Tag: kindle unlimited
Becoming an Entrepreneur #4: Training vs. Education
The most difficult concept for most starving entrepreneurs to grasp is the idea of training versus education. There is a massive difference between these learning techniques. Eventually, as an entrepreneur, you’ll find yourself in new territory where no one else has traveled. If you don’t understand the difference, you will find yourself lost in the…
Homeownership Will Only be for the Rich
When did Americans become so greedy? Okay, I may need to word this differently. When did Americans become so entitled? As Americans, we want to work a standard job but own a home, drive two late-model cars, and put our kids through private school and college. And we want to do all these things without…
The Information: Passive Income is Your Only Chance at Happiness
Perhaps the title is slightly over the top, but I’ll explain my reasoning. I am writing this article for one reason: to quickly quote “the information.” Over my years of writing, I have begun to write “the information” as a quick reference to passive income, business, and entrepreneurship. For example, I say things like, “I…
The $5 per Week Dividend Investor: Time to Get Started
No more excuses. Let’s try something different today. I want to start you off as a dividend investor at the lowest level. Most people believe you need a ton of money to become a dividend investor. This theory is partially true. If you want to retire on dividends alone, you will need millions of dollars—true.…
5 Signs That Your City is Too Expensive For You?
We all want to live a life of luxury, right? We don’t turn on the television (or YouTube) to watch people struggling in poverty. No, we want to envision ourselves walking down Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills with bags full of expensive clothes. We cruise the strip in our luxury two-door convertible coupe. How exciting.…
Hustle Culture: How to Replace the Pension and 401K Mindset
The new shift to an entrepreneurial mindset is leaving most people behind. America was once a land of pioneers, innovators, and business people. However, the industrial revolution brought us out of the farms and small towns and into the city. Then, corporations and governments introduced the pension system. The pensions were lavish. Defined benefits, or…
There is No Work-Life Balance Until You Are Wealthy
If you hear a successful person tell you to reduce your grind, take it with a grain of salt. Your chances of becoming successful without grinding are slim-to-none. Why are these successful business people, entrepreneurs, leaders, and content creators telling you to slow down? They say things like “work-life balance” and “mental health” because these…
Writer’s Workflow Comparison: M1 Macbook Air vs GalaxyBook3 Pro 360
As creatives, we spend a lot of our time perfecting our workflow. In fact, if we have a poorly optimized section in our workflow, it causes resistance. I spent $1,800 on a Samsung GalaxyBook3 Pro 360 (affiliate) yesterday for a very unique use case. My Apple M1 Macbook Air (affiliate) is still the battery champ…
Fundrise vs. US Treasuries: Chase Yield Outside of The Stock Market
The average person avoids the stock market like the plague. Too many horror stories exist about people losing it all gambling on the stock market. Investing in the stock market has become a limiting belief, but wonderful alternatives exist. When the stock market tanks, you will want some assets that can still perform well. Today,…
No Freakin’ Way I Am Working Another 25 Years part 3
Another year, another birthday. I turned 42 less than a week ago, and I feel great! My life couldn’t be any better, even if I tried. I started writing this series in 2021 (part 1, part 2). I had just turned 40 and realized that the American society wanted me to work until age 65.…
Beware of Fake Passive Income Claims: True Passive Income is Challenging to Achieve
It takes 10,000 hours to create a reliable income stream. Depending on your daily habits, that timeline can range from five to ten years. With this knowledge in hand, be very wary of anyone claiming to have found the secret to quick passive income. The only passive income that matters is in your money system.…
Treasury Bonds vs Municipal Bonds: Federal vs State Tax Advantages
A true marker of a wealthy mindset is the passion for reducing taxes. Often rich people receive grief because they want to lower or eliminate their tax bills. They usually receive this hate from the lower or middle class, who pay a large percentage of their income to the government. However, rich people pay the…
Becoming an Entrepreneur #3: Solving Other People’s Problems
Every business exists to solve a problem. Running a business is not a hobby or a way to pass the time; it is an exchange of time, energy, money, and attention. As a budding entrepreneur, you must understand the problem you intend to solve. Of course, you’ll start with a vague idea, but your goal…
Choose Between $100,000 Active Income and $50,000 Passive Income
I will ask you a question that will rattle you to your core. Do you really want to go to work every day? It’s okay to be truthful; I’ll go first. My job fulfilled me for the first 15 years after high school. At a random point, it became more of a chore than entertainment. …
Give Your Kids a Different Path: Set Them on the Path to Financial Freedom
The days of working a 40-year career at one job are over. Even if these jobs still existed, is that the life you want for your child? Why are you sending your kids off to college? Do you know how to make money in today’s ever-changing economy? If you don’t understand how to make money,…
Happy Cash Flow Retirement 9
There is nothing preventing us from retiring early except ourselves. We have all the tools to live a fulfilling life without working a day job. So what prevents 97% of the population from riding off into the sunset before age 50? The answer lies in our need for more information and action. Welcome back to…
Save (for) the Children: Series “I” Bonds vs Roth IRAs vs HSAs vs 529 Savings
Life is good when you understand your finances. There are many tools parents have to assist children in getting a head start. To prepare your children financially, YOU must be financially prepared. Therefore, getting your act together is a top priority before your children leave home. I spent many years struggling with my money until…
Becoming an Entrepreneur #2: Dropping the 9-5 Mindset
If you feel weird without a job, it is not a coincidence. From the start, they programmed us to find a job and stay there until retirement. Consider the school system, where you attend from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday. Does this sound familiar? However, having a job isn’t a bad thing—what’s…
I Love Paying Bills Because I Mastered the Process
I remember hating to pay my bills in my early 20s. I didn’t have a cell phone back then, but I had a car loan, insurance, and maintenance costs. I hated paying bills because I didn’t comprehend the process; I wasn’t serious about keeping tabs on my expenses. I got married in 2006, and my…
Series “I” Bonds 4 Life: It’s Always a Good Time to Buy Savings Bonds
As inflation slowly recedes, so does the hype for one of my favorite investment tools—Series “I” Bonds. The hype turned into mania when they paid 9.62% interest last year. The goal of an “I” bond is to protect your cash from inflation while giving you a modest return. When they hit 9.62%, it was probably…