we prevent these issues from causing a division between the lovebirds? My wife, Kristina, and I have been married for 17 years, and we are on the same page financially. When we didn’t have “the…

  • The True Power Couple: How to Build a Passive Income Marriage

    The True Power Couple: How to Build a Passive Income Marriage

    Let’s start 2023 by dissecting what made marriages stronger 60-80 years ago. These topics are sensitive, but let’s focus on the financial side of the house. Somewhere along the lines, someone convinced the middle class that having two working parents was the path to financial success. But will having two working parents lead to marital…

  • Debt-Free Society: Beat Wedding Debt

    Debt-Free Society: Beat Wedding Debt

    Your wedding day is a time to celebrate with the love of your life. Hopefully, both of your families can party together and send you off to a great marriage. The problem with weddings is that they start you off with tons of consumer debt. When you get married, there are many new expenses you…

  • Getting Married? 10 Financial Questions to Ask Your Future Spouse

    Getting Married? 10 Financial Questions to Ask Your Future Spouse

    Ah, the dream of marriage. We all go into marriage thinking of love, romance, kids, and vacations. These amazing dreams can become a reality, but it requires planning. Before we marry, we don’t want to break the illusion by talking about “business” or “money.” However, these are massive topics that we need to discuss. Most…

  • The Magic of Marriage: Love & Finances Go Hand-in-Hand

    The Magic of Marriage: Love & Finances Go Hand-in-Hand

    Love, Purpose, Duty, and Respect are principles of a successful marriage. It will be hard to find someone who follows and believes in these principles, but they exist. However, to find this person, you will have to live and die by these remarkable principles as well. Do you? Life is full of surprises, and getting…

  • We Married Valentine’s Day 2006; 15 Things We Learned about Love and Finances

    We Married Valentine’s Day 2006; 15 Things We Learned about Love and Finances

    It’s Valentine’s Day! My wife and I have reached our 15th year of marriage, which is our Ruby Red Anniversary. Time for some reflection. When you have been married this long there is a lot to reflect on, however, I will keep it mostly focused on finances. Love and relationships are always tied together, even…

  • Marriage Year in Review: 2012

    Marriage Year in Review: 2012

    Story: 2012 was probably the busiest year of our marriage. We traveled to so many places and connected to so many people. We went to Laughlin multiple times, Las Vegas, San Diego, Grand Canyon, Palm Springs, and Phoenix. Sadly, I also started another two-year accompanied tour in Beaufort, South Carolina. We did a 10-day road…

  • Marriage Year in Review: 2011

    Marriage Year in Review: 2011

    Story: 2011 was amazing. I finally was able to wrap up my time in Afghanistan. I was out of there in February. The Corps tried to get me home for the birth of our second child, but I missed it by 3 days. My wife had a natural birth, safely. When I returned I felt…

  • Marriage Year in Review: 2009

    Marriage Year in Review: 2009

    The Story: Wow! 2009 was an amazing year. For the second article out of 3, I didn’t realize how much we did in 2009 until I started looking through all the pictures. This was a quiet year from an accomplishment perspective. However, we were able to get settled into our new home, spend lots of…

  • Your marriage should read like a picture book

    Your marriage should read like a picture book

    I have recently started writing about each year of our marriage, individually. When I started to write about 2007, I thought that I wouldn’t have much material. Boy was I wrong. Even in (probably) the quietest year of our marriage, I had more material than I could have dreamed of. The pictures spoke for themselves.…

  • Build great experiences to build a great marriage

    Build great experiences to build a great marriage

    My wife and I have been married for over 14 years and of that time, I would consider 85-90% the best days of my life. The other 5-10% of the time was a little bit more difficult. Marriage isn’t always easy but it should be mostly an enjoyable situation. When times get hard I tend…

  • 2 things to understand before Marriage

    Marriage sometimes seems like a clash of two opposing forces. It can be very difficult sometimes to convey your ideas without pointing fingers or offending the other person. If you stick with your marriage, hopefully, you can slowly reconcile some of the differences. Alas, there are two things you can learn now that will assist…

  • Money + Marriage

    Money is one of the hardest aspects of marriage to control. We all want to be hyper-focused on saving and investing. However, especially in marriage with kids, all sorts of events happen that may derail our plans. The main point I am trying to convey is: Set realistic goals. Today, I was out on my…

  • Are you ready to get Married?

    Wow, what a tough question. Being in the military for such a long time, I have seen a lot of marriages. Some people get married to get out of the barracks, some get a change of duty station orders, some are missing home, and some fall in love. Everyone is different. But how do you…

  • 3 things all young married couples should know

    Getting married is a part of life for most people. You find someone special, you date them, and eventually, you want to get married. Love is the binding force that keeps marriages together, however, you have to work on loving your spouse. Love is constantly evolving, like you and your spouse. Here are 3 things…